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Bug Hunter
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Everything posted by linuxgurugamer

  1. Interesting. I'll look at that, it's probably left over from when it was needed, several years ago Thanks
  2. The main folder will not change, I may be adding multiple folders for each "submod" inside the NovaPunch folder
  3. I gather you are running the game in your Steam directory? Bad idea, as you just found out. And how will advertising a release date help mod authors? If you are so happy with 1.4.5, then have Steam revert the game, and continue playing in that.
  4. Just so you know, LES is not intended to be used in space. When in atmosphere, the white LES does have offset thrust, the small one (suitable for the Mk1 pod) does not. At this time, I'm not intending to make any changes
  5. Stick a thermometer on the side, that will make it slightly off balance, hopefilly enought to make it veer away
  6. Nope, not at this time. This is a simple mod, adding too much will make it.a complicated mod
  7. Nope. Not going to happen. Test your rockets.maybe shut down your engines when jettisoning fir a few seconds. Also, you didn5 mention which one yoy were using.
  8. It’s up to the mod author to keep his .version file correct, if he makes a mistake, CKAN can’t do anything about it
  9. Parts mods should be fine, except for the ones with external command seats, those will need an additional line added. Other mods (not just mine) should be recompiled, for safety. You never know when something minor will show itself.
  10. @OhioBob Two things: First, could you add NovaPunch support? I'm reviving it, as of now, I'm pretty sure nothing will be changing in the SRBs. Thread is here, it's now in beta: Second, could we get this added to CKAN?
  11. Take it as a given that those mods which other mods depend upon will be done first.
  12. Not going to happen. There are too many ways for this to fail. It's not worth the headache, there are too many other play areas in the program which could used the work.
  13. Should not be for you either. It's a new version of KSP, most code mods should be recompiled before using. And this one is rather deep inside the game
  14. Nope. I expect that mods will get updated with this new line, I do not expect to continue this mod. It is being retired.
  15. Then you will probably be waiting for a long time. Yes, each new major version has bugs, but each new major version also has new content, and other significant improvements. You want stable, then stick with a specific version (1.3.1, 1.4.1, 1.4.5). Otherwise, expect issues when upgrades come out You are lucky. Or maybe you don't use many programs. Among other things, Microsoft spends a huge amount of money on QA, and they still have problems
  16. If they find bugs, yes, otherwise it doesn't hurt me, and can be helpful
  17. This thread is to provide information on the progress of getting all my mods updated for 1.5, and a place where people can ask the dreaded "Please update xxx" or "Is this mod updated", etc. questions. Please don't overdo it (ie: don't ask for 50 mods to be updated first). Given how many mods I'm maintaining, I have a spreadsheet which shows the current status of each mod, available here: https://goo.gl/KxlgIC Please refer to it for the status of a specific mod I'm going to be starting the updating all my mods in a few days, probably after 1.5.1 is released. Given that there are more than 163 of them, which includes mods I've written and mods I've adopted, I'm looking to prioritize the mods. Look at the list of mods in the spreadsheet, and post a message listing the top 3-4 that you feel should be done first. If you feel very strongly about a mod, and really, really want it sooner, feel free to make a donation to me either via PayPal or Patreon, and indicate what you are interested in. There is no requirement that anybody do so, but it would be an incentive for me to work on a specific mod. Eventually all mods will be updated, except for one or two which have been superseded by the new features in 1.5. All of the mods will work on stock, they will not require the DLC to run. Donation Links https://www.patreon.com/linuxgurugamer https://paypal.me/linuxgurugamer Some of my mods depend on other mods, obviously those won't be able to be updated until their dependencies have been satisfied. All my mods have now been updated for 1.5 except for the following: Kerbal HotSeat, waiting on CLS to be updated Kerbal Animation Suite, in progress
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