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Bug Hunter
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Everything posted by linuxgurugamer

  1. The reason there is a CCTV.restockwhitelist in the JSI folder is that there is a reference in the JSI folder to that file in Squad. There are NO parts in the CCTV mod itself which references anything in the Squad folders
  2. Are you posting in the correct thread? I think you meant to post this in the CCTV folder, the short answer is that there aren't any parts in the CCTV mod itself which reference any files in the Squad folder
  3. I've adopted this mod, at least until @tajampi returns. You can find the new thread here:
  4. Forum user @tajampi wrote this mod which adds a lot to the visuals of a launch. He hasn't been around since November, so I'm adopting it mainly to have an up-to-date release. If he comes back I'll gladly turn it back over to him. @tajampi has contacted me, I'll be continuing to maintain this with his OK. Original thread is here: https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/109845-151-engine Engine Lighting Now Real Fuels compatible Includes update to the engine-config.cfg as mentioned in the previous thread A simple mod that adds lighting effects to all engines! And now it also adds effects to all your decouplers! This mod adds lighting effects to all engines on the game (and most modded ones!) Light intensity is calculated from thrust and engine power, so the Mainsail will emit much more light than the Ant engine! Videos by TinyPirate & GrunfWorks! New Dependencies Click Through Blocker ToolbarController Some Images: Availability Download: https://spacedock.info/mod/2111/Engine Lighting Relit Source: https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/EngineLightRelit/ License: MIT
  5. I haven't included JSI in the release for a while; it's an optional thing
  6. An interesting idea, could you add it to the issues list on Github? Just an FYI, I'm not sure it can be done, there is a lot of stuff which happens in the editor
  7. Nope, github is fine, so is spacedock I'll get it updated for now. Regarding the .version file, I took the liberty to write one for you. You will need to replace the data for the URL. I suggest that before you put it into a release file, that you verify the syntax at http://jsonformatter.org . I use it every time I make a change, has found numerous mistakes over the years. Once you have it in a release (don't forget to bump the build number), let me know and i'll get the netkan updated with the new info { "NAME": "KerbalKrashSystem", "URL": "<replace with url to an online version of the .version file, make sure it is the raw format>", "DOWNLOAD": "https://github.com/EnzoMeertens/KerbalKrashSystem/releases", "GITHUB": { "USERNAME": "EnzoMeertens", "REPOSITORY": "KerbalKrashSystem" }, "VERSION": { "MAJOR": 0, "MINOR": 4, "PATCH": 5, "BUILD": 0 }, "KSP_VERSION_MIN": { "MAJOR": 1, "MINOR": 6, "PATCH": 1 } } And, CKAN is now updated
  8. @EnzoMeertens Would it be ok if I get CKAN updated with the current version? Also, if you were to include a .version file, CKAN would see the updates automatically. Let me know LGG
  9. If you arent running ReStock, the whitelist doesn’t do anything if you are, please provide a log file
  10. Moving them to the center is fine, and makes sense. Right now I'm not planning on adding a button, but regardless, the window should close. And the advanced toggle about the default values is also fine Are you going to do this?
  11. New release, Thanks to github user @MaximeBrean for this: Added missing title
  12. @Shadowmage Is this a change to the basic KSPWheel, or just the KF stuff? This caught me by surprise (not your problem), and I don't have time right now to read the entire thread. I guess what I'm getting at is, will other mods which use KSPWheel need to be fixed? Also, since this appears to be game-breaking change, have you thought about changing the names of the parts, and then you could have a legacy pack and then the new KF2 pack? This would ease the transition for many people, I think
  13. New release, Fixed a grammer mistake Removed KSP_VERSION from the .version file, it still has the KSP_VERSION_MIN
  14. Same thing in the OP, thanks. Since I'm not doing anything with this, I'll probably push out a release today
  15. New release, Removed unnecessary AppLauncher method Moved toolbar creation into main RCSBuildAid method, fixes the button disappearing after going into flight scene Removed disabled code related to old toolbar management @Jacke this should fix your problem
  16. Ok, I can confirm this :-( I'm going to have to make some other changes; it was written in an odd manner (the buttons) and I'm going to rewrite it. Tomorrow.
