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Bug Hunter
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Everything posted by linuxgurugamer

  1. I never said there were no other solutions. In fact, the dev team for KSP2 has stated that they are working on improving the available tools. Just don't expect a full autopilot like Mechjeb
  2. Nice image. Most likely there will NOT be black holes..
  3. They did say that they wanted to improve that aspect, sx o it might be best to wait and see
  4. And sometimes, something which seems simple to you is really quite complex, to the point that it's not worth doing. This , IMHO, is one of those things
  5. Did you specify the GameData directory in the settings for the plugin?
  6. Then you'd better prepare yourself for disappointment, it's going to be there.
  7. Huh? Where do you get that from? The phrase "it's the basis of the game" doesn't need playtime to know it's true, since KSP2 is a sequel to KSP1
  8. Very helpful, thanks So all I need (for now) is to get the correct targetOrientation for each of the various autopilot modes, including a maneuver node I got the maneuver node angle working. Regarding the Vector3.Angle, it's not obvious whether the vessel is pointing close to the node or in the opposite direction. I think I can live without it, but would like to know if there was a way to get a full 0 (pointing straight at th etarget orientation) to 180 (pointing away from the target orientation) I though I had it working, but it's not perfect. This seems to be somewhat working: Vector3 currentOrientation = FlightGlobals.ActiveVessel.ReferenceTransform.up; //up is foward Vector3 targetOrientation = //your desired direction manNode.nodeRotation.eulerAngles; manNode.nodeRotation.ToAngleAxis(out float angle2, out targetOrientation); float angle = Vector3.Angle(currentOrientation, targetOrientation); GUILayout.Label("Angle to node: "); GUILayout.TextField(angle.ToString("F2")); When pointing to the maneuver node, the angle is 90. when pointing directly away from the maneuver node, the angle is 90 Anywhere else, it's very odd and not consistent
  9. I need to be able to know how far off a vessel is pointing from what one of the modes (selectable). For example, I would need to know how far off a vessel is from pointing Prograde, and also, would be nice to be able to get the rate at which the vessel is changing orientation. I believe this would need Quaternions, which I really don't understand :-( Good news (for me) is that I just need to know how far off it is, doesn't really matter which direction it is off in. Any help would be appreciated. I found this code, which I think may be part of what's needed. It seems to get the angles for pitch, yaw and roll of the vessel, I believe that if I can get the same for the desired direction, then it's a simple matter of subtraction. private Quaternion updateHeadingPitchRollField (Vessel v) { Vector3d CoM, north, up; Quaternion rotationSurface; CoM = v.CoM; up = (CoM - v.mainBody.position).normalized; north = Vector3d.Exclude(up, (v.mainBody.position + v.mainBody.transform.up * (float)v.mainBody.Radius) - CoM).normalized; rotationSurface = Quaternion.LookRotation(north, up); return Quaternion.Inverse(Quaternion.Euler(90, 0, 0) * Quaternion.Inverse(v.GetTransform().rotation) * rotationSurface); } Quaternion attitude = updateHeadingPitchRollField(ActiveVessel); float pitch = (float) ((attitude.eulerAngles.x > 180) ? (360.0 - attitude.eulerAngles.x) : -attitude.eulerAngles.x); float yaw = (float) attitude.eulerAngles.y; float roll = (float) ((attitude.eulerAngles.z > 180) ? (attitude.eulerAngles.z - 360.0) : attitude.eulerAngles.z);
  10. Just ran into the discovered undiscovered body locking up space center last night. Also the Research Bodies not working in space. This post helped fix it:
  11. First mistake is not providing a log file. No help can be provided without it, we aren’t mind readers
  12. As I explained above, this is the result of the new/rewritten modules in DMagic. The amount of work to fix this is not trivial, and for now I’m probably going to blacklist these parts until I can fix it.
  13. I released a small update, both to fix a CKAN issue and add this. is now available both on Spacedock and via CKAN
  14. There is also an option to add a second toolbar button for the Science Here and Now helper Check the altitude of the Woomerang site. I'll guess that it's zero,
  15. Release, Added skin from forum user @OrdinaryKerman Available via CKAN soon
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