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Bug Hunter
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Everything posted by linuxgurugamer

  1. Go ahead, nothing is stopping you. BTW, enjoy the green slime you will get after subjecting you poor kerbals to such an insane acceleration
  2. If it's the Onion, then it's probably a stock bug.
  3. New release, Fixed actions in editor not working
  4. It seems that a way to deactivate a docking port at will might be useful
  5. Editor Extensions already has a button to recenter, it's the letter b Not going to do the lights, way beyond what the mod is intended to do.
  6. New release, 1.0.11 Moved settings from cfg file to settings page Please post a log file, it didn't have it happen when I was testing the config changes
  7. New release, Thanks to user @Tivec for this: Change instances of part.Modules.find to part.FindModuleImplementing, This will make it so that mods that extends ModuleDataTransmitter (such as Near Future Exploration) is supported by this mod.
  8. New release, Thanks to github user @FrostBird347for this: Stop light from reaching the planet while in space
  9. It's here: https://spacedock.info/mod/2245/PicoPort Shielded
  10. Im going to guess that when you play the game in 1920x1080, the monitor itself is still in 4k mode, which would mean that either the. Monitor or the computer are playing games
  11. Ok, i don't play on the XBox, but try to not decouple the engine, and also remove all the fuel from the flea, see if that helps
  12. New release, Disabled log spam when not compiled in debug mode
  13. It appears to be a Ckan bug, because the .version files are correct. Ive already opened an issue about this
  14. You want to play with the cameraPosition. Only change one number at a time, and use small values, like 0.1 to see how things change. Hard to say beyond this because which value to change depends on the other settings Good luck, and if you do it it working, send the settings to me for future incorporation into the mod
  15. Are you staging? In other words, is the flea separated from the main vessel?
  16. No one ever mentioned this. Thanks, I’ll get it fixed asap
  17. Looks interesting, I’ll read it. But I already have a workflow similar to it for all my mods. The problem he ran into was that this mod currently has an older build configuration. My concern about the csproj file is that it is used both to do local development and as a reference for the files to be referenced and compiled on my Jenkins server. I have my build info documented here: https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/KSP-Build-Scripts with the exception of my local Jenkins config file. Correct me if I’m wrong, but using this seems to require that the mod be compiled outside of this process? If this is so, then I may be able to use it as an addition to my current process
  18. I hope you excluded the project file from the pr. Regardless, I’ll look at it later. Just so you know, I’m in the process of updating the pre/post build steps in all my mods to make it easier for others to build. This one has not yet been updated, which is why you had problems
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