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Bug Hunter
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Everything posted by linuxgurugamer

  1. Make sure that the following file exists: Firespitter/Resources/Firespitter.cfg and that it contains the following: RESOURCE_DEFINITION { name = FSCoolant density = 0.005 flowMode = ALL_VESSEL transfer = PUMP } I think that Cormorant Aeronology may not be including that file Also, I just downloaded it from Spacedock, I see two things odd: First, even though the thread says 1.5.1, Spacedock still says 1.4.5 Second, even though the thread says it includes Firespitter, but it has the Firespitter DLL in the wrong location, and doesn't include anything else from Firespitter, so that's your problem Remove the Firespitter.dll from the GameData directory, and install the latest Firespitter package from Github He actually includes two copies of the Firespitter, you should remove them both: GameData/Firespitter.dll GameData/Cormorant Aeronology/Firespitter.dll and then install the package from Github
  2. Where did you get Firespitter? It's a problem with a missing resource, but that's included in the download (or should be) Please upload a copy of the ModuleManager.ConfigCache. You are missing a resource, but that resource is included in the file (just checked). I'll see if I can look at it later today
  3. Try installing the Community Resource Pack, it may be a dependency which I missed
  4. Please provide a log file with the error, that will help me find the problem. From my sig: Read this BEFORE asking for support: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/83212-how-to-get-support-read-first/
  5. Well, I haven't yet gotten to updating both SXT and RLS for 1.5 yet, you will just have to wait a bit
  6. Do you have all the dependencies installed? Firespitter ModuleManager Retractable Lifting Surface
  7. Seems that you have an old .version file lying around. I just downloaded and installed it with CKAN, and do not get that message Try deleting the entire EVAFuel directory and reinstalling it
  8. Its now available in the Spacetux Industries Recycled Parts mod
  9. I'll see what I can do, why dont you include everything, that way I might be able to get someone else to look at it
  10. I don't know how expensive the raycast is, but I see at least two other ways to get your AGL: vessel.radarAltitude vessel.altitude - vessel.terrainAltitude These two should probably be the same. Either should be much less expensive than doing the raycast. The problem I see is that if you have a craft with a lot of lifting surfaces, control surfaces, etc, there will be increased overhead for each raycast. I do understand that using a single value will not be as accurate as for individual parts, but personally, I would give up a little bit of accuracy for better performance. I am watching this with extreme interest, feel free to ask for help if you need it
  11. A suggestion: if it loads multiple change logs, present a list of all the change logs so the user can look at a specific one without having to do a previous next
  12. Pretty neat, I'll definitely be looking at it. What happens if it sees multiple changelogs?
  13. I'm not a modeler, so I dont need the original files. Just the mu, textures and cfg file
  14. That is not a good idea, you may not mind the broken stuff, but you can be sure that someone else will have problems and complain.
  15. I'd be happy to take a look if you send me a zip of the whole thing
  16. That's the right file, but you didn't/can't post the whole thing. Copy the file to Dropbox (if you have it), or another file sharing site, and then post a link to the file. I was able to tell from the file that you are running Windows 10, KSP version 1.4.3, but not much else
  17. New releases, Thanks to @4x4cheesecake for this fix: Fix flickering in editor when moving mouse over angle snap window
  18. New release, Fixed new kerbal suits Fixed female kerbals Removed extraneous settings Fixed homeworld check
  19. Correct. Using the launcher you were able to tell it because the launcher was launching KSP as a separate program, and therefore was able to specify the option to it.
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