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Bug Hunter
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Everything posted by linuxgurugamer

  1. You could also try using the new Fill It Up mod which lets you adjust resources in tanks.
  2. It helps to read the up completely
  3. It doesnt always work. I'll take care of it this evening
  4. I assume you refreshed? The top line should be Recycled Parts
  5. The reason the sizes are the same is that they are all stored in the same file. To get them all, just select the first one, Recycled Parts, and everything will be installed
  6. Yes, but you really should start trying these things. You would have had your answer right away, without having to wait for me
  7. @Starlord Kerman I see that CKAN is checked in Spacedock, but it's not there. Would you like me to get it added to CKAN?
  8. Not to be greedy, but do you think you can make a variant of this which fits the Mk2.5 form, for inclusion in the Mk2.5 Spaceplane mod?
  9. Define "rover" please. Does it have to have wheels, or can it be thruster powered? This, I assume, can be anything? How about a mini shuttle?
  10. You really need to start posting log files with your messages when you ask for help. And, reading would also help. For this specific problem, it is mentioned at the top of the first post of this thread. Install the following mod to fix the problem:
  11. Mun STS-1 completed. Research station deployed with 3 kerbals. An interesting shuttle design, the external tank has 3 Vectors, while the shuttle itself has an aerospike engine. After 3 failed launch attempts, we made it to orbit, and then to the Mun. The external tank had plenty of fuel, so it went along with us. Landing was interesting, I got distracted by stream stuff and crashed the first time, second time was easy. What I didn't realize until it was too late was that the external tank ran out of fuel halfway down, so I wasted some fuel landing it as well. And then, because it was out of fuel, it wasn't able to fly itself away after decoupling, so we had to push it over. Good thing the Mun has such light gravity. Once down, the research station was deployed with it's own thrusters. One more minor glitch showed up when the structural trusses at the ends which were the anchor points got stuck with the RCS thruster nozzles, so a Kerbal had to do some Kerbaling by jumping up and down on them to break them free. Finally, the takeoff was dicy, first time was a disaster, second time was good. Very low climbout in the beginning. The return home was mostly uneventful, although long. Due to the low amount of fuel remaining, once we left the Mun's SOI, the orbit was modified to put the Pe at 60km; low enough to get some drag, high enough to avoid too much. After 10-15 orbits with aerobraking, the shuttle was low enough to be able to circularize. This was necessary to be able to land back at the KSC. The reentry was nominal, and the jet engines were only needed for about a minute. The shuttle ended up being a bit nose heavy at the end, but it landed safely. YouTube video here: The mission in picture: An exciting takeoff:
  12. New release, Thanks to github user @Hauke Lampe: Fixed Exception caused when locking and unlocking resources
  13. It only took a couple of minutes. When you have experience, you know what to look for
  14. New beta, Moved default values to addon list Added toggle button to hide the default values (Advanced Settings) Decent highlighting of addons on the ignore list (bold and italic) Fixed: Issue during text input validation Fixed: Windows don't close after loading a savegame Some internal code changes (CompatibilityState) Available here: https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/KSPAddonVersionChecker/releases/tag/
  15. Looks like you put QuizTech into the wrong folder. The QuizTechAeroContinued should be in GameData, from what I see in your log file, it is in the CommunityResourcePack directory: Load(Texture): CommunityResourcePack/QuizTechAeroContinued/Flags/NavyKASA
  16. It's an interesting idea, but doesn't really belong in this mod
  17. My sig. has a link to it: Read this BEFORE asking for support: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/83212-how-to-get-support-read-first/
  18. That's my preference as well, although the 2nd option would essentially be the same as showing all the saved craft.
  19. PermaPrune actually changes file names, you will need to undo it one at a time in the Editor
  20. I am aware of it, you reported this a few posts back as well. No ETA right now on a fix
  21. Do you have the dependencies installed? ModuleManager Firespitter Core (https://github.com/snjo/Firespitter/releases) BahamutoD Animation Modules (https://github.com/raidernick/BDAnimationModules/releases/)
  22. I suppose I can add a disable mechanism if RT is installed, but that would be the extent of what I would do. If someone else would submit a PR with changes specific to RT, I'll review it and accept if it looks good
  23. Ok. After reviewing the code, I think it's going to be difficult to be able to add any random craft to the build queue. However, I have a couple of different ideas which may make more sense from a gameplay point of view, and makes it easier from a modding point of view Assume that any craft you go into the VAB/SPH and add to the build queue is a one-off order. There would be a new button (on the top row, to the left of the "New" button ) which would add the vessel to a standardized list in order to be able to schedule builds from anywhere else. A second way, which I'm not sure would be as good, would be to simply add any vessel that was ever built to a standardized build list. This has the potential of becoming overly full
  24. For anybody interested, I am pleased to announce that as of now, the codebase of the RO fork of KCT and this release are up-to-date with each other.
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