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Bug Hunter
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Everything posted by linuxgurugamer

  1. New release, Fixed URL in .version file Corrected text in intro
  2. New releases, & Fixed bug when creating a new game and going into difficulty settings due to Settings not being initialized Version is for KSP 1.4.5, and is for KSP 1.5.1
  3. I don't use that mod, and don't have time to learn it right now. Specifically, those logs don't include the initial information about the game, hardware, DLLs installed, etc. You aren't having errors, it just something isn't working, and I need the full output_log.txt to get an idea as to what's going on.
  4. New release, 1.9.12: Added Smart tag, thanks @Gordon-dry Fixed typo in km_smart_proximity.cfg, thanks @7ranceaddic7
  5. More information is needed, including a log file, the craft file, and if possible,a save file Also, did you ever use it i. 1.4?
  6. New release, 1.1.4: Updated old KAS configs with new KIS config Added a NEEDS to the JSIExternalCameraSelector modules
  7. I will appreciate someone or some group adopt and improve it. the core idea is it : 1. kerbal training system, 2. using sci point to train. As I said, I don't have time for this, other than curating, but need to see interest from other people first
  8. The following needs to be added: CrewCapacity = 1
  9. Ummm, well, I'm not fluent with KIS. As I was trying to make the video, I realized my mistake, after grabbing it, I was letting go of the G key. Might I suggest that you put another line in the little popup menu which shows the commands, a line which says to hold the G key to put into an inventory? I did come up with something else, though, see the attached video with the log file: https://www.dropbox.com/s/4q9mu0edhmcxqfe/kisGlitchDemo.zip?dl=0 Note that on the video, the flashing is intermittent, but on screen, it continuous and very fast, many times per second
  10. There are at least two mods which will help you with this: Tree Toppler Career Manager
  11. Oh, I didn't realize it was UBM (I was reading on my phone) Ok, so, now it's a waiting game. I have the parts working here, will not do anything until I finish all my mod updates
  12. @IgorZ I'm not sure this is a bug or not: I'm updating a mod, and added the following to the part: MODULE:NEEDS[KIS] { name = ModuleKISItem shortcutKeyAction = drop useName = use usableFromEva = false usableFromContainer = false usableFromPod = false usableFromEditor = false stackable = false volumeOverride = 0 moveSndPath = KIS/Sounds/itemMove equipable = false equipMode = model equipSlot = <null> equipSkill = <null> equipRemoveHelmet = false equipBoneName = aliasHelmet equipPos = (0, 0, 0) equipDir = (0, 0, -1) carriable = false allowPartAttach = 2 allowStaticAttach = 0 } In my test, I'm able to take the part out of the inventory and attach it to another part, and then able to detach and grab it from that part. The problem I'm having is that I can't put it back into the inventory because the cursor (and green shadowed part) go underneath the inventory window. Am I doing something wrong, or is this a bug? Here is the log file, if needed: https://www.dropbox.com/s/0aw5flhuhtzo4dk/kis.zip?dl=0 Thanks in advance Edit: I also tested with other parts (science parts), and had the same behaviour. The kerbal was an level 5 engineer Edit 2: This seems to be the same issue as what @DragonsForce and @Geeb reported earlier
  13. Easy enough to check, Greg all the stock parts looking for Category =none
  14. The result of that issue was that there were parts with Category = none, which was causing issues. it's a stock bug
  15. Read back. I'm willing to adopt these, I love their looks. And assuming your tech tree placements are reasonable, I could just incorporate them into the mod. I've both PM'd @Sam Hall and posted a message here, haven't gotten a response yet. He is still on the forums, so I'm unwilling to do this right now, but if he just doesn't bother to respond, then I would be comfortable adopting it with the caveat that if he came back I'd be willing to turn it back over to him.
  16. I do not understand what we are talking about. Therefor, I am not going to continue this discussion. No offense meant.
  17. This is a fascinating mod. I like it a lot. I would consider adopting it, but feel I could not do it justice. I would however be willing to curate it as a community supported release if people were intrested
  18. I understand. Sorry I can't help, but you have something going on which is causing the problem.
  19. You need to figure out what is causing this. It sound like AnyRes is getting confused as to what the resolution is. This is because of that unknown shift of resolution
  20. That's what happens when you type on a phone. "mom" should be "mod"
  21. @Pak The Firespitter.dll is in two locations in the file, anyone installing by hand will have problems:  GameData/Firespitter.dll GameData/Cormorant Aeronology/Firespitter.dll If you redistribute another mod's files, you should install them in the exact same place as the original mod. For Firespitter, it should be in: GameData/Firespitter/Plugins/Firespitter.dll Also, the original post is still pointing to the old release, it took me a while to find the new one, even though the title of the post says 1.5.1, the OP links to the 1.4.5 version
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