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Everything posted by kerbiloid

  1. But that was the easiest way to simulate the reality.
  2. https://www.interfax.ru/world/819636 Long live ISS ! Very long live ISS ! Too long live ISS ! NASA plans to deorbit ISS in January of 2031. It will perform several retrograde propulsion maneuvers by the engines of the docked ships, and will be sunk on the Pet Spacecraft Cematary in South Pacific.
  3. It depends on hemisphere. Maybe the lunar stones ARE the lunar cheese, and lunar trolls eat it?
  4. The most pleasing thing in the cheese is that the Moon is made of it. Sometimes it helps the lunar astronauts. Why have they brought stones from the Moon, instead of the cheese?
  5. Heart, muscles, and other organs have a humoral regulation. Why nobody laughs?
  6. Granted. You have the humoral regulations of some internal organs (say, the heart). I wish to repeat this unexpected joke in another thread, too. Thanks.
  7. (The old ethnic joke. The nations are replaced with nicknames.) Two men, of nations A and F, have done their deeds in the restroom, and then come to the wash basin. The A starts diligently washing his hands with soap. The F starts diligently adjusting his tie at the mirror. A (ironically): As children, we have been taught to wash the hands after the toilet. F (calmly): As children, we have been taught to not (liquid) on the hands.
  8. Incorrect soup version. Waiter! Why did you bring me the frog thighs? I ordered frog tongues.
  9. No cheat codes. Only the debug console.
  10. Granted. Nobody tries to give you a bribe. With bubbling sounds. Jeble-dliahl Hler-bl. *** I wish the visible sun was adjustable.
  11. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Astronaut_propulsion_unit Without the fire extinguisher as a backup option , all of them look weird.
  12. The delta-V is provided by the integrated launch vehicle, not by the spaceplane itself. (It just carries the core stage engines). The cargo is limited by the structural strength of the spaceplane cargo bay on overloads, of the wings on aerobraking, of the gear on landing. That's what I mean.
  13. I can't remember the movie, but I can remember another poster who was starting strange ambiguous threads. Iirc, his nick was starting with V.
  14. They call it football. Or soccer if they prefer to play the kid version of rugby, calling it football, too.
  15. I just leave the previous poster on the Earth as the last person standing, letting him play his mad game, and fly away together with others in the rescue ship, before the Sun had expanded.
  16. It's a question exclamark, and I see nothing cheating in its usage among the cheaters. P.S. That's not the first time when I notice a strange reaction on the "?!", absolutely normal in Russian grammar, so it gives me a feeling that it's a secret cheat code unknown for others.
  17. Yes, somebody was hyped and threw the hunt bolas into your dish. Waiter! Please, tell me. That waitress, standing next to the bar counter, with blonde hair and funny smile... Yes, she... Can she gift you a toothbrush or just come here instead of you?
  18. Granted. Now only the posts with "nwe pge llokking" are counted, so your post is the first. I wish squids had released a human space program.
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