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Bug Hunter
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Everything posted by linuxgurugamer

  1. Make sure you have all the depenencies, including the UnBlur mod (new dependency)
  2. Question for all you tuggies... Regarding the atomic engines, how long do you think that full throttle should be allowed before it overheats?
  3. @Shadowmage I had a report that EngineLight is acting oddly with the SSTU SRBs. I took a fast look, and it seems that SSTU has lots of unexpected emmissives which stock engines don't. Would you have any idea about this?
  4. The toolbar now requires the UnBlur mod. Both the OP and CKAN have been updated with that information
  5. New beta, https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/OrbitalTug/releases/tag/
  6. Well, if you are going to be doing, that, then I won't, that was one of the things I was going to do. Be sure that you don't have any of the optional features in the files. Should I be waiting for that final 1%?
  7. Please don't paste logs into the forum. Put the file somewhere such as Dropbox, or Google drive, Pastebin, etc, and post a link. It causes problems if it's in the forum You are missing the unBlur mod, now required by the ToolbarController
  8. New release, Fixing TweakScale patches to prevent triggering the Fatal Alert from [#34](https://github.com/net-lisias-ksp/TweakScale/issues/34).
  9. No, but I would be interested if you find it
  10. Any chance this is a steam install and it did an update to 1.7.2?
  11. If radioactivity was a real thing it might make sense, but as it is, I dont want these engines being used instead of regular atomic engines
  12. Just an FYI for anybody following, there should be an exciting update for this in a day or so
  13. If you could provide a save file for me to test with, I could try to get this fixed tomorrow
  14. Please don’t. Mod packs can have issues, I'd rather you provide a link or a .ckan of the recommended mods
  15. Just the latest for the version of ksp you are running
  16. A log file would be very useful and identify exactly where your problem is. Most likely the problem is a missing resource, but without the log file I can't tell you which one may be missing
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