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Bug Hunter
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Everything posted by linuxgurugamer

  1. Try reading back a page or so. It seems that @Z-Key Aerospace isn't doing too much, at least he hasn't responded here for months. However, @Warezcrawler has released an unofficial updated version which seems to fix a number of the issues, see the following post:
  2. Ignoring the fact that you didn't list ALL the mod DLLs, you should always provide a log file. In thus case, I suspect you don't have the latest version of the ToolbarController installed, that was an old bug
  3. Twy using the Advanced Fly By Wire mod, it does a better job of interfacing with joysticks
  4. I'm working on updating an old mod, NovaPunch. The mod is actually a merge of several older mods, and I'm finding that installing the whole thing (>160 parts) is rather a bit much. So I am going to set it up to install one or more submods. The issue is that all the directories are under the GameData/NovaPunch directory. What I'd like to do is filter out the specific subdirs for those sections, and then to create multiple netkans to allow them to be installed. I'm not too familiar with the filter syntax, I know that something like this: "filter" : "sourcecode" will remove any directory called sourcecode, I assume it also won't install anything under that directory. Is there a reverse filter? ie: to only install a specific directory; using the above example, I'd want a .netkan to install the GameData/sourcecode directory and nothing else. I'm guessing it's going to be "filter_regexp"?
  5. The odin and the Fraser assemblies are going to be broken out into individual sub mods. There are a couple of parts from old fairings which aren't being used for fairings anymore. I am most likely going to remove those because there are plenty of other pots with provide the minimal functionality that those have.
  6. Any chance to break the flight computer out into it's own mod?
  7. Sorry, I didn't realize you weren't the Kopernicus author. If you could do that wrapper, that would be great, I won't have time to be able to do anything like that for a while, but I should be able to drop in a couple of calls to the wrapper in my mod. Thanks
  8. I'll have to look at it, I don't think that EEx does anything special with autostruts for specific types of parts
  9. There are a number of parts that are redundant given the current stock parts. I'm planning on making them depreciated, would appreciate people's input and to what could/should be depreciated
  10. Use this one: https://spacedock.info/mod/1092/Kronal Vessel Viewer Continued/download/
  11. @AndyMt If you want to do this, take a look at Bob's Panic Box to see how to do it, or ask me for help
  12. Well, it would be nice if you posted a log file. Which version of the game are you running? and have you updated to the latest version of KVV for the game you are running? A bug release was done a few days ago to fix this very issue
  13. Not an option, it's already too heavy. I'm trying to not make assumptions (ie: assuming something is a multiplier, and how it works). For now, I have it working by copying the values from the Mk1-3 pod, and then fiddling with the values to make it work: /////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Following copied from the mk1-3 pod, and then adjusted until the pod floated properly // CoLOffset = 0.0, -0.45, 0.0 bodyLiftOnlyUnattachedLift = True bodyLiftOnlyAttachName = bottom CenterOfBuoyancy = 0.0, 0.8, 0.0 CenterOfDisplacement = 0.0, 0.3, 0.0 buoyancyUseSine = False buoyancy = 1.1 // /////////////////////////////////////////////// It seemed that dropping the CoL fixed the reentry problem, and then changing the the CenterOfDisplacement made it float a bit lower in the water. But I'd like to understand the values a bit better.
  14. Following up on this, I'm working on the old NovaPunch mod, and the Feyja Command Capsule has two problems: It doesn't reenter rear first, it tends to flip on reentry It floats too high in the water So, by looking at some of Squad's parts, I added the following: CoLOffset = 0.0, -0.45, 0.0 which seems to improve the reentry. I'm not sure why, I thought I would have had to move the CoMoffset back. But regarding the bouyancy, it's literally sitting on top of the water, what do I need to do to get it to float deeper in the water?
  15. The wiki doesn't have any info on these, and while the KSP-API pages do, they don't have any description: CenterOfBuoyancy = 0.0, 0.8, 0.0 CenterOfDisplacement = 0.0, -0.3, 0.0 buoyancyUseSine = False buoyancy = 1.1 CoMOffset = 0.0, -1.5, -0.313 CoPOffset = 0.0, -1.5, -0.313 CoLOffset = 0.0, -1.5, -0.313 While they somewhat make sense, I don't know what the CoPOffset is (of course it will be obvious, CenterOfPressure???). Is there a good explanation of these config file settings anywhere? The following two also needs some explanation, i see them in the Mk1-3 pod, but don't really know what they are for: bodyLiftOnlyUnattachedLift = True bodyLiftOnlyAttachName = bottom
  16. I contact him, he is going to update my mods, but it's not something I support (KSPIE). There was big to-do in the past year about modpacks, and how at the very least a modpack (I hesitate to call him an author) editor should at least get permission before bundling mods. The KSPIE has at least three of my mods bundled, and he never asked me permission. To say that I'm annoyed is being kind.
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