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Bug Hunter
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Everything posted by linuxgurugamer

  1. I just took a longer look at this mod. While the ability to set all these values is good, it shouldn't be on the main menu the way it is. If I do adopt it (still not sure, waitin..) it will either become a Settings page, or a window opened up by a toolbar button
  2. And still works on 1.5.1, 1.6.1 & 1.7.2 Don't bump the flag
  3. New release, Thanks to @Galenmacil for pointing out that some icons were missing due to mods being renamed: Added missing icons for QuizTech Continued and Universal Storage 2 Thanks to @Galenmacil for contributing the following icons: Mk3Expansion VanguardTechnologies WheelsCollection Updated for 1.7.2 Updated AssemblyVersion.tt Removed ModuleManager from release
  4. Very sorry for the delay in getting these bugs fixed. However.... New release, Merged PR from RCrockford: Fixes #17 filling tanks doesn't fill EC. Added missing fuels: EC, various RF monoprops, RF solids, TAC-LS resources. Fixed issue of recovered crafts not resetting (#9) Fixed issue of edited craft not being saved (#10) Added line showing science earned to the vessel Complete message (#6)
  5. Not sure what else could be monitored. The 'collision' is what starts the explosions, it is pretty much telling you where the failure is occuring
  6. It might, I'd have to look at AFBW, I have a feeling that it already incorporates that. Regarding this mod, the window is too big (IMHO). @zer0Kerbal was looking at this, I'm not doing anything with this until he decides to not continue.
  7. As a result of the trim issue, I fixed the trim indicator from the NanoGauges which broke back in 1.3.1, also made it a stand-alone mod here:
  8. Finally, my Duna STS-1 mission. The kerbals realized that the shuttles used for the Mun missions, while very versatile, wouldn't be able to complete the Duna missions, especially the landing on Duna. So they decided to supersize the shuttle. They huddled in the design center, and over a period of weeks they hammered out a new shuttle, based on the old one, but a little bit larger. Multiple simulated test flights were flown, the resulting shuttle was a bit over 508 tons at launch, including the space station; the LOP-G design was used, only this shuttle was able to fit the whole disassembled station in the cargo bay. Shuttle weight without the station and no fuel was 252.6 tons, fully loaded with fuel but no cargo it tipped the scales at 461.7 tons. While a bit oversized for the first Duna mission, the intent was to design a single shuttle which would be able to return to Duna on subsequent missions and land. The full stack was just a bit larger, tipping the scales at a whopping 24,436 tons (429 parts). Assembly Mass Parts Shuttle, dry 262.6 139 Shuttle, wet 461.7 139 Duna LOP-G 46.9 103 Shuttle, Full Stack, wet 24436 429 The launch seemed to crawl, but that was due to the size of the launch vehicle. In actually it had a TWR of 1.45 on the pad, and that only improved as fuel got burned off. The initial part of the mission went smoothly, although the odd forward-staged tank promoted by Jebediah turned out to be more problematic than expected. It was staged while under full power, and was unable to get out of the way of the shuttle, it ended up damaging the central tank; not critical for this mission, but will need to be addressed for future missions. The flight to Duna was without any significant issues, although the loss of fuel from the central tank unbalanced the shuttle, and the aerobraking around Duna was somewhat entertaining for the crew. But the shuttle survived without any further damage and was able to achieve an orbit with the aerobraking maneuver. The orbit was dropped down to about 69x69km, and assembly of the space station was without incident; the only unexpected issue was that due to the rcs maneuvers, the orbit was actually 70.262km x 69km. The station's orbit was circuliazed after assembly was complete, and the shuttle settled down to wait for a window to return. The return voyage was without incident, however the reentry was delayed several times due to an unknown force on the controls; was finally identified as the trim being over too far. Shuttle landed (finally, after several attempts) without further incident. Full video in spoiler below
  9. New release, 0.1.14 Updated for 1.7.2 Updated AssemblyVersion.tt to allow for location-independent builds
  10. would be nice, I just submitted a PR for him to consider
  11. I've submitted a PR to restore the Trim Indicator functionality which was broken back in 1.3.1 I also released it as a stand-alone mod, available here:
  12. TrimIndicators is based on code from Nereid's NanoGauges. They were original developed by @dazoe NanoGauges used to have trim indicators, but they broke back around 1.3.1, and because of that Nereid removed them from the mod. This code is based on the old code, it has been updated to work with the current versions of KSP. I've offered to Nereid to re-add these to his NanoGauges mod, but I wanted this as a standalone mod because this is only 6k in size, while the whole NanoGauges is over 260k in size, and I didn't want/need any of the other gauges Simply install into the GameData. There are no configurable items This mod adds trim pointers to the three axis display during flight: Roll, Yaw and Pitch. The trim pointer is a smaller version of the pointer on the opposite side of the scale from the regular pointer Pics (or it isn't true): Availablity Source Code:https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/TrimIndicators Download: https://spacedock.info/mod/2179/TrimIndicators License: CC-BY-SA-3.0 available via CKAN
  13. Let me direct your attention to the two most popular KSP players on Twitch, EJ & DasValdez. EJ plays pure stock, and does amazing things. Das will use a few mods, but nothing exotic. I would also wager that the majority of people who play never log on to the forums, and never play with mods. The forums are obviously a place where mods are discussed, and it makes sense that those players who are active in the community, will also have a better chance of using mods. Thanks for adding the license, it's appreciated
  14. @Stone Blue @zer0Kerbal You might be interested in the post above
  15. @Nereid I've gotten the trim indicators working again in 1.7.2. Would you be interested in a PR for it?
  16. Technically speaking, he is linking to a post on another forum, which has the program. This is akin to my posting a link to MS Office page however, explicitly posting a license certainly wouldn't hurt. I also question the results. Loading the game is not the same as playing the game. Really need to see what happens longterm. Try using Memgraph to see what happens over time:
  17. It always is preferable to provide the full log. Its nice to point out what you see as the errors, but sometimes other information is needed and useful. Providing the full log avoids the need for the author or some olse to ask for it.
  18. Most mods will work fine in 1.7.2. That bein said, Im in the middle of updating all my mods for 1.7.2, look for this in the next week or so
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