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Bug Hunter
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Everything posted by linuxgurugamer

  1. New release, DatedQuicksaves Added leading zero's to the numbers to allow for proper sorting, may also fix a related bug when the numbers switch from D99 to D100, where the newer ones were being garbage collected
  2. Minor release, Updated README with correct URL for download, and short OSX install section
  3. That is the latest, doesn't need a recompile. What happening with the "intuitive maneuvers" option? I don't use this mod, so am a bit unfamiliar with it
  4. Sorry. Not interested in this one, although I do use it. I don't play enough to do a good job of testing
  5. New release, 3.2.5 Thanks to user @leatherneck6017 for these: Aero: Filter out ModuleCommand from Wings subcategory Fuel: Add SSTUVolumeConatiner to checks ISRU: Add Radiators subcategory Lights: Filter out landing gear with ModuleWheelBase Solar Panels: Add SSTU solar panels to check. Filter out parts with ModuleCommand and ModuleDockingNode Fix typo in robotics Move antennae out of science and into their ow
  6. New beta release, Fixed nullref when starting a sandbox (and possibly other) game
  7. The KW Fairings is not part of the mod anymore. You want this mod:
  8. I'd personally define it as: Full Atmospheric recycling Full waste product recycling Outside energy acceptable (ie: Sunlight, etc) Food independence Quite a hard level, I think a more acceptable definition would allow a certain level of outside inputs. Actually, I think defining it as not needing any outside inputs for a specific number of years may also be a good one
  9. 1.7.3 was probably before I put the dependency in. Yes, it is required, no it can't be removed, and no, I'm not going to change it. Glad it's working
  10. Do you have the dependencies installed? Log file would be nice
  11. Please elaborate. Is the button there? This might be a problem with the new camera system
  12. New release, 1.6.8 Thanks to github user @Goufalite for this improvement: Check if the rescue ship has a name given by the contract (debris, wreck,...) Fix the rescue ship name verification
  13. New releaes, Fixed double throttles for TweakableEVA when Serenity/Breaking Ground was installed. Thanks to @Poodmundfor helping with the MM patch
  14. I have a problem with a MM patch which is updating the kerbalEVA part. Problem is that when Serenity/Breaking Ground is installed, there are two of each kerbalEVA part, because SQUAD is trying to add the experientID = ROCScience to the EVA Kerbal but seeing as no MM syntax exists in stock KSP, they end up adding the module as a brand new part Syntax of what I have so far is: @PART[kerbalEVA*]:NEEDS[!EVAEnhancements]:NEEDS[!Serenity] { MODULE { name = ModuleTweakableEVA } } @PART[kerbalEVA*]:NEEDS[!EVAEnhancements]:NEEDS[Serenity] { MODULE:NEEDS[MODULE[ModuleScienceExperiment, experimentID = ROCScience]] { name = ModuleTweakableEVA } } The part I need help with is the 5th line from the bottom: MODULE:NEEDS[MODULE[ModuleScienceExperiment, experimentID = ROCScience]] Essentially what needs to happen is that IF Serenity is installed AND the part contains a MODULE of type ModuleScienceExperiment, AND inside the ModuleScienceExperiment is defined experimentID = ROCScience, THEN add the new module Thanks in advance LGG
  15. Nope. Keep in mind that these are high performance parts, and will tend to heat up, which is why I suspect it was made this way.
  16. If the license was changed, I would seriously consider adopting this. Too bad about it. Why don't you follow up and see if you can get it changed, if so, let me know What's really strange is that the download from Spacedock does not include the source code, he listed it on Spacedock as GPLv3, and the Spacedock download doesn't even include a license. I've sent him a message asking for the license to be changed, will wait and see what happens
  17. Thank you all for entering. I'm ending this challenge, see the OP for details
  18. I just adopted the Kerbalized SpaceX, I'll let @zer0Kerbal take this one
  19. Hi all, A day early: Please move all discussion over to the new thread.
  20. Made by @harrisjosh2711, he has left the scene and turned the mod over to myself. See his last post in the thread about the license info. Original thread is here: https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/162949-kerbalized-spacex/ Current license is ARR, it will be changing at the full release. Kerbalized SpaceX Want to build the SpaceX BFR crew/cargo, Falcon 9, falcon heavy, etc.... This mod is for you! This mod is designed to help you save on part count big time. Be it docking ports to cargo bay's- every part is integrated with something (or multiple somethings) to help you lower your parts count. HOW TO RE-ENTER WITH THE "BFR" -Kill 98% of velocity on a 55 ton vehicle with aerodynamics only-. (I took a steep angle of attack, and experienced very high G's, with good piloting skills and a lower angle of attack you can limit the amount to under 5g's. This happens during the flip maneuver(You will see). Includes: Pods- Dragon, Dragon V2, ITS Titan, Space Bug, BFR crew & cargo variation. Rockets- Falcon 9 Ft, Falcon 9, BFR Engines- *31 raptor cluster, *3 raptor cluster, *4 raptor vacuum cluster, *9 merlin engine cluster, merlin vacuum, merlin atmospheric. Misc: Dragon 1 trunk, Dragon V2 trunk, Dragon nose cone, Dragon panel Covers, Heat shield, Falcon Legs, Aero Fins. Availability Source code: https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/Dragon2/ Download (BETA): https://www.dropbox.com/s/70k0ytdqxp03qxc/Dragon2.zip?dl=0 License: ARR Changes from original mod Added .version file Updated all ModuleRCS to ModuleRCSFX, in the following files: BFR.cfg BFRcargo.cfg BFRtank-Copy.cfg BFRtank.cfg Dragon1.2.cfg Dragon1.cfg FalconFTbooster.cfg FalconFTbooster2.cfg FalconFTboosterBlack.cfg FalconFTboosterBlackSideways.cfg FalconFTboosterWhiteSideways.cfg ITSTitan.cfg KerbalizedDragonv2.cfg KerbalizedDragonv2-2.cfg Renamed BFRtank - Copy.cfg to BFRtank2.cfg Rebaned BFRCrewQuarters - Copy.cfg to BFRCrewQuarters2.cfg Renamed all "dragonnosecode2 (1).*" to "dragonNoseCone.*" Updated all breakingForce, breakingTorque, crashTolerance to conform to stock values Converted 6 mbm files to dds Other miscellaneous changes Dependencies: Retractable lifting surfaces for aero fins (now included in RetractableLiftingSurface mod, needs at least v0.2.1) Requires "near future solar" for the solar panels on the trunk to work. RPM and Asset Props are required for any functionality in the V2's IVA. Recommendations Kerbal joint re-enforcement will make ur life much easier playing with the BFR. Appreciation Section (original author) Thanks to @Mecripp for converting all the textures to .dds and for his help in various other areas. Thanks to @mrtagnan For taking the time to provide some beautiful new engine plumes using the Real Plume mod Thanks to all my followers for helping me keep the ambition to continue the development of this mod! I likely would have stopped with the V2 if it wasn't for you guys.
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