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Bug Hunter
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Everything posted by linuxgurugamer

  1. I see the following error repeated at the end of the log: [ERR 16:50:04.590] Input is null for field 'agent' in config node 'CONTRACT' at System.Environment.get_StackTrace() at ConfigNode.AddValue(System.String name, System.String value) at Contracts.Contract.Save(.ConfigNode node) at ContractConfigurator.ContractPreLoader.OnSave(.ConfigNode node) at ScenarioModule.Save(.ConfigNode node) at ProtoScenarioModule..ctor(.ScenarioModule module) at ScenarioRunner.UpdateModules() at ScenarioRunner.GetUpdatedProtoModules() at Game.Updated(GameScenes startSceneOverride) at Game.Updated() at FlightDriver+<PostInit>c__Iterator0.MoveNext() at UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine.InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator enumerator, IntPtr returnValueAddress) Assuming this is what you are referring to, we would need to know which contract, or at least, which contract packs you have installed
  2. CKAN gets it's data from the .version file (if it exists and was configured to). I haven't rebuilt this for a while, so it's not going to get updated until I do.
  3. That's actually an interesting idea. But for now, not going to touch it.
  4. My second time doing STS-9, this time with a Class B, 9.9 ton asteroid. And Jebediah was crazy, he rode it down in a chair on the outside of the asteroid. The only "cheat" I did was to edit the save file to change a class C into a class B asteroid, otherwise I would have had to wait for a long time for one to show up. This is a two part mission, shown in the videos below. I had a slight issue when I didn't have the right parts to connect tanks together, but was able to work around that by using crossfeed through the asteroid :-) Part 1, launch and rendezvous: Part 2, capture, orbit capture, aerobraking and landing
  5. What error message is on screen? @magico13 Can you update the OP to say that MagiCore is a dependency which must be downloaded separately? Thanks
  6. Hi everybody, I've released, new thread is here: Please move all discussion there. @navot could you ask the moderators to lock this thread?
  7. This mod is derived from the old Control Surface Toggle mod. original thread is here: https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/164626-* Immersion gets shattered when you are in space and your control surfaces flap uselessly while maneuvering. Also, it's quite funny when you are on a planet with an SSTO which has airbrakes, and the airbrakes open when you hit the brakes. What really annoys me is the useless engine gimbaling when I'm just rotating the vessel, etc. Also disables engine gimbaling when fuel flow is 0 (ie: engine not running). This mod fixes all that, seamlessly and automatically. For those who want to, you can manually disable/enable all control surfaces by right-clicking on one of the parts. There are now events, so you can also do that using action groups Pics later Availability Download: https://spacedock.info/mod/2095/AECS_Motion_Suppressor Source code: https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/AECS_Motion_Suppressor License: MIT Available in CKAN Dependency (new as of SpaceTuxLibrary
  8. And of course, once having said this, I am adopting the JDiminishingRTG mod :-)
  9. Hi, I'm reviving the JDiminishingRTG mod, and would like it to have a compatible CRP config. It has 4 different fuels, which correspond to the following: plutonium238 : expensive, high output, medium halflife americium241 : less expensive, low output, very long halflife strontium90 : cheap, mid-high output, short halflife polonium210 : medium cost, insane output, pitiful halflife I know that there is a Plutonium238 in the CRP, but am looking for equivalent resources to the Americium241, Strontium90, and Polonium210. Suggestions will be appreciated Thanks in advance
  10. @Warezcrawler I'm releasing a mod to toggle gimbaling (among other things) on engines when they are not running. Currently it deals with ModuleEngines and ModuleEnginesFX. Do I need to do anything different for this? Linuxgurugamer
  11. I did a poll, and this one won: AECS Motion Suppressor (Aerobrake, Engine and Control Surface Motion Suppressor) Will try to get it released tomorrow
  12. Since nobody had posted any ideas, what do people think about "Intelligent Controllers" as a new name for the mod?
  13. Going to break this up into individual questions: Is the engine gimbaling toggleable? Yes, it is in the stock game Can the engine gimbal toggling be controlled by an action group? Yes, this is stock already Is this a tweakable? No If the throttle is set to 0, gimbaling is disabled. If not, then it checks the fuel flow, if an engine is NOT having any fuel flow, then it is disabled. However, if manually disabled, it will stay disabled. And, it is possible to enable both control surfaces and engine gimbaling manually, regardless of the state of the engine or throttle
  14. I am open to suggestions for renaming this, since it now works with control surfaces, airbrakes and engine gimbaling
  15. Just a bit more testing, it now controls control surfaces (which includes airelons, elvons), engines, AND airbrakes
  16. Nice. How's the progress with the wings?
  17. @TheRagingIrishman's Smart Actuation mod already has the functionality, so that is not really an option :-) With these changes, both mods do the same thing, although differently. I prefer this mod because it has less of a performance impact. I'll adopt this, but will need a little time to come up with a new name
  18. Well, I can't say I'm impressed with the code, there are a number of issues with it. However, I do have it working now, but I need to go through all the code to do some cleanup
  19. I can tell you right now, that the current UI is correct, you aren't missing any fields. The code is there, but commented out. Thanks, I'll add it
  20. @navot I've been using your mod for a while now, but the one thing I also wanted was automatic disabling of the engine gimbaling. I've looked at both mods, and feel that your is more efficient; while Smart Actuators has code which reduces the control surface movement instead of just disabling it, but it requires more overhead from the game. I've written an addition to this which will disable the engine gimbaling, and was wondering if you would like me to send a PR to your repo. Let me know
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