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Bug Hunter
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Everything posted by linuxgurugamer

  1. I've been able to rebuild the latest release with my changes, I had to decompile the mod and do lots of editing. If someone could get me a test install with some beacons set up and vessels, it would be very helpful in testing.
  2. I'll test this tonite. It's possible I made a mistake in a config file. If it's working, then ignore the message until I post again
  3. An update for everybody: I've been digging into why null vessels were in the list and causing problems, just found it in the JSON code. The clue I had was that a female in a new station could get pregnant, but if I reloaded the game, she could not. That's now working. I've also consolidated it all into a single DLL, makes it easier to both build, distribute and have common functions, such as my logging library. I can now get back to the new parts and the new/old mechanisms. For testing I am leaving the short time for Uni, flight school, etc, but will increase them before release. Specifically: Currently 3 days for flight school will eventually turn into something more, probably 3-6 months for a level 1. Flight School creates FlightExperience, will need both FlightExperience and Inspiration to be recruited. Movie Theatre provides Inspiration University provides education, education is used both for Engineer and Scientist, again, inspiration is also needed. There are limits to how much of each of these can be stored in each building
  4. Please use @Booots's release from last night. Seems that he released an update to this without updating the code on Github, which would explain the issue with the CommNetManagerChecker I mentioned earlier. I'm deleting my beta until this gets resolved.
  5. Hi everyone, I have a beta available for this. I do not have a new thread set up yet. Beta available here: https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/ESLDBeacons/releases/tag/1.2.1 Dependencies ToolbarController ClickThroughBlocker CommNetManager I would appreciate it if someone could set up a simple install of this, create a few vessels and beacons, and send me the entire save file. It would save me time in debugging and testing BETA deleted for now
  6. I'll be adopting this in a day or so, unless @zer0Kerbal insists on doing it first. I already do the other FTL drive, would make it easy to do this one. I'll ping @Booots to verify he is gone
  7. Are you sure he left? In that case, I'll take a look at it with an eye towards adopting it
  8. The word "assumption" comes to mind. Did you bother to look at the log file? Did you ask for help? In this case, I don't need to see it to know that you are missing things, such as dependencies, which would be clearly shown in the log file. It would help if you install the dependencies, I'll repeat them here: Mod Dependencies: Click Through Blocker ToolbarController Module Manager *** Added SpaceTuxLibrary as a dependency ***
  9. New release, 0.2.7 Thanks to @Angel-125: New model & textures to replace the old DavonStationLogisticsHub Module now includes a built-in docking port on the extendable part Replaced elevator sound with electric motor
  10. I update threads when i make a change. I have over 200 mods, and don’t have time to do another massive forum update
  11. It should, best way to find out is to try it and let us know
  12. I haven't had any issues. Post a screenshot and a craft file, you might be missing something It would. Care to make the model for it?
  13. New release, Added missing title to agent Replaced DDS files with PNG for agency image Deleted the truecolor and dds image
  14. Granted! Now you get to do it all over again. I wish for success
  15. He hasn't been around since Oct, 2018. In terms of someone taking it over,obviously no one has.
  16. Thanks, I was wondering if it was using some of the newer features in 1.9.1
  17. Any chance to have this work on 1.8.1? Asking because Kopernivus is not yet updated to 1.9.1
  18. Can people who have used this please let us know of the improvement in performance, please?
  19. I've come across a problem where the following code gets a lot more than the existing vessels: foreach (Vessel vessel in FlightGlobals.Vessels) A number of the vessels returned are actually null, and apparently asteroids are also considered to be vessels. Also, some not-null vessels returned don't seem to have a rootPart (it's null). So is there an easy way to determine if a vessel returned from the list is a valid vessel? I will point out that in my testing, there is only 1 vessel, yet this list has 8 or more entries. I am looking at the vesselType, which seems to be helpful. Is there any other way?
  20. I see. But unmanned vessels are fine? Maybe it's something I can add in the future
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