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Bug Hunter
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Everything posted by linuxgurugamer

  1. I'm wondering if anyone has had a chance to test my beta? I'm going to be setting up a new thread for this, but until then, am watching this one
  2. Insomnia, so I took a look. Low, yes, but very strange. I'll know more Monday evening when I look at it during my modding stream
  3. I see the problem when I select Stage Ascending, but not descending. Very strange, I'll have to dig into it on Monday night
  4. Quite possible they are backwards It's been a while since I looked at this. It was probably intended to be maneuvered by use of reaction wheels (internal), with Mandatory RCS you will need to put a few RCS thrusters in strategic locations with a minimum of monoprop.
  5. I wont have time until tomorrow. In the meantime, if you want you can make a new install and try it in there
  6. Just a suggestion, make sure there are no MiniAVC.dll files around, if found, terminate with extreme prejudice
  7. I would tend to doubt it. Imagine the chaos that would happen with mods, time warping, etc. IMHO it would be more likely there would be the ability to set up your own server.
  8. First I've heard of this Could you send me those craft files?
  9. I noticed that the titles weren't consistent, so I decided to do a quick update while I was thinking of it: New release, Made names consistent
  10. Ok, i see your confusion. There are 9 parts, each with a different name, size & shape. Read the descriptions, they are all different. To summarize: handrail EVA handrail curved 1mR, fits size 1 curve (1.25m) EVA Handrail 2mR, fits size 2 curve (2.5m) EVA Handrail 3mR, fits size 3 curve (3.75m) EVA handrail type 1 EVA handrail type 1a, twice as long a the type 1 Handle type 1 Handle type 1a, twice as long Handrail type 2 Handrail type 2a, twice as long
  11. I don't see parts doubled. How are you installing it? and for everyone: New release, Fixed path info in .version file
  12. I don't know what you mean by "in between" state. I just looked at the zip, and it looks correct in there. I also installed it via CKAN, and confirmed that there IS a problem with config file, but it only (sometimes) displays a message saying it wasn't installed correctly. It can be safely ignored until I get an update out
  13. I think that RT and this are on different Comm networks (not positive). But it seems from reading that the CommNetManager allows each mod that uses the API to have it's own network. I really have no idea if any other mod uses it or not
  14. Ok, let's try this again: Beta release, 1.3.0 Adoption by Linuxgurugamer Decompiled latest release and merged changes (source not uploaded to github) Rebuild for KSP 1.8.x and newer Replaced button code with ToolbarController Added support for the Clickthrough blocker Moved button textures into PluginData Made 24x24 button texture Fixed harmless nullrefs which were happening during load Fixed bad texture references in three beacon parts files Fixed bad texture references in four Techboxes parts Fixed mesh reference for the IB1 part (cfg name: ESLD_IB-1) Reformatted all part cfg files Reformatted Agents.cfg Added conditionalAttribute to Logger.Info & removed the #if DEBUG Moved standard MM patches into MM_Patches folder Added dependency lines for both dlls. Eliminates the need to include the CommNetManagerAPI.dll Download it from here: https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/ESLDBeacons/releases/tag/1.3.0 A suggested mod to go along with this is the CommNet Manager; it's designed to allow multiple commnets in the system (used in case multiple mods use certain features of the commnet). From the Spacedock entry: You can get it from here: https://spacedock.info/mod/1529/CommNet Manager or via CKAN
  15. Ok, I don't need a test install right now. Made progress: I've fixed the issues I was finding and so far, it seems to be working nicely. I need to put the "Extras" into PatchManager format, will then be able to release a new beta
  16. I've been able to rebuild the latest release with my changes, I had to decompile the mod and do lots of editing. If someone could get me a test install with some beacons set up and vessels, it would be very helpful in testing.
  17. I'll test this tonite. It's possible I made a mistake in a config file. If it's working, then ignore the message until I post again
  18. An update for everybody: I've been digging into why null vessels were in the list and causing problems, just found it in the JSON code. The clue I had was that a female in a new station could get pregnant, but if I reloaded the game, she could not. That's now working. I've also consolidated it all into a single DLL, makes it easier to both build, distribute and have common functions, such as my logging library. I can now get back to the new parts and the new/old mechanisms. For testing I am leaving the short time for Uni, flight school, etc, but will increase them before release. Specifically: Currently 3 days for flight school will eventually turn into something more, probably 3-6 months for a level 1. Flight School creates FlightExperience, will need both FlightExperience and Inspiration to be recruited. Movie Theatre provides Inspiration University provides education, education is used both for Engineer and Scientist, again, inspiration is also needed. There are limits to how much of each of these can be stored in each building
  19. Please use @Booots's release from last night. Seems that he released an update to this without updating the code on Github, which would explain the issue with the CommNetManagerChecker I mentioned earlier. I'm deleting my beta until this gets resolved.
  20. Hi everyone, I have a beta available for this. I do not have a new thread set up yet. Beta available here: https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/ESLDBeacons/releases/tag/1.2.1 Dependencies ToolbarController ClickThroughBlocker CommNetManager I would appreciate it if someone could set up a simple install of this, create a few vessels and beacons, and send me the entire save file. It would save me time in debugging and testing BETA deleted for now
  21. I'll be adopting this in a day or so, unless @zer0Kerbal insists on doing it first. I already do the other FTL drive, would make it easy to do this one. I'll ping @Booots to verify he is gone
  22. Are you sure he left? In that case, I'll take a look at it with an eye towards adopting it
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