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Bug Hunter
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Everything posted by linuxgurugamer

  1. Please describe your install. A log file (Player.log) would also be useful
  2. First three are for the editor: EditorExtensions WASD Editor Camera FilterExtensions AnyRes KJR HyperEdit I normally play with over 200 mods, but these are always installed, even (especially) in my development builds
  3. Are you referring to the enlarged building, or to the grassy plains/vanished building? The resize value of the build ing can be changed in the stock settings. If you want To make the grassy plains bigger, there is some work involved since the values are hard-coded. Why? Since you seem to be the first person in my recollection asking for something larger than whats already provided; also, whatever and however the value is specified would require there to be an upper limit... It seems to be hardcoded to a factor of 10. Not positive, and not going to spend any time on something like this; it has the potential to suck up time.
  4. Sorry for rubbing you the wrong way. If you read the link, you would know how to get the logs which we need in order to diagnose your problem. A bit of education: The game writes a lot of information to two log files, one is KSP.log and the other is Player.log. You mentioned that it stopped loading at that point, which means that (obviously) something is wrong. Now, I can't begin to guess what happened, but if you were to find the Player.log (you can find it in this folder: %USERPROFILE%\AppData\LocalLow\Squad\Kerbal Space Program , select and copy the bolded text, then paste it into the windows search field on the taskbar), you would find something which looks like this: Copy the Player.log file to a reliable file-sharing site (or use Dropbox) and paste a link to the file in here. Once you've done that, then anybody (including myself) would be able to look at the file and probably tell you what is going on and how to fix it. Nobody will be able to help you until you do this.
  5. @Dick_Kerman In your post on Github, I pasted in the following and told you to read it. I'll paste it again here: Before you post, read this:Read this BEFORE asking for support: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/83212-how-to-get-support-read-first/ Essentially, no logs, no support
  6. You aren’t making sense. The author is refusing consent to the work being listed in an index. Ckan does NOT publish anything other than the index
  7. How is honoring an author’s request to not list their mod on Ckan be against the license? Technically, Ckan could list all mods (and used to), but they are being good citizens by honoring the request of the mod author. Since when did being polite turn into a license violation?
  8. “Xxxx” can be any reason at all, including the “mod author didn't give permission”. CKAN is a purely volunteer organization, following a pretty clear set of rules. They are not publishing mods, they are publishing an index. If the subject of an index objects for whatever reason, CKAN is perfectly within their rights to decline (or remove) an entry.
  9. I wonder if a post module manager process could actually go through the entire module manager. config cache and do all the localization changes at that time
  10. Read this BEFORE asking for support: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/83212-how-to-get-support-read-first/
  11. Why not try to make it in pieces suitable for orbital assembly? Still, impressive. Download link?
  12. Being fixed now Fixed and available. Be sure to allow 1.8 compatible mods into 1.9 & 1.10 to see it
  13. He probably used clipping, which lets you put two or more parts in the same space. It would help if you provided a link to the video
  14. New release, settings to enable/disable the cross, summary data, detail text data and rotators Added setting for default window size Thanks to Twitch user @HansAcker for some Vector3D code to help show the proper distances from the x,y,z Removed static from camera without a target. Added toggles to window for the main options listed above Added velocity indicator
  15. All of the mass drivers in the mod as I have updated it have the required tech being experimentalElectrics, the highest of the stock nodes. I've updated the costs to follow this table: MassDriver 1 1.00 6250 2500 MassDriver 5 5.00 31250 12500 MassDriver 8 8.00 50000 20000 MassDriver 12 12.00 75000 30000 massAccelerator05 0.50 6250 2500 massAccelerator05Slave 0.50 3125 2250 massAccelerator125 1.25 15625 6250 massAccelerator125Slave 1.25 7813 5625 massAccelerator25 2.50 31250 12500 massAccelerator25Slave 2.50 15625 11250 massAccelerator375 3.75 46875 18750 massAccelerator375Slave 3.75 23438 16875 massAccelerator50 5.00 62500 25000 massAccelerator50Slave 5.00 31250 22500 and they seem reasonable for now, compared to the PB-NUK Radioisotope Thermoelectric Generator, which has an entry cost of 58000 and a cost of 23300. Final beta in a few minutes, hope to release in a few days if no objects or issues show up New (and hopefully final) beta release, Updated costs and entryCosts for all mass driver parts https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/NeatherdyneMassDriver/releases/tag/ If I don't hear anything in a few days, I'll turn this into a full release
  16. New release,, OUT of BETA Fixed doubled "Picture Picture" experiment name when taking a picture
  17. Not everyone wants or knows how to play with mods. Mods are haphazard, some are well written, and some are not. I can attest that most mods I've adopted have been inefficient to a certain extent, some more than others. Also, no standards are followed by mods, so while mod A does something one way, mod B does it another way, etc. So why aren't there any game supporting the old IBM AT & similar? The "more of us" is not an excuse, but business reality. Someone has to pay the bills, and I don't see the ultra low end getting any larger. If anything, it is getting smaller, and putting in the effort to ensure that the game will continue to run on the older systems becomes too expensive to justify spending the money. While I do have a high end system, I also have laptops which would classify as low-end, and I use those laptops while traveling. So I am very well aware of the issue.
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