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Bug Hunter
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Everything posted by linuxgurugamer

  1. Stock now has Themes for the PartVarients. Quoting @Electrocutor: Not a big deal, but is a nice feature, if possible
  2. Update on the texture switching: I have it working using the ModuleB9PartSwitch I have not yet gotten it working with the stock ModulePartVariants, and I'm not sure it's possible, so I'll be going with the B9 for now
  3. I got it working, I was specifying a transform when I should have specified the original texture. Is there any way to have something like the stock themes for the partvariants?
  4. Not intensionally. When filling it only fills fuel tanks, EC is not fuel. But it should set the EC to full.
  5. It would be better if you were to provide a public method to set the data. An additional one to return the current value would also make it easier. It can be done with Reflection or I can have a separate method which would only be used if this was available You should also add a setting which says what KRASH should do when starting a sim.
  6. Not CKAN's fault. It happening because I'm putting multiple release files on the release directory, ckan wasn't designed to handle that.
  7. My concern is why this is occurring. Until I know what's causing it, I'm going to leave it as-is. Once I figure out the why, i can fix it.
  8. Ok, if you refresh CKAN and try again, it should now be correct. The issue arose because CKAN was pulling the latest file from Github, and now there is a version per KSP release for my mods (compiled for older versions of KSP with a fixed .version file). Unfortunately, the 1.4.5 comes before 1.7.1, so the daemon was getting the wrong file. I updated it to use Spacedock, which only lists one at a time
  9. Oh, I think I know what's going on. I need to make a change to the .netkan, it's grabbing the wrong file.
  10. Ok, so it seems that the material name is, in most cases, the name of the transform. Given the data below, what are the materialNames? This part has three textures defined in the MODEL stanza, only one of which has a corresponding line below MODEL { model = RetroFuture/Command/2m1xCockpit/rectCkPit texture = rectCkPit_DIF, RetroFuture/Textures/rectCkPit_DIF texture = rectCkPit_NRM, RetroFuture/Textures/rectCkPit_NRM texture = rectCkPit_EMI, RetroFuture/Textures/rectCkPit_EMI } I dumped the data using DebugStuff for this part: so would this be correct: This is not working: VARIANT { name = Stock displayName = Stock themeName = Stock primaryColor = #ffffff secondaryColor = #dddddd TEXTURE { materialName = rectCkPit_DIF _MainTex = RetroFuture/StockScheme/rectCkPit_DIF } TEXTURE { materialName = rectCkPit_NRM _MainTex = RetroFuture/StockScheme/rectCkPit_NRM } }
  11. New release, lights not working before engines staged
  12. I just downloaded the latest version for 1.7.1 from Github and checked the .version file, it is correct in that KSP_VERSION_MIN is set to 1.5.1 Please refresh CKAN and try again
  13. No. Just that as apps interface differently, and sometimes what would show an error in one app would have a workaround in another
  14. Strangely enough, I have seen situations like this where replacing the batteries fixes the problem
  15. This is only a parts mod, so you should be good. There are two parts which are broken in the current release, I have them fixed and am just working on some texture issues, hope to release an update in a day or so
  16. Yes, it works, but two problems: First, you missed a part: KAL1000: controller1000 Second, hard-coding the names means that anytime a new part from anywhere is added to the game,either by a mod or by a new update/DLC, it will not show up, or an update will have to be pushed out. Another problem is that with this config, for some reason the icon for Science in the custom categories is replaced with the Cargo icon, and again, it doesn't make sense and I don't have time to figure these things out.
  17. Ummm, I just checked, and I do see a SUBCATEGORY for Payload in that file, around line 200: SUBCATEGORY { name = Pods icon = stockIcon_pods FILTER { CHECK { type = category value = Pods } } } SUBCATEGORY { name = Fuel Tanks icon = stockIcon_fueltank FILTER { CHECK { type = category value = Fuel Tanks } } } SUBCATEGORY { name = Engines icon = stockIcon_engine FILTER { CHECK { type = category value = Engines } } } SUBCATEGORY { name = Command and Control icon = stockIcon_cmdctrl FILTER { CHECK { type = category value = Control } } } SUBCATEGORY { name = Structural icon = stockIcon_structural FILTER { CHECK { type = category value = Structural } } } SUBCATEGORY { name = Robotics icon = serenityIcon_robotics FILTER { CHECK { type = category value = XenonGas } } } SUBCATEGORY { name = Aerodynamics icon = stockIcon_aerodynamics FILTER { CHECK { type = category value = Aerodynamics } } } SUBCATEGORY { name = Utility icon = stockIcon_utility FILTER { CHECK { type = category value = Utility } } } SUBCATEGORY { name = Science icon = stockIcon_science FILTER { CHECK { type = category value = Science } } } SUBCATEGORY { name = Ground icon = stockIcon_ground FILTER { CHECK { type = category value = Ground } } } SUBCATEGORY { name = Thermal icon = stockIcon_thermal FILTER { CHECK { type = category value = Thermal } } } SUBCATEGORY { name = Electrical icon = stockIcon_electrical FILTER { CHECK { type = category value = Electrical } } } SUBCATEGORY { name = Communications icon = stockIcon_communication FILTER { CHECK { type = category value = Communications } } } SUBCATEGORY { name = Coupling icon = stockIcon_coupling FILTER { CHECK { type = category value = Coupling } } } SUBCATEGORY { name = Payload icon = stockIcon_payload FILTER { CHECK { type = category value = Payload } } } SUBCATEGORY { name = Undefined icon = stockIcon_fallback FILTER { CHECK { type = category value = None } } } SUBCATEGORY { name = Liquid Fuel icon = R&D_node_icon_fuelsystems FILTER { CHECK { type = resource value = LiquidFuel } } } SUBCATEGORY { name = Oxidizer icon = fuels_oxidizer FILTER { CHECK { type = resource value = Oxidizer } } } SUBCATEGORY { name = Electric Charge icon = R&D_node_icon_advelectrics FILTER { CHECK { type = resource value = ElectricCharge } CHECK { type = moduleName value = ModuleCommand, ModuleEngines, ModuleGenerator, ModuleRadioisotopeGenerator invert = true } } } SUBCATEGORY { name = Mono Propellant icon = fuels_monopropellant FILTER { CHECK { type = resource value = MonoPropellant } } } SUBCATEGORY { name = Solid Fuel icon = fuels_solidfuel FILTER { CHECK { type = resource value = SolidFuel } } } SUBCATEGORY { name = Xenon Gas icon = fuels_xenongas FILTER { CHECK { type = resource value = XenonGas } } } SUBCATEGORY { name = Intake Air icon = R&D_node_icon_experimentalaerodynamics FILTER { CHECK { type = resource value = IntakeAir } } } SUBCATEGORY { name = Ablator icon = Ablative_Shield FILTER { CHECK { type = resource value = XenonGas } } } SUBCATEGORY { name = Ore icon = fuels_ore FILTER { CHECK { type = resource value = XenonGas } } } SUBCATEGORY { name = Cargo icon = stockIcon_cargo FILTER { CHECK { type = category value = Cargo } } }
  18. New release, Fixed nullref spam after setting node in map view
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