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Bug Hunter
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Everything posted by linuxgurugamer

  1. Absolutely! You just need to disable "Build Times" in the KCT Settings when you first start the game/ When you start the game, you get this screen: Click the Choose a Preset button and you will get the following Click the Build Times to disable it, you will see the following. Click Save when done
  2. Just an FYI, I made a slight change to your code: if (checking.Modules.Contains("ModuleDynamicNodes") && checking.Modules.Contains("ModuleDecouple")) The problem is caused by the same part having a ModuleDecouple, if the ModuleDecouple isn't there, then there won't be a problem There may be other ways to do this, but this does the job, and it's not a time-critical piece of code
  3. @blowfish Question about the switching. I'm converting the Octosat mod to B9, and have all the parts (all 37 of them) configured. Works nice. Is there a way to have ALL the parts switch when changing colors?
  4. Can you explain what the fix is for? What's not working with engine plates? It helps to read back a bit :-) Ok. It's actually not that crude. Engine plates made by Squad are different than engine plates made by other mods, so that kind of explains why there is an issue. And the reason it's a problem is because the Squad engine plates also have a ModuleDecouple, which is why you are seeing the results I need to review your code, but overall, it's clean and does the job. Good work!
  5. New release, Correct MP thrust from 36 to 26 Remove extranious brace in changelog Correct from runningLFO to runningLF in KSPi engine version Update OrbitalTugPod.cfg
  6. Might be easier to start with a clean install, and add mods 1 at a time. If you do, try it with only the clickthroughblocker installed, this will add how if there us any effect if it isn't used. Then, assuming no problem, add one of my mods which requires it, make sure you open that mod's window sz and then test
  7. First, please don’t upload large files to the forum, it causes problems with mobile devices. secondly, why not provide the logs and save some time immediately. You will be asked for them, try saving some people some time.
  8. What version of the game, and which version of the mod did you try?
  9. Sure, go ahead. Lookin* at thesecond line, it probably should be multiplied rather than divided
  10. New release, 0.5.3 Fixed the singleLine so that if true, it will overwrite a file rather than append Delete duplicated line in code when reading config
  11. Ok. So, when you want all the values printed to a single file, that is what doesn't work, right? Shouldn't be too difficult to fix, but I'll need a day or so to get to it.
  12. I'm sorry, I don't understand what you are saying. You are first saying that in this case: onePerFile = false, singleLine = true and then you say: Works as advertised when onePerFile = false and singleLine = true with the value (per file) being constantly overwritten each update
  13. New release, 0.5.2 Added new data fields: inclination biome Renamed distributed file to KSPLogger_Default.cfg Moved config file into PluginData (so ModuleManager wont' reload every restart) Checks the config file every 5 seconds to see if it was changed, and reloads if it is Added InstallChecker Please note: You will need to manually move your file from the main mod directory into the PluginData directory. This is to help modulemanager not have to reload every time you restart the game. Also, the file will NOT be overwritten when it's in the PluginData directory when new versions come out
  14. Couple of questions on this: 1. Are any of those patches useful for stock and other mods? 2. What exactly needs to be done with your branch and the main release?
  15. ah, that explains it. Somewhat confusing, but go for it
  16. New release, Thanks to forum user @FreeThinker for this Fixed compatibility with KSPIE
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