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Bug Hunter
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Everything posted by linuxgurugamer

  1. Make sure you are going in the correct direction
  2. The biggest performance hog are the physics calculations, which means that the bigger the vessel, the worse it gets
  3. Well, whotelisting is preferred . That file was created by a script, which worked for better than 95% of my mods. I'll take a closer look this evening. Did you try the beta I posted earlier?
  4. Good to know, I'll be reviewing the perl script and including it soon. I'll also remove the bash script to avoid confusion Please try this, replace the entire BSL directory, and run the script, let me know how it goes: https://www.dropbox.com/s/4se1h7wntkztc76/BSL-beta.zip?dl=0
  5. @winterchillz I dont' run USI Life Support, if the issue you have is with that, please ask for help in the USI forum. Also see @COL.R.Neville's post above, it might be helpful
  6. If anyone is interested here is a link (valid for 30 days from May 22) to the online AutoDesk viewer showing the FBX file listed above. https://bit.ly/2wcIQG7
  7. What are the differences between what you did and what @Starwaster did ? I was thinking of including this in a small pack of mods that make sense together , along the lines of SpaceTux Industries Recycled Parts, but if you are going to do anything, then I won't include this. Otherwise, I'd appreciate seeing any changes that you made
  8. New release, Fixed agent Silisko (thanks to @COL.R.Neville for pointing it out)
  9. For some reason, I thought they were bigger, he says that they are capable of carrying 1.875m parts, so it's bigger than that, but not much
  10. RLS mod? Also, this seems to be your first post in this thread
  11. Just downloaded. Very nice detailing. Your shuttle is actually significantly smaller than the Mk2.5, i was able to put your entire cargo bay inside mine. Would be interesting to have one shuttle transport the parts of another :-) and you also did a nice job with making enough areas solid to reflect the need for strength
  12. Ok, your cross section is a bit different than mine (Mk 2.5 Spaceplane Parts) Nice parts, I haven't downloaded yet, do the walls have realistic thicknesses (or any thickness at all?)
  13. REally nice job (I'm jealous). Two things come to mind: could you post a cross-sectional diagram showing dimensions? That would help people make compatible parts Second, I can't tell (at work right now), but was wondering if the cross-section matches that from the Mk2.5 Spaceplane Parts mod? Looks like it might be close
  14. For all interested, I've adopted and released an updated version of this mod, new thread here:
  15. If you are having problems with a specific mod,, go to that mod’s thread and ask for help
  16. Thanks. I'm not freescaling, have added the scaleNodes and testing. Edit: That seems to have fixed it
  17. @Lisias Does TW scale attach nodes? I'm working on some shuttle wings, and found that when I increased the size of the wing, it didn't seem to increase the node size (I did this by testing, changing the node size by hand). This is important for wings, especially shuttle wings. I'm referring to the size of the attach nodes, I know that it does scale the positions
  18. User @amankd picked up this mod a while ago, and did some updates, but seems to have left the scene, original thread here: https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/127736-retrofuture-11312/ It's here! Finally retrofuture space plane parts is available! Dependency FirespitterCore KSPWheel ModuleManager B9 Procedural Wings Fork, Modified This is still a work in progress. I've gotten it updated to the best of my ability, but will rely on reports from the users (ie: you) for anything which might need to be fixed or updated, either a bug or for balancing The areas that need focus are: Node Attachment (I think I got them all, but can't be sure) Buoyancy Heat Aero Review by Kottabos: Part Variants have now been implemented for all parts. However, there are two optional patches which would replace that with either B9PartSwitch or just a stock-alike textures Install PatchManager to enable/disable it, available here: Availability License: CC-NC-SA-4.0 Source:https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/RetroFuture Download: https://spacedock.info/mod/2153/Retrofuture Space Plane Parts Modernized CKAN: (soon)
  19. Those don't count (you weren't supposed to be watching. ) There is a lot of R&D involved for the Duna missions. I'll probably start off with a test reentry with the same shuttle, and a Tweakscaled version of the same thing. Larger shuttles should end up with more lift proportionally. R&D starts next week
  20. Ummm, KSP doesn't do that, you must be using a mod. Please supply your mod list so we can help you identify it, at which point you will have to go to that mod's thread
  21. The intrepid kerbals at the KSP have done it again. Using their newest design, the Beluga, they have completed the next series of missions, MUN-STS-5-7. My shuttle designs are getting better. All three missions were done using almost identical shuttles; the first one didn't have any solar panels or extra batteries, so it had a bit of a time returning. Of course, after adding those to the second and third shuttles, it wasn't needed. Anyway, on to the news report: Mun-STS-5 went off without any significant issues. It ran out of power on the way home, had to nurse the engines to generate enough power to maneuver. Other than that, a very smooth flight and landing Mun-STS-6 was a very smooth flight. Rendezvous was not difficult (other than going in the wrong direction initally), and maneuvering the module to dock with the first one went very smoothly. We had to deorbit the external tank around the Mun before returning home to clean up after ourselves (no space junk) The three shuttles at the end of the mission: The Space Station LOP-G:
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