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Bug Hunter
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Everything posted by linuxgurugamer

  1. @taniwha Given the changes in the engine for 1.8, I'm waiting for a 1.8 update
  2. Just an FYI, they are now talking about 1.9, so I don't think there will be any more updates for 1.8
  3. I'll do a few startups and hope it hangs. It's very random, if I get a set of logs, I'll get it to you
  4. That's one way, yes. Another is to right-click on the window in the taskbar and selecting "Close Window"
  5. That was my thought as well. It didn't make sense, but then, I don't know the internals of this, so I figured I'd post. Just as an FYI, I am getting the same issues of the game just hanging after loading. But it has nothing to do with the mod he mentions, I don't even have that installed. Nothing in the logs at all, the game just hangs with 0% cpu and has to be killed. Very strange, and I'd be happy to try any suggestions you may have.
  6. Well, the "OUT OF DATE" is coming from one of the Mono DLLs. It occurs fairly frequently, I've seen them in my installs as well. It seems to be something with the fact that those two files are jpegs. It' s a harmless message, and has nothing to do with whatever is happening to your install. Since there are pngs there as well, I'll just delete the two jpgs in the next release/ I've had this happen myself, killing the program and restarting it seems to clean things up. . I'd also recommend installing MADLAD. It may also be related to the resolution, and/or video mode, but I'm not sure of that.
  7. @whale_2 Was testing a 1.8.1 install today, and ran into an odd problem. In a career game, launching a mk1 pod to the initial launch pad would end up being said to be inflight. The kerbal couldn't eva, I couldn't switch to another scene, etc. No errors at all, was just unusable. In another test on the main launchpad (fully upgraded in Sandbox mode), it was ok i would also recommend removing the unBlur mod Finally, could you install the full KSP-AVC mod and send me the log files after running the game with that?
  8. New release, 0.2.0 Added InstallChecker Updated for KSP 1.8
  9. HI, I just got a message from someone who claims that the current version of MM is broken in some way. He describes the issue here: Can anyone comment on this?
  10. @FreeThinker Tried installing IFS on a new 1.8.1, along with Colorful Fuel Lines from @NecroBones Got the following error: AssemblyLoader: Exception loading 'InterstellarFuelSwitch': System.Reflection.ReflectionTypeLoadException: Exception of type 'System.Reflection.ReflectionTypeLoadException' was thrown. at (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Reflection.Assembly.GetTypes(System.Reflection.Assembly,bool) at System.Reflection.Assembly.GetTypes () [0x00000] in <ad04dee02e7e4a85a1299c7ee81c79f6>:0 at AssemblyLoader.LoadAssemblies () [0x000e6] in <9d71e4043e394d78a6cf9193ad011698>:0 and it wasn't working when I tested. Here is the full log file: https://www.dropbox.com/s/5adjj3b4gbvs6nz/IFS Error.zip?dl=0
  11. output_log.txt is not used in 1.8.1, delete it to avoid confusion
  12. What is this? I never heard of it, googling didn't find it either
  13. While a snippit of a log can sometimes pinpoint the issue, you should always post a link to the complete log. Those messages are normal, nothing to worry about. You didn't say now it was installed. I'm assuming that you are on KSP 1.8.1, but again, without the full log, it's just a guess. Make sure that the dependencies are installed and up-to-date: ToolbarController, and ClickThroughBlocker
  14. It works with Gravity Turn if it's there but gravity turn is not necessary for it to work
  15. You Do know that they already said there would be base building?
  16. Just a new name for your mod (is that what your asking for?) Oh, ok. Sorry, it seemed that you were suggesting some functionality. thanks Yup, outside the scope of this Well, once back in the editor, all you have to do is save the vessel.
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