Breathing after garlic icecream even at the non-vampires is cheating.
That's why they don't produce the garlic icecream. The vampire mafia has its lobby.
The very suspicious aspect of the KSP-2 development from the very beginning was they weren't keeping hands above blanket, like the community wasn't aware of what's happening there since the KSP-1 times.
Got the tip.
No, the wordfilter is still active.
Such duplicitous wordfilter.
It even changed the quoted text.
That's how the fake reality begins. The forum software is gaslighting.
Sometimes there is just one available evil to suffer with/from.
While another evil is not even an evil to be named evil. A misevil.
Youtube should add "Unsee" button.
Then it would release 17.5 Mt/kg ~= 7.35*1016 J/kg, which gives 1.3 c of velocity if treat it as kinetic energy, so it would be as effective as the antiuranium.