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Bug Hunter
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Everything posted by linuxgurugamer

  1. Try adding back one mod at a time, see if you can identify when it stops
  2. It will, but you will have to check the mod settings
  3. I’ve added this request as an enhancement. But, since it was just rebuilt for 1.7.2, I have a lot of other mods which need updating, so may be a while
  4. That probably requires a bit of integration with Remote Tech. I’ve just started looking into this with Science Alert
  5. Next beta will be released tomorrow sometime. Right now, the only thing scheduled is to remove the stock settings page. Assuming no other issues, I’ll plan on making a full release a day or so after that
  6. I’d line to add a check to some of my mods to tell if a remote vessel had a signal or not (ie: is controllable). Is there an API to do that? Preferably without having to make RT a compile dependency
  7. It’s designed for vessels, of any type, but not celestial bodies. and I don't understand about unsetting targets, you don’t need a mod for that.
  8. Log files conain information which is essential to tracking down most issues. In fact, a crash is about the only time a log file is sometimes not needed
  9. New release, Added code to create data folder (PluginData) if it doesn't exist
  10. I think I know what's going on. I moved some files out of the PluginData directory, so it was never created. I'll get that fixed, but for now, if you reinstall it, just create the PluginData directory by hand, let me know how it goes
  11. The KerbelSorter mod is very old, and as of now won't even compile against the current version of KSP. It's going to need a lot of work, and maybe just a major rewrite to get it working. I don't have time for that now, maybe in a few weeks, but no promises
  12. How did you install it? The log file doesn't show the DLL, and you have lots of odd errors in that file
  13. What about the directory paths? My question was very specific: Could you please check the path, paying particular attention to the case of the directory names This is on Linux, and it's more picky about case and other stuff. There could be permission issues, etc.
  14. New beta, 2.21.2 Fixed build issue with embedded icon resources Added info to help screens Moved settings around a little bit Added code to create the PluginData directory if it doesn't exist Fixed tooltip not hiding when showing the popup-menu Builds now available for KSP 1.5.1 & 1.6.1 https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/TacFuelBalancer/releases/tag/2.21.2 There are three zip files in the release directory. The format of the file name is: TacFuelBalancer-KSPVersion-TFBversion.zip Which ends up with the following: TacFuelBalancer-1.5.1-2.21.2.zip is for KSP 1.5.1 TacFuelBalancer-1.6.1-2.21.2.zip is for KSP 1.6.1 TacFuelBalancer-1.7.2-2.21.2.zip is for KSP 1.7.1
  15. I'm sorry, I responded a bit harshly. I was just reacting to something else, and it spilled out a bit over you. I have't tried Kopernicus on 1.7.2,nor do I have time to recompile it, etc. I was basing my remarks off of what @rocketology has said on stream, for details, please go ask him, since I only heard generalities
  16. If you think it is so easy, why dont you offer to help @Thomas P.? Have you watched @Rocketology ? There are some strange issues holding up the release, these are not 1 minute fixes Edit: See message below
  17. No. If you don't want the dump toggle, you set it to 0 in the settings screen. I reverted the option to disable it on the popup menu as it was originally. Did you try looking at the new stock settings window? I thought I was clear that was the direction I was moving towards, I've left the old settings window for now, but will probably get rid of it. No, I haven't touched the help windows yet. Everything is configurable in the stock settings page. See the following image, and it's still a WIP: The new stuff is in the third column labeled Misc. There are tooltips for most items, and I put some minimal instructions at the bottom of the middle column. In the image below, the Locked toggle is disabled (by having the position be 0), and the rest are shown in order. I haven't touched any of the functionality of the keys (click, shift-click, shift-alt-click, etc), so if something isn't working, please check to see if it was working in the last release from @Z-Key Aerospace I'm running some tests of the click functionality as documented in the current help screen (all clicks are on a line in the window): Click - Part is selected or deselected Shift-click - Selects a contiguous range of parts from the last part clicked Shift-alt - Selects all of the same type of part Combining with the Ctrl will modify the current selection Regarding the directories, I was having issues with my automated builds, and was having to build the betas by hand. I didn't realize that the PluginData directory wasn't being created, sorry. I got it fixed earlier today, and will get another beta out when I'm done with a first-pass at updating the help screen
  18. It's the "no transmitters" which kills the idea. I'm currently busy with the Shuttle Challenge, I may do this next. Never did a science-only career, though
  19. Very odd, the error is a filesystem error: IsolatedStorageException: Could not find a part of the path "/mnt/SSD/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Kerbal Space Program/GameData/ksp-advanced-flybywire/PluginData/settings.xml". Could you please check the path, paying particular attention to the case of the directory names?
  20. Not sure this os covered, but: can you drop automated probes BEFORE landing to get science from other biomes? And then to do your manned landing?
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