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Bug Hunter
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Everything posted by linuxgurugamer

  1. New release, Thanks to @Gordon Dry for this Tweak scale fatal error fix Just a personal opinion, the beauty of this mod is it's tiny size. Tweakscaling it really doesn't make sense. I leave the configs there because people have asked me to, but I don't test them.
  2. Any chance that the fix was reverted? I'm releasing a tiny update to fix this problem (based on messages above) before I do a 1.8 update. New release, Fixed patch which was missing ,!B9PartSwitch]
  3. New release, Updated for KSP 1.8 Fixed nullref on an edge case: Have the action editor open before going on EVA. Left click on EVA Kerbal to select in editor (blue cross) Board vessel Exception spam
  4. I've come across an odd problem. It seems that the standard KSP skin doesn't define the GUILayout.Toggle width properly. I've tried it with just GUILayout.Toggle, and also using CalcSize, and in both cases the effective width is just the size of the radiobutton. Has anyone else seen this? It's hit me in two mods I'm working on right now When I use the standard Unity skin, it works. I've opened a bug about this: https://bugs.kerbalspaceprogram.com/issues/24417 The following images show the issue: Unity skin, everything working properly KSP skin, left shows the problem, right is working due to using CalcSize Here is the code you can try out. Click the toggle labeled "Use Alt.Skin" to toggle between the standard Unity skin and the KSP skin: using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; using KSP.Localization; using KSP.UI.Screens; namespace BadDemo { [KSPAddon(KSPAddon.Startup.FlightEditorAndKSC, false)] public partial class FlightEditSaver : MonoBehaviour { const string ALT = "Use Alt.Skin"; const float REVERTWIDTH = 450; const float REVERTHEIGHT = 100; Rect _revertRect = new Rect((Screen.width - REVERTWIDTH) * .75f, (Screen.height - REVERTHEIGHT) / 2, REVERTWIDTH, REVERTHEIGHT); Rect _revertRect2 = new Rect((Screen.width - REVERTWIDTH) * .25f, (Screen.height - REVERTHEIGHT) / 2, REVERTWIDTH, REVERTHEIGHT); bool useAltSkin = true; void OnGUI() { if (!useAltSkin) GUI.skin = HighLogic.Skin; _revertRect = GUILayout.Window(this.GetInstanceID() + 1, _revertRect, new GUI.WindowFunction(DrawWithCalc), "Using CalcSize", new GUILayoutOption[0]); _revertRect2 = GUILayout.Window(this.GetInstanceID() + 2, _revertRect2, new GUI.WindowFunction(DrawNoCalc), "No Size Calculation", new GUILayoutOption[0]); } void DrawWithCalc(int id) { GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); Display("one"); Display("Two"); Display("three"); GUILayout.FlexibleSpace(); Display(ALT); GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); GUI.DragWindow(); } void DrawNoCalc(int id) { GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); GUILayout.Toggle(false, "one"); GUILayout.Toggle(false, "Two"); GUILayout.Toggle(false, "three"); GUILayout.FlexibleSpace(); useAltSkin = GUILayout.Toggle(useAltSkin, ALT); GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); GUI.DragWindow(); } void Display(string str) { GUIContent content = new GUIContent(str); var size = GUI.skin.textField.CalcSize(content); if (str == ALT) useAltSkin = GUILayout.Toggle(useAltSkin, content, GUILayout.Width(size.x + 24)); else GUILayout.Toggle(false, content, GUILayout.Width(size.x + 24)); } } }
  5. A lot more than that. Which ones? I can easily thing of a half dozen popular parts mods. Ignoring the legal issues, from a cosmetic perspective they don't all match, so you would be faced with a mishmash of styles again. Legalities can be negotiated with the authors. Styles cannot
  6. Not really. The assetbundles contain assets, not code. and while it is possible to read an asset bundle, its not easy and cant be recreated because the sources aren't available
  7. Ok, you’ve made a very strong statement. Please back it up with facts. How about pointing to another game which solves the same problems that KSP does in a better way? and, did you really need to quote the entire post?
  8. Ok, I've decided to continue the mod. I'll release it tomorrow with the bugfix for the problem that @Aelfhe1m was able to isolate for me.
  9. Replicated this and fixed it. Also, no continuous nullrefs after sitting for more than 5 minutes Stock now supports ActionSets, each of which can have 10 action groups and all the Axis Groups. total of 5 Action Sets gives 50 action groups
  10. I can't replicate this. Can you do a short video to show me? As I said, I think I found it, but I need to see the error before I fix it Thanks As I said on the OP: unless a good reason is presented to keep it going
  11. I think I found this, but did you try the same thing in 1.7.3? and if so, was it the same result?
  12. B9 is not listed as a dependency because it is not a dependency. It is, however, supported. Looks like I’ll be adding your change in a final 1.7.3 release before updating to 1.8 Which issue, the strange menu glitch?
  13. So here is a question. The big issue of a skyhook is the need to have the vessel be able to withstand the stresses of connecting. What if the skyhook went out far enough to be at the same height as an Kerbisynchronous orbit? Then there would be no stresses on the ships caught and docked. I see two problems with this: First is that this would make it insanely long, 2683 km long. The second is that it would be a major navigational hazard, blocking any real orbital activity close to the planet. Space is big, but eventually the odds would come up with an impact, and then you have the problems of a 2683 tall structure falling to the surface.
  14. I had said that I would reconsider if enough people asked and if there was a good reason to do so. I’m almost there, but before I do decide to continue it, I need you all to do thorough tests of the prerelease version that’s on github. I don’t t use this, so I am relying on you to tell me what works and what does not work. Do this and show me that you will provide the support that I need, and it may come to pass. I need reports of what is not working in 1.8 which was working in 1.7.3, along with specific steps to replicate it. I can’t fix something that I cant reproduce.
  15. yes. I took a look at the code, and it is somewhat interesting, to say the least. A lot of commented-out lines, from before I adopted it. I may do a mod in the future, but not now.
  16. Off center thrust. The thrust centerline is above the CoM, so that starts the spinning. keep in mind that the shuttle does not fly straight ahesd. The following is a good explanation by Scott Manley of the changes in the CoM of the space shuttle and the different thrust vectoring available in the engines involved k
  17. Unfortunately, the license doesnt allot you to do anything with it: License: All vehicle models and textures: VegaArt. https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/
  18. I was doing some testing, and the only way right now to hide the left panel is to click the AGX button when the editor is empty, load the vessel and click the agx button again. It seems that this is the way its been for a while. I believe that this happened back in version 2.3.4, for KSP 1.7 due to some internal changes
  19. Not at all. I'm sure it will work. Tell you what, I'll do a 1.8 build for you, will leave it in a pre-release stage, you will be able to get it from Github. Just finished the build, seems to work, but I'm not a user of this, so I can't promise anything You can download it from here: https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/AGExt/releases/tag/2.4.0 If all you want it for is to hide the window, that's something I may do later as a standalone mod
  20. I just heard from @pizzaoverhead, he is still interested in continuing the SoundtrackEditor. So I'm going to be sending him my changes and will not be adopting this mod
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