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Everything posted by kerbiloid

  1. "Your lack of faith is disturbing" -- "Torquemada" (1989)
  2. Only the vege. The table is under it. Waiter! When I said "pine apple", I meant a single object.
  3. Jeb saw Tom Sawyer. Now they are both seen.
  4. KSP lacks the lightsabers. And doesn't suffer. SW should lack them, too.
  5. 5/10 Which planet? The Earth is a Sun's moon. 10/10
  6. 01:30:00 When you have seen two men in black scuba suits, gas masks, and orange boots in the middle of a desert, you have seen everything.
  7. Because cyclopically huge rotating things look good. Vestibular and cardiovascular systems need 100..200 m radius permanently. The angular speed plays role, too. Because ine can't be being overturned several times per minute minute. Or the ship should be enough fast to need no AG due to short travel time. Because a small spaceship is for sitcoms, not for epics. Because they must carry something, and that's expensive, while the nuclear plants are large. Because actors take too much money. Because a small ship allows just run from the school, not to feel like a semi-god. Because they can't repair everything in flight by hands, so the ship must be reliable and need as few people as possible. Like the airplanes. Where are all those numerous flight engineers and radiooperators? Low budget. If it needs a single pilot, it doesn't need a pilot at all. Because it should be enough aautonomous if the pilot dies/when the pilot sleeps. It's not a fighter which is in flight for an hour/ 2 km/s of delta-V is a rather hypersonic rifle.
  8. Granted. You bought Cola and Mentos. I wish they were selling Mentos Cola monopropellant.
  9. Go to the pet food shop to open all per food packs, because only human can open them.
  10. They are expendable. The landing gear should be jettisonned, but the gear jettisonner is broken, so they stay.
  11. Cloud of Smaug has covered Esgaroth.
  12. I have to consult.
  13. Only when water is low. Bartender! Will we, will we rogue you?
  14. Granted. I wish you don't read this in "2 U" style.
  15. Banned for overturning the keyboard.
  16. The broken MiB is replaced with a 256 MiB chip. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Byte#Multiple-byte_units
  17. He was sure that Wernher keeps crying "Nine!", while actually the countdown was continuing. Fish Kerman was diving inthe KSP pool where you can't sink, when a falling whale missed and hit the VAB building.
  18. As I just heard on youtube, in the new LOTR prequel series the elves are bullying young Galadriel. Young Galadriel... One of the eldest Silmarillion characters. When she was young , she was living in Valinor/Aman and didn't even think about the MiddleEarth, to be bullied there... The more LOTR ecranizations I see, the better I understand Sau.
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