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Bug Hunter
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Everything posted by linuxgurugamer

  1. Well, the code says: var path = KSPUtil.ApplicationRootPath + "/GameData/" + cfgurl + "_NH.cfg"; which tells me that it will be in the same folder as the original config, with _NH_cfg at the end
  2. I suppose it will be backwards compatible, as long as unBlur is also available.
  3. Refresh your CKAN. CKAN was updated this morning, but for some reason it didn't take. I just forced a rebuild, and it's now there, so you should be good moving forward
  4. New release, Fixed logic error on bulk hires related to gender and veteran choices @Tonka Crash Thanks for the update
  5. Just an FYI, I just released the Blizzy toolbar with the unBlur code and dependency
  6. New release, 1.7.19 Added unBlur as a hard dependency Thanks to (github: @Cake-Pie, KSP: cakepie) for changes to both fix blurring and needless reading of the disk Removed the version check
  7. New release, 1.2.10 Thanks to @zer0Kerbal for the following: Update MM_Workshop.cfg to cover all science labs instead of just the stock one. Update WorkshopChemical.cfg for SimpleConstruction Update WorkshopAICore.cfg for SimpleConstruction Update Workshop.cfg for SimpleConstruction Note: Due to changes in KIS, this is only compatible with 1.7 and later
  8. New release, If bulk slider > 1, then badass and veteran buttons are disabled; Thanks to @TonkaCrash for this: CustomAstronautComplexUI.cs Changed limit of hires to a single constant, was just set to 10 in various places, but logic assumed more than 10 could be hired at a time Randomized stats on bulkhires. Sliders affect average value of stats, 5% chance of a badass. Veteran and Badass buttons are ignored for bulkhires. en-us.cfg Fixed grammar in Veteran tooltip. Randomize stats on bulk hires Fixed grammar error in Veteran tooltip. Thanks to @cake-pit for these: Fix a derp in tooltip Respect KerbalExperienceEnabled setting
  9. New release, Thanks to github user @mrprobot for these: Fixed Mk16 node Updated part descriptions
  10. New release, Version bump because of a bad build Note: Icons need updating If anyone is good at icons, I need some new icons for these categories, size is 32x32: New icons needed for the new Cargo subcategories: Containers Science New icons needed for the new Robotics subcategories Rotation Controller Servos Hinges Pistons Rotors Rotation Servo
  11. It appears that the build is missing the 000_FilterExtensions_Configs and zFinal_FilterExtensions folders, I'll get that fixed. This would cause CKAN to not show the new, updated version. Also, even a manual install would have the same issue
  12. No Please verify that you are running 3.2.3. It appears that CKAN installed the previous version when I just tried installing it, and actually, CKAN is not listing the new version yet
  13. New release, Thanks to @Stone Blue for this: K-35b fix
  14. New release Fixed patches to only modify the MEMLanderSXT
  15. New release, https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/OrbitalTug/releases/tag/ Thanks to @zer0Kerbal for doing a fantastic job on this: All these changes have been done by forum user @zer0Kerbal Note: This uses the new KIS, not the old. There is a possibility for compatiblity with the old KIS, being looked into at this time version = 0.13 [DONE] fwdAdaptor: adjusted Attachment node(s) placement [DONE] fwdAdaptor: if B9PartSwitch installed, set up node switch [NEW] fwdAdaptor: add inside pole nodes [DONE] adaptorCarrier: adjusted Attachment node(s) placement [DONE] adaptorCarrier: if B9PartSwitch installed, set up node switch [NEW] adaptorCarrier: add inside pole nodes [DONE] OrbitalTugPod: verified node orientation [WIP][BUG 0.12a] OrbitalTugPod: light adjusting only one thing (cabin) and not the spotlights [WIP] OrbitalTugPod: KAS Winch adjustments [DONE][BUG 0.12a] dronePod: not showing up in editor ... missing 6 commas [WIP] grapplerJr: KAS winch [WIP] grapplerJr: Nodes - 3/2/0 engine node; generic misc placement [WIP] grapplerJr: [NEW] fwdAdapter: merge in separate patch to adjust node orientation [NEW] adaptorCarrier: merge in separate patch to adjust node orientation version = 0.12 [DONE] fwdAdaptor, adaptorCarrier: split into two fwdAdaptor: adjusted Attachment node(s) placement [WIP]fwdAdaptor: if B9PartSwitch installed, set up node switch adaptorCarrier: adjusted Attachment node(s) placement [WIP]adaptorCarrier: if B9PartSwitch installed, set up node switch [DONE] OrbitalTugPod: adjusted Attachment node(s) placement [BUG 0.12a] OrbitalTugPod: light adjusting only one thing (cabin) and not the spotlights [WIP]OrbitalTugPod: KAS Winch adjustments dronePod: adjusted