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Bug Hunter
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Everything posted by linuxgurugamer

  1. The new version is now using the ToolbarController and ClickThroughBlocker. So you first need to have those installed (I assume you do, just mentioning for completeness). The internal button ID probably changed, so the Blizzy Toolbar doesn't know about it. So you first need to open the ToolbarController (Yellow wrench) and tell it that you want the TACFuelBalancer to be in the Blizzy Toolbar, and then you open the BlizzyToolbar to select it.
  2. According to the log file, you are running an old version of TacFuelBalancer: TacFuelBalancer v2.20.6792.18106 The current is: TacFuelBalancer v2.21.4.0 Please update and try again. Note that the update is a new version from myself; I adopted the mod and released it recently with a number of upgrades
  3. Try going into the window where you can select which buttons to show, is it purple in there? Also. Have you rescaled anything, the UI, Apps, or the toolbat itself?
  4. Possible, I’ll take a look when updating the mod. Not sure, but I’ll see what I can do. I haven't yet played with the action sets yet, so don’t really know
  5. I’m only maintaining this mod, mainly consisting of any config file changes. If new parts are offered, I’ll gladly accept and include them.
  6. It’s a totally silent mod. You can look at the task manager to see the memory usage before and after installing it to see the difference.
  7. You should ALWAYS upload a log file. It is almost always needed, so why waste the time posting a message saying that you can upload the file if needed, just upload it immediately.
  8. That’s a nice idea, why not submit your changes to him in a PR on github?
  9. New release, Added InstallChecker.cs Updated AssemblyVersion.tt Thanks to @siimav for this: Check the unlock status of all parts before allowing to start a sim Previously the code only checked whether the tech for the part was researched but was missing the entry cost check. This had a nasty side effect of marking the current save as being a sim whereas the sim itself couldn't actually be started because stock VAB checks failed. Thanks to @RCrockford for this: Added integration for disabling Testlite as well as TestFlight.
  10. New release, 1.1.1 Added InstallChecker Updated AssemblyVersion Thanks to @Gordon Dry for this: Moved RSS scale patch from the FigaroTransmitter config into a generic patch to also rescale the ModuleGPSTransmitter for other parts that added it. Supports: RealSolarSystem SigmaDimensions
  11. New release, Added InstallChecker Updated AssemblyVersion.tt Updated README.md with correct info on settings Deleted unused file & cleaned up some old code
  12. New release, Added InstallChecker Updated AssemblyVersion.tt
  13. Oh, it's a case sensitivity issue, I'll get it updated You can ignore it Nothing I can do about chrome reporting it as a virus New release, Fixed wrong case on path for the install checker
  14. Just an FYI, that method was put into the ToolbarController to provide a common method for mods to read images.
  15. New release, Fixed nullref when loading buttons Fixed check for file existence
  16. I really hate these mods which play games with the game database. I'll look at this later
  17. That doesn't make sense. Make them expensive, but not being able to store them doesn't compute. Do you have a roadmap for this mod, I really like the way you are approaching it
  18. Funny you should ask, I was trying it out last night. short answer is that I don’t know, i didnt have enough time to figure it out
  19. New release, Added InstallChecker Updated AssemblyVersion.tt
  20. New release, 1.7.22 Fixed purple buttons from mods which add textures to the game database at runtime without a file (looking at [x]Science!) Optimized the Texture code a bit to eliminate duplicated code Changed resize from Bilinear to Point Added check for textures being resized to same size and returns if so without doing anything Added check for small icon (24x24) when bigtexture is available, if it is and a small texture is available, use that instead
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