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Everything posted by linuxgurugamer

  1. Hi, SXT has a part, Probodobodyne QUBC "Warbler", which uses the model from Squad: Squad/Parts/Electrical/radialFlatSolarPanel/model 8 times. Unfortunately, it doesn't work well since the way the ModuleDeployableSolarPanel works is that it uses a transform (raycastTransformName) to determine exposure, etc. Could some kind soul make me a new solar panel model, and duplicate it 8 times, changing the raycastTransformName and pivotName appropriately? This would be greatly appreciated both by myself and players who use this part. Thanks in advance
  2. There is a mod called BetterSRBs which you should look at, it does a better job of modeling the thrust curves of read SRBs
  3. If @hab136 doesn't update in a few days, let me know and I'll get you a replacement dll
  4. @StahnAileron I found the problem in GPO, it was a divide-by-zero. I've submitted a PR to fix it
  5. This is an informational post only I have always thought and said that a mod could not easily cause a CTD. Well, I was wrong. I got a message about a CTD when QuizTech Aeropack & GPOSpeedFuelPump were used together with a couple of parts. I was able to determine that it wasn't Quiztech, and posted a message in the GPO thread. This evening, i got the itch to look at this, I was curious what could be going on. The code was pretty simple. It turned out that the part in question was both an engine AND a fuel tank, and GPO was doing a divide-by-zero, which was causing instant CTD and CrashToSpace. For some reason, I thought that C# was a bit smarter than that. Obviously not. I submitted a PR to the maintainer with the fix, hope he gets it out soon
  6. I've submitted a PR with my fixes and a bit of optimization of some loops
  7. I did a bit of debugging, and found the problem. There was a divide by zero happening, adding a check for that solved the problem. I'll be submitting a PR to @hab136 in a little bit
  8. Oh. oops Sorry, I just saw the post in an old thread. Thank you for continuing the mod
  9. New release, Version bump for 1.5 rebuild Added more criteria, thanks @Divstator
  10. Here are the details: Good news! It's totally reproducible Bad news. Nothing to do with Quiztech, other than it has a couple of engines which also contain fuel. The engine is odd in that it also has some fuel, that is what's causing the problem. As a test, I removed the fuel from the engine, and it worked nicely after that. I suspect that the GPO is not expecting the same part to both have an engine in addition to the fuel.I haven't yet updated Quiztech to 1.5, but this part (the Twin Turbo AfterBurner) doesn't need the dependencies, so go ahead and install. I've uploaded a simple plane to KerbalX which always gets the error when you active the "Balance" option on the rear tank/engine. Test craft file here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/sydk6b5icf8te9t/GPO Test Plane.craft?dl=0 Here is a short video showing the crash: https://www.dropbox.com/s/089zqncs48mlgl3/GPO CTD.mp4?dl=1
  11. Good news! It's totally reproducible Bad news. Nothing to do with Quiztech. The engine is odd in that it also has some fuel, that is what's causing the problem. As a test, I removed the fuel from the engine, and it worked nicely after that. I suspect that the GPO is not expecting the same part to both have an engine in addition to the fuel
  12. True. I was reading on my phone, missed that. But then you have a very messy output, lots of unnecessary lines
  13. Most. But not all. There are some authors who put all their mods under a single directory in GameData
  14. Yes, you should post there, because these are just engines, doesn't make that much sense. Maybe someone there will have an idea. I won't be getting to this mod for a little while I'll look at the logfile tomorrow
  15. It happened again, and this time I have the full log: https://www.dropbox.com/s/6q1yis920ypd47c/SpeedUnitAnnex.zip?dl=0 Circumstances was entering a vessel after an EVA, at least the first one, not sure about the others
  16. I have the latest version running on 1.4.5 I was unable to reproduce it, I will try and saved the log file the next time it happens..tedy,ts
  17. would be nice to see a log file. Would also be nice to know what version of KSP you are using, and what version of the mod you are using
  18. New release, Fixed MM patch for the HullcamVDS mod
  19. New release, Fixed the KSC Launchpad Camera so it now is there Removed the obsolete impactTolerance variable Thanks to @Gordon Dry for this: patch to avoid the EVA cam to be added when the mod ThroughTheEyes is already installed. Simplified the kerbalEVA patch
  20. Nope. That the game, all this does is change the size of the explosions
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