Attachment node(s) placement [BUG 0.12b] dronePod: not showing up in editor ... bringing out the can of RAID. dronePod: Bill and Bob each had a nodeDazzler Glue Gun.... [NEW] grapplerJr: KAS winch [NEW] grapplerJr: Nodes [NEW] grapplerJr: version = 0.11 intial beta Removed bugs TugCore: add attachment nodes TugCore: if B9PartSwitch installed, set up 4/2/0 node switch TugCore: change node size from 2 to 1 to match rest of parts engineOnArm: Add Attachment nodes engineOnArm: Correct attachRules to allow node attachment engineOnArm: if B9PartSwitch installed, set up 3/1 node switch engineOnArm: added stackSymmetry helperDrone: Add Attachment nodes helperDrone: Correct attachRules to allow node attachment helperDrone: if B9PartSwitch installed, set up 2/1 node switch DronePod: Add Attachment nodes DronePod: Correct attachRules to allow node attachment DronePod: if B9PartSwitch installed, set up 7/5/3/1 node switch OrbitalTugPod: Add Attachment nodes [DONE] OrbitalTugPod: Correct attachRules to allow node attachment OrbitalTugPod: if B9PartSwitch installed, set up 7/5/3/1 node switch [DONE] fwdAdaptor, adaptorCarrier: correct node orientation [DONE] fwdAdaptor, adaptorCarrier: Correct attachRules to allow node attachment [NEW] fwdAdaptor, adaptorCarrier: might need to split into two, if not merge [NEW] fwdAdaptor, adaptorCarrier: add Attachment nodes [NEW] fwdAdaptor, adaptorCarrier: if B9PartSwitch installed, set up node switch [NEW] grapplerJr: Add Attachment nodes [NEW] grapplerJr: Correct attachRules to allow node attachment [NEW] grapplerJr: if B9PartSwitch installed, set up node switch version = 0.10 change = Initial Commit
  16. @zer0Kerbal I'm going to be pulling from your zer0kerbalNodes branch in a few minutes
  17. New release, 3.2.3 for KSP 1.7.1 only Fixed for new categories in KSP 1.7.1 Note: The Filter by Function has been changed from a replace to an append with all the identical lines with stock commented out Note 2: This version is only compatible with 1.7.1 and future
  18. Plz...Try it, it should work. And you really shouldn't bother mod authors with questions like this, especially when it's still so new. We do this for free, with no compensation, in our spare time. Repeat: Spare Time There have been a number of mod authors over the years who have quit modding because of being pestered like this. I know you are impatient, but we have lives outside KSP. Also, in about 98% of the time, mods for 1.6.1 will work without any issue on 1.7. It's far better to test it, and, if you have an issue, to post a polite message with an attached log file describing what happened. It's not a matter of license, it's lack of knowledge on how to model parts. And a lack of time
  19. For now, put them in a new file. I'll take a look and decide where they should go.
  20. It sounds like it's ready for a new beta. If you'd like, I could do a pull into a branch and make that available a a second beta, this would all you to continue working on the patches as feedback comes in. I would need to know which branch to pull from, I see two there. I'd like to do this sometime this evening during my coding stream on Twitch. Also, I've been thinking about the two formats I've provided, and since I haven't heard any feedback, I think I'm going to go with the alternate one, which has all the patches in separate file. To that end, I created a new branch called SeparatePatchesAndZer0Kerbal which is a clone of the first branch for the separate patches Let me know your thoughts.
  21. They were gently nudged by an MMU. You can watch it here: This was done on Twitch stream. This first clip show the where it was gently nudged: This is the beginning of the docking, it's about 10 minutes or so. This is the initial docking of the MMU with the Hab, one of the times you will see it bumps a bit hard:https://www.twitch.tv/videos/427207442?t=03h03m04s And this one, an hour later, shows the engineer trying to repair the solar panels: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/427207442?t=03h59m31s
  22. I'm only repeating what someone else, an experienced modder who makes (and has fixed) parts
  23. The problem as I understand it is that the colliders need to be baked into the model. I have someone looking at it who an expert, I was hoping to get the original files
  24. This is the engine module, and it is not a stock engine module, as I've said before. This is not trivial, since I need to adjust the build process to have the RF mod installed during the build, and to add checking to avoid calling it if it's not installed. I'll get to it, but I'm rather busy right now with a couple of 1.7.1 bugs which are affecting everybody who uses FilterExtensions
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