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Bug Hunter
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Everything posted by linuxgurugamer

  1. Ok, I found the docking port. I'm write up a patch for it this evening. The problem is that these patches need to be customized for each docking port. The following is totally untested, but you can try it, put the following in to a file called SLS_DockingCamera.cfg, anywhere is fine, but makes sense to put it into the Hullcam folder: @PART[NASAdockingport] { MODULE { name = MuMechModuleHullCameraZoom cameraName = NavCam cameraForward = 0, 1, 0 cameraUp = 0, 0, -1 cameraPosition = 0, 0, 0 cameraFoVMax = 60 cameraFoVMin = 60 cameraMode = 1 } } Depending on the results, you may need to modify one or more of the following lines: cameraForward cameraUp cameraPosition If you do get it going before I get around to it, I'd appreciate you posting the config you have for it.
  2. It's a KSP bug, use the World Stabilizer mod to fix it: Would have been nice to see the log file to confirm which version of KSP youare running
  3. That's usually a problem with a missing resource at load. I'd have to see the complete logs
  4. New release, Disabled the NearFutureSolar to avoid having a direct reference I need to write some reflection code, will take a little while to finish
  5. Another solution is to recompile both ClickThroughBlocker and ToolbarController for 1.3.1, and then recompile KRASH for 1.3.1. How imminent is the RP-1 release?
  6. Its automatic, but needs to be coded for each docking port. Give me a link to the SLS parts pack, and I'll get one written up
  7. Are you running the latest version of Filter Extensions? Not sure. To my knowledge, the search finds things which would be displayed in the categories
  8. Unfortunately, thus is now creating confusion and incompatible versions of the same mod. Not a good idea
  9. The problem is that its KSP which is getting the error, not KEI. I asked him to test with two lines telling KEI to ignore those experiments, waiting to see the results.
  10. As above, but you should always backup your game before doing updates.
  11. Thanks for replying. Seems that the experiment definition is causing an error in KSP, when KEI is trying to look at all experiments. I guess the best thing to do is to release an update. Strangely enough, while @tjsnhis getting the error, I am not in my test install. So, either I tell KEI to ignore this one experiment, or ignore all experiments from the Tantares Manufacturer, which I just realized is useless for non-english installs. @tjsnh can you try this please: Reinstall the released version, then edit the file ExcludedExperiments.cfg and add the following two lines: experiment = tantares_telemetry_report experiment = tantares_radiometer_scan before the ending brace, and try again?
  12. As I said, I put in some debugging. Use this until I get a full update out I believe the issue is this: [WRN 08:43:05.680] [R&D]: No Experiment definition found with id tantaresTelemetryReport [ERR 08:43:05.689] KEI: Exception found getting next experiment, message: Object reference not set to an instance of an object but I haven't yet found where the tantaresTelemetryReport experiment is located. I installed the two Tantares mods, but that didn't show up. I may need to do a full install of all the mods you use to find this, unless you have an idea where it is?
  13. Umm, that's the KSP.log, not the output_log.txt. Next time do the output_log.txt, it has slightly different information which is somewhat more helpful. Or, send both, can never hurt. I haven't been able to reproduce this, but I do see the method it appears to be happening in. I've added some debugging code, I'd appreciate it if you replaced the mod with this version: https://www.dropbox.com/s/cgjntlcjy8k3mqy/KEI-Debug.zip?dl=0 Run the same game, get to where it happened before, then exit and send me both log files. In this case, could you also send me the save file, not sure if I'll need it but can't hurt. Assuming I found the right place, you should be able to see the window by clicking on the button. Grab a screenshot of that and send it along as well. Thanks
  14. Oh, that may have been split off into another thread. Anyway, @Lisias likes to put the config and data files which change into that directory, so that when updating mods, those files aren't lost if the entire directory is deleted. He has a valid point, unfortunately no one else does it that way, so it looks rather odd
  15. Those of you who've watched me on stream have seen the lag that I have. I finally figured out where some of it was coming from. All Y'All was written using the LateUpdate to keep the PAW updated. The problem with this was that it was being run on every part that there was an All Y'All module, 20x a second. This adds up in a large vessel. I'm pleased to say that I've fixed this, and am releasing the update now, along with a few other additions: New release, 0.11.16 Added NearFutureSolar panels to AYA_Solar Added support for multiple ModuleAnimateGeneric and multiple ModuleCargoBay modules Added patch for Mark IV Cargo Tail to fix 2 small bugs: typo: sstartEventGUIName Wrong value for: closedPosition Optimized code so that the PAW menu for parts is only updated when needed (when the mouse goes over the part). This is a very significant improvement, and is noticeable with large vessels which have lots of the following types of parts: Cargo bays Drills Engines Fuel Cells SaS (reaction wheels) Solar
  16. New release, Fixed resetting the control point when using the Alt (on Windows) when cycling past the last camera
  17. Not a waste, I've been able to replicate it, Thanks for replying, next time, please be willing to do a little extra. Mod authors do this for free, and having people willing to help, even a little bit, is extremely helpful
  18. Can you at least describe the plane? parts, cameras, docking ports, etc? Otherwise it's a wasted report You are also obviously running other mods, based on the image of the navball, an idea of what those are can also be helpful
  19. You still didn't post a log file, and the craft file would also be helpful
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