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Everything posted by kerbiloid

  1. I would just send a shipload of frozen chicken eggs and spread it across the area suspected of the unauthorized biological activity. If the life exists there, when the eggs unfreeze they will become a perfect substrate widely used on the Earth for the pathogen herding. We know the chicken DNA. We should look for non-chicken genetic material by studying the colored spots grown on the rotten eggs. For better accuracy, the egg-producing hens should be fed with slightly radioactive food, to easily take the substrate distribution picture, and to trace the unexpected paths of the substrate motion. If there is an unauthorized biological agent populating the planet, it would be definitely more visible where it has food rather than where it not has food.
  2. Luckily, it's on CKAN, so at least the software updates will run automatically, unlike on the Voyagers.
  3. Two problems don't let the scientists of Earth have a calm sleep in the nights: 1. How to stop the terrestrial life from surviving on Mars. 2. How to let the terrestrial life survive on Mars. Schizophrenia? No, dialectics. The unity and the struggle of the opposites.
  4. The colonisation of Mars will begin once the militarization of the Moon gets finished. Cuz must move on.
  5. Banned for calling the hard-working programs soft.
  6. https://www.jwst.nasa.gov/content/webbLaunch/whereIsWebb.html But it's probably on the way to L2?
  7. It was always in space. Just now it isn't moving around the planet CoM circularly due to the planet rotation and the force of friction, but is moving around it circularly in the gravity field due to inertia. That's all. P.S. Are they aware that the telescope mod they use is for 1.10?
  8. The pickup wins. Pickup Pikes Peak
  9. Granted. You suddenly wake up in the night and see a glowing spirit passing through the window, enlighting your room. Also, the New Year (Jan, 01) was originally not a holiday, but a beginning of the new fiscal year and of the declaration of everyone's property, after the Romans being drunken since Saturnalii (Dec 25) till this day, got tired of drunkenness and gluttony, and became sober. I wish, the Roman traditions would be known.
  10. Banned for banning for good deeds, and also for being unaware of WinACE and UltraCompressor before the 7zip had appeared and defeated WinRAR.
  11. The Bebbanburg castle is banning and castling.
  12. Banned because Banzilla asked me for.
  13. https://www-interfax-ru.translate.goog/russia/812525?_x_tr_sl=auto&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=ru One of ISS crews will stay at the landing point for about two days to imitate the landing on another celestial body. Instead of the rescue team, they (another they) will drop a special equipment for the crew, kinda the crew just had landed and unboxed. (Probably that's why Anna Kikina) *** Earlier they stated that it's being planned to perform a radiosilence experiment on ISS. The ISS will have no connection to the Earth, to cause the communication pauses, kinda they are behind the Moon or have a 20 minute delay at the Mars.
  14. Sye, hwy not? As Santa rides the reindeers, what happened to the original indeers? P.S. (Yes, I know that "deer" doesn't have "-s", as it's a category, not an animal. No matter, how many deer you have killed in Sherwood, even one is enough to get hanged. So, why bother with plurals).
  15. Banned everyone who hasn't rewatched Hogfather (2006).
  16. Granted. KSP-1 was actually a demo of KSP-2. I wish the winter holidays were associated with something but the greed and desire to get something for free. (Yes, a tribute to T. Pratchett)
  17. Banned because there is almost a week of the year, so it's possible to say that the year is just beginning.
  18. Under water they can extend a gill bag out of mouth, or the gill gaps can be placed between the ribs (as they actually are mutated ribs).
  19. Banned for not seeing that this detail is a firehose if use it with water, and a torch if use it with fire.
  20. Banned for not contacting Santa Cluster where Santa Klaus is from.
  21. Granted. You get tied to the chair. Now you have to, and will. I wish to catch an exception by trying.
  22. At least, with the gills and tentacles the civilisation can be calm about the sea level rising.
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