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Everything posted by kerbiloid

  1. Zero problem. Just put on the farmer a HUD VR visor and let him work and play at once, merging both realities in one, the augmented one. So, he will be able to see the field with coordinate grids and numbers. Every hundred feet a pink fruit appears with ta-dam and flies up. Every acre - a music and applause. To the right from him there sits his wife avatar, giving advices and at once a permanent video call. To the left there is a speaking virtual catgirl, healing his self-estimation after the first one's advices. When the day is over, the farmer walks to the bar, where 99 bottles of same moonshine on the wall are virtually painted into fifty shades of collection liquors. After the bar he returns to home following the big red arrow, indicating him the direction of every next step (like in google street view). (Wealthy men may buy an exoskeleton. It will allow to carry two bags instead of one, and as a bonus it can carry the owner from bar to home even if he is unconscious. The car driving and parking skills of such augmentation are just priceless. Even being deadly drunken, he can park his pickup between two cars with a half-inch gap, and the road police never stops him. Physiologically. But economically they escaped from taxes and limitations getting much greater trading abilities, which are much more important for a businessman than trivial food and water. (One could remind about the First Congress petitions, and what made them unhappy in Boston.) Maybe not themselves personally, but themselves as a community and its next generations.
  2. You just need a proper motivation. Take a pet. The kilometers will fly fast.
  3. Several tanks (Formally, it's in Russian. But in such Russian that my ears are dropping tears. Actually, I have to translate it ru-ru. So, just watch and read the captions.)
  4. If space has no sound, then how can we hear the ambient music?
  5. Almost all atoms in the same bodies, heavier thatn hydrogen, have appeared in the star(s) of the previous generation and came here as a part of protoplanetary cloud. Most part of us was orbiting around a giant star 5+ billion years ago. Or was a part of that star. Obviously, our nuclear reactors are burning the remains of its supernova. *** And the question is: is it worth it?
  6. Too many pictures to link, serve yourself. https://www.historynet.com/the-13-ugliest-airplanes.htm
  7. Yes, because it would be a true reusable rocket. Why not use liquid oxygen for the fishtank aeration?
  8. Granted. All bus and taxi driver now think that they are playing GTA. I wish for Sky Fall Outer Rim
  9. Don't you see the grass growing in the middle of the office?
  10. What we are currently seeing is that once China has intentionally reduced the coal mining and consumption, the effective EU goofs enjoy the gas price 1900 and close the fertilizer plants. And China did it exctly in the name of decarbonization. Also UK is not in EU anymore, partially due to the EU green dreams, afaik. Which are making production a little expensive even for them. So, it's too early to turn Ruhr into a car parking.
  11. Who needs that air conditioning when you have a fur cap, a cotton khalat, and hot tea?
  12. Still more than one. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boeing_YAL-1
  13. Combustion, fission, and fusion are predictable and don't depend on time and place. And when (after 2040) all cars become electric, this will harden the things even more.
  14. This year was not that sunny and windy. Volatile factors mean volatile power.
  15. We must find the flats on the Moon. If any. For example, we can try to freeze the lunar seas to make it minmus.
  16. In exact limited places and avoiding the utilization problems. Currently EU is enjoying the green power.
  17. The hill was insured, so the hill landlord buys this area, and the former yours is now Landlord Hill
  18. And you are hanging for seconds trying to choose between "hydrolox" and "hydrazine".
  19. Everyone leaves. Left Hill
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