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Everything posted by kerbiloid

  1. Are you a browser? *** Evening water.
  2. Why put two spent teabags and a napkin between burnt pieces of bread? Let alone the bawl of golf balls on the dining table. Looks like a spam.
  3. If the Earth is spherical, we are living on top of columns.
  4. pssss.... Pamm!!!...
  5. No. That's only Portu-guessed. But be lieving. Incoming Spam is deflected.
  6. Maps.
  7. Psam.
  8. Banned for banning the old one.
  9. Here you go. This is the please of your Ikero Ckchips. Now do the promised like. Ckchickens in ckcheese xause, please.
  10. 10/10 Only, humans, forget. about, commas. I,don't. As,not,human,I.
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