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Everything posted by kerbiloid

  1. Banned for presuming that I have a human anatomy.
  2. The power to explain calculus to the wide mass of people.
  3. Banned both for starting the Jool vs Dune holy war.
  4. Plasma of different elements has different atomic mass and thus different momentum/energy ratio.
  5. That's exactly what I always tell about the interstellar fly-by probes like Daedalus. A one man's probe is another ... species apocalypsis.
  6. https://ria-ru.translate.goog/20211015/mks-1754732421.html?_x_tr_sl=ru&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=ru&_x_tr_pto=nui ISS lost orientation on the Soyuz MS-18 engine test. Upd. And restored it back a minute later.
  7. If you need a visual contact, then take into account that the air is never perfectly transparent. 100+ km is the maximal distance you can look through. Usually 10..20 km in sunny day. Also the mountains are often hidden in clouds, so no watch tower or signal smoke could be visible at several kilometers from it. If they are directly connected radioantennas, it's visible. *** 50 vs 500 mdepends, for example on whether they need to climb by ladder.
  8. Ldirect ~= sqrt(2 * R * h) = sqrt(2 * 6.37*106 * hm) ~= 3570 * sqrt(hm), m = 3.57 * sqrt(hm), km A human, hm = 1.7 m → Ldirect ~= 4.7 km A cat, hm = 0.15 m → Ldirect ~= 1.4 km A 50 m tower, hm = 50 m → Ldirect ~= 25.2 km So, 2*25 = 50 km between the towers. ISS, hm = 420 000 m → Ldirect ~= 2 300 km
  9. Yessir, the potential one. The kinetic riot is just approaching. Waiter! There is no bread on the table, so bring me the brioche.
  10. +1 to the previous poster wish because we need a population diversity in this thread.
  11. A chunk of the metastable metallic hydrogen is also a chunk of metal, and has the same atomic mass as nonmetallic hydrogen being warmed. So, coilgun + metastable metallic hydrogen pellets is a thing.
  12. Banned for taking 10 frags per second.
  13. Another Life, season 2 is released. After everything got lost, they happily escaped and continue filling the Universe with psychological drama. To the date: 1. Every high-thrust spaceship should have a room with seats to let everyone sit in a seat rather than heroically withstand the troubles on a bench. 2. (Here and in other movies). Why do I never see anybody brooming the ship? How can it stay clean for seasons? 3. The Captainess got more mature due to the space upheavals. Or they changed the flight makeup artist on the ship. 4. Experienced actors don't look into the camera. Noobs do.
  14. A polymer trigger mechanics, kicking the shell? Tarkov is not the best game, but anyway. The airmen were laughing at the drone operators, too. Exoskeletons.
  15. You see, how much lighter gets the rifle if throw out some of steel parts and replace it with a chip and a pair of wires?
  16. It's the technical rate. The practical one is several times lower, unless a cavalry is attacking you in the field. Because, as it is noticed, they shoot with bursts. Every thousand rounds = every several days. And most of gunners don't use MG, they use rifles, their rate is even lower. And a backup rifle is always in APC. A civilian weapon needs no long fire at all. A ten or a score of shells for both self-defence or hunting are enough. (Except for true gangstas). So, it's possible even to make it semi-expendable, like Kodak cameras. Anyway, to let a human who needs a hundred of rounds go to street or to hunt is a crime itself. First he should learn shooting in a shooting range, before spreading the bullets around and turning the forest into a dead land. *** So. A civilian weapon should be as "sterilized" (can't find in English) as possible, the chipped magazines, the cheap internal photocamera to shoot every shot (done in some civilian traumatic weapons), the biometric lock. The argument of the free weapon rights is not much sigificant here, as the weapon is legal, lethal, but makes every shot documented and authorized. "The society can defend with personal arms" and so on: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Executive_Order_6102 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Executive_Order_6102#See_also https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1967_Detroit_riot Not in this tale. A combat weapon anyway needs integration into the battlefield network, so be electronically augmented, and be not shootable by an authorized person even if stolen. Also, a mini-camcoder is a usual pikatinni stuff, so it's also a way to shot from behind a corner and so on, So, the electronics will possess the guns anyway, and the electric ignition is how it should lock the shots.
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