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Bug Hunter
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Everything posted by linuxgurugamer

  1. Per @Galileo's request, I have adopted this mod. New thread here:
  2. A mod maintained by @Galileo, he requested/offered me to adopt it. Original thread is here: https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/152877-ksp-142-play-your-way-107/ Current version is v1.0.7 Play Your Way frees up your imagination to explore the way you see fit. That,s not all, though! Play Your Way also rewards you with REP and pays you FUNDS based on any science points you accumulate while you explore. Also, how much you get paid is completely up to you! Want to get paid 1,000 FUNDS for every science point you collect? You got it! 500 REP for every science point you collect? Go for it! Just make the necessary changes in the cfg. So, basically, you get paid whatever you want for doing whatever you want! This can either make the game really hard or really easy, depending on how you set your cfg. Default Settings are: 1000 Funds for every science point 1 Rep for every science point Download and install Contract Configurator to pick and choose which contracts you want to spawn. ENJOY! This is basically a continuation of @Ippos ScienceFunding but with a few tweaks. This mod retains the same license as ScienceFunding. License: Public domain Availability Download: https://spacedock.info/mod/2280/Play Your Way Source Code: https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/PlayYourWay License: Public Domain
  3. You are trying to run a mod made for KSP 1.7.3 on KSP 1.8.1. That message is from either ModuleManager or MADLAD, and is a warning to you that the listed DLLs will most likely not work properly. Use the right version, the latest version is 2.5.1
  4. Hi all, Since I'd like to use this, I decided to do some tests in 1.8, and the results were quite interesting. I'm hoping to get some help here. I compiled it for 1.8 (using @mwerle's fork), and dropped it into my dev system. The interesting result was that there was no detectable memory usage. 3121 meg without, 3145 with, and that's within normal variations. This was, of course, without any play time. So, if one or more of you would send me a save file which demonstrates the memory issues, it would be useful to have as a test. A 1.7.3 game would be acceptable. If you do want to share, please zip up the entire save folder. You can get it to me via a private PM if you don't want to put the game here
  5. New release, Added timer to automatically close the window. Time starts from last change in the window
  6. Spaceport, which went away many years ago
  7. So instead of boasting how few kerbals you kill, you will be boasting of how many you kill?
  8. Kerbal engineer MechJeb NovaPunch are all old and still updated
  9. Maybe it was the magical magnetic boots he was wearing
  10. Some mods actually do use some of those attributes. Breaking Ground science and inventory uses them, as does the mod Deployable Batteries (made for Breaking Ground)
  11. So provide the information that is always asked for: Please post a link to the log files, along with any other pertinent information
  12. Thats because of the way the menus are written in KSP. Not possible to intercept the menu calls. I’m currently trying to do this with another mod. Not having a great deal of success Ill take a look tomorrow
  13. That actually depends on the location of the decoupler, and any separatrons. What I’ve found is the mount the SRB so that the decoupler is very slightly below the CoM of the SRB when it is empty. That way the whole srb is pushed away with very little rotation
  14. Sorry, not planning on that. This mod is in a maintenance-only mode. I would be happy if someone stepped up to improve this and take it over
  15. Most of the mod I adopt have something in them which I’m interested in, or strikes my fancy. While I like and use this mod, I don’t have a desire to dig into it and fix things. In a generalization, people mod because they want to. There is no, or very little money involved. Some like myself have a Patreon account, but the number of hours put into modding far outweigh any financial benefits from contributions. I do it because for me, it’s also my hobby, and when I estimate the number of hours spent playing, I include the hours I spend working on mods. Thats not to say that I don't appreciate contributions, and they do help out, but it certainly not a paying job
  16. Forum user @Red3Tango made this mod about 5 years ago. He hasn't been around since August, and this mod hasn't been updated in nearly a year. Original thread is here: https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/61425-12x-17x-minimum-ambient-lighting-v124/ I've adopted it and made some significant improvements, see below Are you a streamer or make videos and its too dark? Here is your answer! A small plugin that will set a minimum ambient lighting level based on percentage. Percentage is modified by using the toolbar icon (or though config file)! Don't like cluttering your Toolbar? You can disable the button from the Flight scene, or completely disable in the config file. (this does not disable the mod, just the icon) Does this wash out the colors when the in-game lighting is already high? Nope! The mod does NOT indiscriminately raise the existing ambient lighting, it ONLY sets what the minimum value can be. Note: This mod will only limit the minimum ambient light of a scene. Using other mods (or the Ambient Boost slider in 1.3), adjusts the overall ambient light of the game. Mod Spotlight Video by maxhfx (a.k.a. maxrsp) Checkout the before and after pictures below! Before (game default) After (mod default) To the EXTREME Changes by Linuxgurugamer Replaced single setting with settings for: Map Flight Editor Space Center Tracking Station Added Stock Settings page Added support for ToolbarController Added support for ClickThroughBlocker Removed options to show in flight scene & enable the toolbar Added draggable window Added alternate skin Created Changelog from thread info Added license per the original thread Modified toolbar button to have a light gradient The settings page holds all the different settings. You can still change the settings on each scene as before Availability Download: https://spacedock.info/mod/2279/Minimum Ambient Lighting Updated Source Code: https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/MinimumAmbientLightingUpdated License: BSD Now available via CKAN
  17. Fixed "Screaming victim"??? It's very strange, it's an impossible error :-) Somehow the mod disposed of a class, which only happens in the OnDestroy method. I'll add some code to protect against this, somehow you did the impossible. New release, Added code to protect against an impossible (?) error, where it went into the tracking station code when m_visibilityController was null
  18. Yes. I was confused until I realized I needed to install the plugin as well as the parts folder. I tried several different fairings, and went through the number-of-segments on each, looked reasonable. I did two launches, fairings popped off as expected (nice touch).
  19. Help is always welcome, but sometimes the help can cause problems, such as making binaries available in the main mods channel, especially if no contact was made first. I don't remember the details, but I think the issue was that you had released binaries in the mod's forum, and either there was a concern, or it had happened (probably not) that help was requested about the unofficial version. It has happened in the past that unofficial binaries were released, people downloaded them, and then asked for help from the original author. This actually happened to me, with EditorExtensions, and the unofficial binaries were seriously broken. Back then EEX was version-locked because of what it was doing, and the person who made the unofficial fix actually patched the binary without any understanding of what he was doing. This did cause me some grief until I realized what had happened. As I recall, I had to stop working on what I was on in order to rush out an update to stop the flow of support requests. For myself, if someone asks first, I would be willing to consider allowing them to do that. But doing it without asking first, or even without notification, is problematic. I'll add that since @Kobymaru hasn't been around since July, that a fork would not be amiss. If done, then that should be in it's own thread with a different or modified name to indicate that it's a fork. No, I am not planning on adopting this mod
  20. I stream Sunday and Monday evenings. Sunday is playing a career, Monday is either modding, debugging or playing a game. @blowfish Just an FYI. I've recompiled the plugin for 1.8.1,and it seems to be working fine. Other than changing the references, no code changes were required
  21. Here you go: https://www.dropbox.com/s/utv9eiwf4atg2d2/HangLogs_181.zip?dl=0 I included all the files that I could think of, and then restarted several times to get a good startup, and included all the files from that in an embedded zip
  22. @blowfish Do you have any idea when you will be able to get this updated? I"m planning my next streaming career (on Twitch) and would like to use this if available.
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