  17. New beta, Disabled the STRICT_VERSION with a compile-time setting. To enable it, add STRICT to the conditional compilation symbols Added Sorting for mod names and version numbers. https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/KSPAddonVersionChecker/releases/tag/
  18. New release, 0.1.11 Added patch file for BlueDog Design Bureau Fixed missing texture on the wide angle camera
  19. Update, that should have been fixed. You might need to uninstall and reinstall I just tested, it is missing, I'll have to get it fixed Looks like something changed in the way KSP looks at the config, it wasn't loading the texture. Fixed in the upcoming update
  20. New release, Restored missing KSPLogger.cfg file
  21. Please note: I've started a new thread for my versions moving forward, please move all discussion to it:
  22. @magico13 has retired(?) from modding, and I have adopted this mod. Previous thread here: https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/83342-141-* Kerbal Construction Time Attention! As part of my adoption, MagiCore is now being released separately and must be downloaded separately. Magicore Downloads KCT Downloads (SpaceDock) KCT Downloads for KSP 1.7.3 (SpaceDock) KCT Downloads (GitHub) Important Notice KCT has been upgraded for KSP 1.8. In order to support the RO people, there is now a new entry in CKAN for KCT-1.7.3. For CKAN users: If you are using KSP 1.7.3 and wish to get updates for 1.7.3, you will need to uninstall KCT and then install the 1.7.3 version of KCT. Updates will be applied to both versions at the same time, until RO upgrades to 1.8 Dependencies ToolbarController ClickThroughBlocker Magicore SpaceTuxLibrary (new dependency) About Kerbal Construction Time is a plugin which, at its core, is designed to make vessels take time to build rather than being able to constantly launch new vessels one after another. This core feature is expanded upon to create a larger system for managing your space center. Build your vessels, upgrade your facilities, research new technologies, and make decisions where you never had to before (Do I upgrade the VAB further or start upgrading the SPH? Do I want to build single vessels quickly, or multiple vessels at once? Is getting new tech faster worth building ships slower? Do I use these old parts to be ready for the transfer window, or do I use new parts with better stats?) When combined with other realism based addons, especially life support addons, the experience is even better. No longer can you send out a rescue mission without consequence, making planning that much more important. Features Vessels take time to build, dependent on vessel complexity (cost), how many times the parts have been used before, if any of the parts are in your inventory, and your Build Rates. Unlock multiple build rates to build multiple vessels at once (2 rates = 2 vessels being built simultaneously), or just upgrade your first build rate to be lightning fast. Tech nodes take time to research. No more instant part unlocks. Earn or purchase upgrades which you can spend to build ships faster (or more at once), research technology quicker, or earn science for building ships. KSC building upgrades also require time to complete. After each rocket launch the launchpad must be reconditioned and repaired before the next launch can occur, based on the vessel's mass. Additionally, rockets must be rolled out to the launchpad from the VAB. Recover and reuse the EXACT same plane or rocket. SSTO's and planes now can be refuelled and reused in much less time than building a new one. Just open up the KCT menu after landing and click the Recover Active Vessel button. Not all parts may work properly, so you may need to add to the list of modules to get reset. Warning: KSP isn't really designed for this, and weird things can happen. Report them, with logs, and I'll see if I can fix it. Here is a list of known issues related to this and causes: https://github.com/magico13/KCT/issues/82 Highly customizable. Don't want tech unlocks to take time? Disable it. Want builds to take longer or for inventory parts to have a bigger effect? Easily changed. In fact, nearly every formula used by KCT can be edited in-game or through a config file! Automatic creation of Kerbal Alarm Clock alarms for the next ship/tech to finish. An awesome icon made by diomedea, who I feel bad about not crediting anywhere for the longest time for some reason. Multiple launchpads!(gfycat link) Build and upgrade several launchpads so you can launch your rescue craft right away! Don't get stuck waiting for reconditioning to finish. Availability Download: https://spacedock.info/mod/222/Kerbal Construction Time Source: https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/KCT License:GPL-3.0 Available via CKAN Recommended Companion Mods ScrapYard - Adds a part inventory that can greatly reduce build times. KRASH - Allows you to simulate vessels before you spend time building them (KCT no longer has built in simulations) StageRecovery - Recover dropped stages to help reduce build times when used with ScrapYard. Crew R&R - Adds time elements to crew, whereas KCT only acts on vessels and KSC. Oh Scrap! - A part failure mod built upon ScrapYard. A life support or part failure mod. These types of mods add additional challenges that mesh well with the build time limitations of KCT. Known Issues You cannot launch with kerbals in command chairs, so if you assign a KIS inventory to that kerbal in the editor then it definitely won't be there when you launch. If you're in need of help, don't forget the getting started guide, originally written by @guto8797 with updates by @magico13 (last updated for v1.2.1). A fairly in-depth set of documentation for KCT covering everything from building a vessel to the details of every option in the Settings menu. It is written somewhat satirically, but contains a treasure trove of information and is also included with each release. I permit the use of KCT in mod packs or other forms of distribution, but ask that I be notified. I would prefer there to not be derivatives made unless I give permission directly or I am completely out of contact for over a month. While none of these are requirements of the license, it is respectful that you honor these requests (and I'll be way more willing to provide help if you do). Some words of inspiration: Check out OverloadUT's (KSP-TV livestreamer) epic story of rescue, due in part to KCT: autumalequinox said: Media A review by Scott Manley. It doesn't quite catch the fun parts of KCT, but does a good job of showing off some of the basic features. A short (~12 minutes) video by me (magico13) explaining some of the features at the time of release, without going too much into details. A longer video (~31 minutes) by PTTGRW explaining, in detail, the features as present in PR7.2.3 (right before release) Kerbal Crush Saga: Rocket Fire Age Daily Challenge Leaderboard (This was part of the April Fools Day 2015 build) CalculusWarrior - Through the power of MechJeb, infinite fuel, and pure determination fought through the onslaught of KCS:RFA advertisements to be the first (and currently only) to complete the daily challenge. (also proving to me that the popup will indeed appear, since I couldn't test that myself) 
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