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Bug Hunter
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Everything posted by linuxgurugamer

  1. Well, whatever you did, the log file has 2,869 exceptions Looks like you need to install the MagiCore mod. Most of the exceptions were that being missing
  2. It's possible there is a small roundoff error inside, I'll see what I can do
  3. Ok. Can you send me a save file along with a log file of that save?
  4. Looking into this, I noticed that it's not easy to realize that the workshop may have run out of a resource. Could you start the game, right-click on the workshop and read the contents of the PAW menu carefully, if it's out of one or more resources, the text will be near or at the top of the PAW. Meanwhile, i'm going to add a better notification of resource starvation.
  5. Ok, let me know when the .version file is in, it changes the netkan file
  6. @Starwaster Any chance to add this to CKAN? If you like, I could do it for you, but I need your permission Also, related, but separate, could you add a .version file ? Makes it easier to know when there are updates, etc. LGG
  7. New release, Fixed effects on the mini bertha orbital quad engine
  8. This module allows extra fuel to be dumped into the core of a solid-core atomic engine to gain extra thrust for a short period of time. This process inevitability cools down the core to such an extent that it loses all power and requires some time to rebuild the core heat in order to be able to function again. This feature is targeted at space tugs and atomic engines only. It is not intended to work for non-nuclear engines Features Activating the module on one engine will automatically activate it on all other engines that have it on the vessel that are active. Engines will flash red while in burst mode, and will flash blue while in reheat recovery mode Can be triggered by an action group if desired. Upon triggering, throttle will be set to 100% The extra fuel used is the square of the extra thrust; for example, if the thrust in burst mode is 1.5x the regular thrust, the fuel used will be 2.25x the amount of fuel normally used. Any movement of the throttle will automatically shut down the burst mode, and also shut down the engines for reheating The Orbital Utility Vehicle needs and uses this with the atomic engines in the mod Availability Download:https://spacedock.info/mod/2197/BurstAtomicThrustModule Source Code: https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/BurstAtomicThrustModule/ License: CC-BY-4.0 Available in CKAN
  9. New release, Fixed bug where if the second sliding window was open when the camera was closed, opening the camera again would sometimes (depending on the shader) show shadow buttons Thanks to forum user @sirkut for this: Made the docking camera configurable as a general purpose camera. Added a dev mode for modders and players to be able to determine the correct values for the camera position (see the ReadMe for complete instructions) Added two models to choose from for displaying the camera location, a camera and a node. The model is selected in the stock game settings page, and only takes effect on windows when they are opened. Fixed issue with two or more cameras on the same part Added: transformModification for a special case where the transform for the camera needs to not be changed Cross stock in sliding window is overridden by setting??? Renamed shaders to consistant naming: DockingCamera/(name) Added InstallChecker Changed display of shader to remove the first part of the name (before the slash)
  10. New release, Moved images back into PluginData Thanks to @4x4cheesecake for this: Fix planet preview generation (especially for Kopernicus)
  11. New release, Changed timer display to show one decimal place for seconds and two decimal places for minutes
  12. Not sure, that may be a limitation of the PAW, but I’ll look into it. edit: it is doable, what I’ll do is add one decimal for the seconds and two decimals for the minutes, will see how that looks before I release it
  13. Start with a log file, and what version of the mod are you using?
  14. No, it's an issue with the engine itself. It's an old config, I just need to get it updated. May take a day or so since Spacedock is having issues right now
  15. Looks like an issue with the old modules, I'll take a look.
  16. Shaders have to be in resource files, don't they? I added that "transparentShaderName" line, and got an error: 8/3/2019 11:05:20 AM,JSIAdvTransparentPods,transpartShader Legacy Shaders/Transparent/ERSGlassDiffuse not found. What am I missing here? The end result was that all the glass parts were bright pink/purple, an indication of a missing texture
  17. I've started a new thread for the upcoming release here: Please move all discussion there
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