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Bug Hunter
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Everything posted by linuxgurugamer

  1. I'm not disagreeing with you. What I'm saying is that nonprofits can have revenue as well, it's what is done with that revenue which is what is important. Also, I wonder whether Spacedock charging for access to the server would violate the rules or licenses. Charging for individual downloads, I can agree with. But having a flat monthly charge (which, BTW, isn't needed since it gets enough by donations) for some sort of improved access should be ok
  2. Depends on which version of the game you are running. Kerbal Joint Reinforcement would do what you want, but there are only unofficial releases for 1.4 and 1.5 See the thread here: Otherwise, use AutoStruts sparingly, and autostrut to grandparent
  3. Non-profits have revenue: income, especially when of a company or organization and of a substantial nature What they have if the income is greater than expenses, is a surplus, not profit. But this is semantics, I think we all understand what's being talked about
  4. Well, yes. If a mod hasn't been updated yet, you really shouldn't be reporting errors. In this case, it isn't a big issue. Either log you use, you need to provide the entire log. Posting a snippet is ok, if you think it is helpful, but you also need to provide the entire log as well, since the is info in the log which won't be in any snippit
  5. It looks like you filtered the log files into individual files. Unfortunately, this is useless. In the future, to whoever you ask for help, provide the FULL output_log.txt file, see this link on how and where to get it: Read this BEFORE asking for support: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/83212-how-to-get-support-read-first/ I'll take a look at the mod when I get around to recompiling it for 1.5.1. But this is the very first time I've heard of an issue with it. When I use it (I didn't write it), I don't change any configs, and I haven't noticed any issues. But then, I wasn't looking for any issues
  6. What do you mean by "set them to delete", it should be automatic. I need more information, please. Lets start off with a complete log file, showing the ones that weren't deleted.
  7. That option doesnt hid the toolbar, it disables JC’s toolbar functionality. I think the mod you want is QuickHide
  8. Well, let's see. Hmmmm. Oh, I see. The mod hasn't been updated for 1.5.1 yet
  9. New release, Cleaned up the code for checkMovementBounds for switching editors Removed minimal log spam; Fixed camera from being disabled after switching editor I did a special build for 1.4.5, available here (not in CKAN): https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/WasdEditorCameraContinued/releases/download/
  10. Because I maintain over 165 mods, and these are common to many of them. You only need to have one copy of each installed (the latest), and then all the other mods which need them will use it. This makes it easier to maintain all the mods
  11. So I assume that all the above messages are referring to 1.4.5? As you can see from my previous message, I think this is too good to lose, I'm hoping that @Sam Hall replies. In the meantime, if you do update it, I'd appreciate seeing the changes
  12. @Sam Hall would it be ok if I revived this mod? Seems like nice parts, and apparently people have it working in 1.5
  13. New release, 0.6.14 Fixed issue when switching editors between vab and sph, parts would jump when adding new parts
  14. I'm not sure the LOS is the right thing to get the length of. To me, the most important thing would be the minimum distance between two satellites . But, which would you prefer? The length of the LOS, or shortest distance between two nodes (ie: two satellites)
  15. With the permission of @OhioBob, BetterSRBs is now in CKAN, for KSP 1.5.1 and beyond
  16. Very interesting. Observed the ice falling off for the rocket at Ignition and for the 1st few seconds afterwards
  17. How are you starting the game? In full screen mode, windowed or with the -popupwindow option specified? What resolution was it at, and what were you changing it to? Changing resolution can be tricky, there is an endless number of ways it can be done, and some of them won't work properly I need more information to help you
  18. I can either fix the file, or do a version bump, but if I replace the file on spacedock, the md5 wil be off. Which do you suggest?
  19. New release, Rebalanced masses of fairing bases, thanks to @mihara
  20. Thanks. For the future, what will be replacing it, functionality-wise? KVV treats this as an explodable part for the diagrams it makes
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