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Bug Hunter
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Everything posted by linuxgurugamer

  1. No thank you. KSP wasn't designed with combat in mind. It is never going to perform at the levels of a dedicated combat engine would. And, I personally don't want to see combat in KSP. I don't want it enough to be willing to give up a mod which a number of people were pressing me to put in combat-related patches. Strangely enough, no one who wanted those patches took me up on the offer to take over the mod. It is nameless here because the specific mod isn't relevant to this discussion.
  2. Quite simple, actually. You don't have the dependencies installed. Click Through Blocker ToolbarController unBlur
  3. Actually, this is incorrect. Reactionwheels will do the same action on a craft no matter where they are.
  4. Plenty of other games have combat. One of the beauties of this game is that there is no combat
  5. New releases, Version bump for 1.7.2 Updated AssemblyVersion.tt for location-independent builds
  6. It's still nothing to do with Squad. Some mods had a built-in checker, but those are rather scarce now. Most notable is Kopernicus, which is version -locked
  7. It has nothing to do with Squad. It sounds like it's KSP-AVC, if it is, just remove that mod. Also, you may want to install ZeroMiniAVC, to get rid of all the miniavc.dll files there which can also create the dialog
  8. New release, Version bump for 1.7.2 Updated AssemblyVersion.tt to allow for location independent builds
  9. New release, Version bump for KSP 1.7.2 Updated AssemblyVersion.tt for location independent builds
  10. Remember Bill Gayes's famous quote? "640K should be enough for anybody"
  11. I am slowly updating all my mods for 1.7.2. This one will be updated soon.
  12. Would be best to first install KCT using CKAN so that you get all the dependencies, then replace the KCT folder with the beta
  13. If you are going to report any info, you need to tell me the version of the mod, as well as the game. Otherwise it's mostly meaningless with nothing specific for me to look at. Please list a series of specific steps which I can do to replicate this. A reasonable example would be: "Put a Mk1pod on the pad with goo containers, collected goo and then recovered using KCT." or, since you mentioned autostage, it might be: "Put a Mk1 pod on an SRB and a couple of goo containers on the pad. Collected the science and then recovered using KCT. Relaunched using the same rocket and it autostaged when I hit the launch button" Which launch button? the one in the editor, or the KCT one? The more specific information you can provide, the better chance I'll have of both replicating and fixing it. FYI, a video with comments would also be great
  14. The proper definition of a duck: Either the proper dictionary definition: any of various swimming birds (family Anatidae, the duck family) in which the neck and legs are short, the feet typically webbed, the bill often broad and flat, and the sexes usually different from each other in plumage or the one I prefer: An all-terrain chicken
  15. Here is a beta build with the fix for the two bugs. I'd appreciate some feedback about it before I do anything else https://www.dropbox.com/s/j0z13fjaugexw0i/KerbalConstructionTime-
  16. @TriggerAu I came across this while researching a related issue, hope it's ok to do it here. This is not related to KoS, but another mod: This mod is for the editor only. In there, it sets a number of PAW values. The label on these value need to be able to change depending on one of the buttons. Testing on KSP 1.7.2 There is a callback for each field which is initialized in the OnStart(): public override void OnStart(StartState state) { base.OnStart(state); isEnabled = enabled = false; if (state == StartState.Editor) { initializeDoTWR(); DoTWRChanged(null, null); } } /// <summary> /// Field to toggle whether to calculate for TWR or dV /// </summary> [KSPField( guiName = "TWR or dV", isPersistant = true, guiActive = false, guiActiveEditor = true ), UI_Toggle(scene = UI_Scene.Editor, enabledText = "Do TWR", disabledText = "Do dV")] public bool DoTWR = Settings.Instance.DoTWR; private void initializeDoTWR() { BaseField field = Fields["DoTWR"]; UI_Toggle tog = (UI_Toggle)field.uiControlEditor; tog.onFieldChanged = DoTWRChanged; } and then, the actual callback: private void DoTWRChanged(BaseField field, object o) { if (!DoTWR) { Fields["BodyForTWR"].guiName = "dV At"; Fields["Atmospheric"].guiName = "Atmospheric dV"; Fields["targetTWR"].guiActiveEditor = false; Fields["AutoScale"].guiName = "Auto fit to dV"; } else { Fields["BodyForTWR"].guiName = "TWR At"; Fields["Atmospheric"].guiName = "Atmospheric TWR"; Fields["targetTWR"].guiActiveEditor = true; Fields["AutoScale"].guiName = "Auto fit to TWR"; } } The problem is that the guiName fields are not changing when the callback is called. The fields are defined here: [KSPField(guiName = "smartTank_TWRAtPrompt", isPersistant = true, guiActive = false, guiActiveEditor = true ), UI_ChooseOption(scene = UI_Scene.Editor)] public string BodyForTWR = Settings.Instance.BodyForTWR; [KSPField(guiName = "smartTank_AtmosphericPrompt", isPersistant = true, guiActive = false, guiActiveEditor = true), UI_Toggle(scene = UI_Scene.Editor)] public bool Atmospheric = Settings.Instance.Atmospheric; [KSPField(guiName = "smartTank_TargetTWRPrompt", isPersistant = true, guiActive = false, guiActiveEditor = true, guiFormat = "G2"), UI_FloatEdit(scene = UI_Scene.Editor, incrementSlide = 0.1f, incrementLarge = 1f, incrementSmall = 0.1f, minValue = 0.1f, maxValue = 10f, sigFigs = 1)] public float targetTWR = Settings.Instance.TargetTWR; [KSPField(guiName = "smartTank_AutoScalePrompt", isPersistant = true, guiActive = false, guiActiveEditor = true), UI_Toggle(scene = UI_Scene.Editor)] public bool AutoScale = Settings.Instance.AutoScale; I know that the callback is working, since the targetTWR guiActiveEditor is being toggled properly, but the guiName fields on the other variables are not being changed. While I could duplicate all the variables and simply make them active or not, that is wasteful and needless if the same one can do it. I could have sworn that I've been able to change the guiName in other mods, but not sure if that was only in the flight scene. Thanks in advance
  17. The FOR is actually dangerous. In your case, it's not doing anything, but if one mod (mod A) has a FOR which specifies another mod (mod B), then MM will work on the assumption that mod B is there when it is actually not. I'm going to add your suggestion as a potential feature for a future update, thanks
  18. For all of you who have been waiting patiently for bug fixes, I've finally started working on this again. Kudos to github user @Snucker who pointed out a typo in one of the lines I changed when doing all the performance improvements. I've made that change and also merged in a PR which fixes the EC issue. the only two bugs I'm aware of at this time are: Recovered, edited plane disappears after saving: https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/KCT/issues/10 Recovered crafts in the editor don't reset: https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/KCT/issues/9 and they both may be the same bug. There are also a few enhancement requests, I'll see what I can do. Right now my big push is to update all my mods for 1.7.2, but this has been waiting long enough that I will devote some dedicated time to it over the weekend.
  19. Sure. Buy KSP (the whole kit and kaboodle) from T2. Will only cost you several million dollars
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