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Everything posted by linuxgurugamer

  1. I understand about 2 & 3, but would rather not add that sort of open-ended stuff. AVC was designed to work with .version files, I'd prefer to keep it that way. Extending the .version functionality seems like the best for me, and, whatever PR you do, will be gratefully accepted.
  2. What about a modular arm? I think you would need a base, and end, and two different size extensions. That way it would be available in 1.3.1, and no need for another dll @AlphaMensae Here's a picture of what I'm trying to do, figured you'd appreciate it. This monster is about 22 ktons:
  3. @AlphaMensae Not sure how doable this is, but would it be possible to make an arm that is stretchable? meaning, that I have something I want to do, but none of the arms are long enough.
  4. Not everyone uses Guthub, so 2 and 3 are out. 1 is a possibility, I need to look at the code. It's a bit convoluted, so will take a little time
  5. The snipit I gave was a "not A and not B" Yes, for your cases 1,2 3 it should be enabled and not 4. This only applies to the 1.25m tanks
  6. @AlphaMensae Here is a config for the SpaceY 7m E4 engine: @PART[SYengine7mE4] { node_stack_bottom02 = 0.0, -28, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 5 bulkheadProfiles = size1, size2, size5 } Not fully tested, but seemed to work so far
  7. Okay, but the MM snippet above would disable it if either one is installed, yes? "needs not CCC and not FTP"... should that be a | rather than a &? No, it should only be disabled if BOTH were installed, which is why I have an & The problem only happens when both are installed
  8. Looking for a GTAVailable, it's not public I'll get it all fixed New release, Fixed missing Gravity Turn toggle
  9. Latest release fixes this Edit: Working on long curved now, the mass issue was fixed
  10. New release, Added local Tweakscale config Make mass not change during scaling Added 1.875 size Added buildRelease.bat Added deploy.bat Updated Firespitter
  11. @pellinor I noticed that all the included scale types which have scaleFactors corresponding to stock sizes don't have the 1.875 size. Are you planning on adding that anytime soon?
  12. @Snark I found an incompatibility with this mod and the following: Color Coded Cans (CCC) FuelTanksPlus (FTP) It seems that this mod replaces the model for the tanks, and so does CCC, but only when FTP is installed. The end result is that the attachment points are far outside the tanks in this case. I would suggest that your changes to the stock tanks be disabled if both CCC and FTP are installed, since CCC also replaces the textures, and has more variants. The following takes care of this issue (repease on all 4 of the configs): @PART[fuelTankSmallFlat]:NEEDS[!ColorCodedCans&!FuelTanksPlus] The alternative would be to delete the file: ColorCodedCanisters-MM-FTP-size1, in order to let this mod take precedence, but then there would be no need for CCC What I don't know is about the models, is there an advantage to using the models included with this mod (ie: PortJet's revamped parts)?
  13. Some more info is needed. Log file, please, see my sig for a link about it It should
  14. Really stupid questions: Is the project net to .Net 3.5? You are compiling against the correct version of the game? You are testing the right version of the game?
  15. New release, Fixed null refs at startup/initialization
  16. New release, 1.1.5 Added Alternate skin settings Added ability to change font size
  17. I based my remarks on what I had seen in CKAN, and it was a sleepless night, so I goofed, sorry. Re. AVC, I am the current maintainer now :-)
  18. What's the success rate of Falcon 9 (ignore Falcon 1, that was a different rocket)
  19. I guess they don't bother to remember history. How many rockets blew up, crashed or exploded in the early days of spaceflight? I believe that SpaceX has had a total of 6 failures, and currently has more than 50% of the launch market. 30 launches scheduled for this year, I believe
  20. But now you're converting floats to integers, and then comparing those. Depending on how exact you want to be, this is wrong by almost any definition I can think of What's interesting is that according to Unity, vector3 comparisons using the == IS using an "approximate" method, see here: https://docs.unity3d.com/ScriptReference/Vector3-operator_eq.html Regarding the output, I suspect that if you replaced the internal output code with outputting the individual values yourself, you might see the differences. I'd use code something like the following: Vector3 v1, v2; ... if ( (Math.Abs(v1.x - v2.x) < 0.01) && (Math.Abs(v1.y - v2.y) < 0.01) && (Math.Abs(v1.z - v2.z) < 0.01) ) { ... } or if (Math.Abs(v1.magnitude - v2.magnitude) < 0.01) { ... }
  21. Which exactly are you looking to have increased?
  22. Well, it seems that blowfish creates a new .version file for each release of KSP. Which, from a user's point of view, can suck when updates are done, because AVC wasn't designed with his use case in mind. Re. CKAN, I thought that it was looking at the #vref, my mistake.
  23. That's not the way the .version is supposed to be used. There should be a single one, which can be checked to see if there are any newer updates. I understand what you are doing, but as mentioned by @Wyzard, if you aren't maintaining older versions, I fail to see any reason for this. It means that for your mods, the .version is useless for checking for newer updates, as in the case where KSP gets updated in place. It essentially negates the reason that AVC checks the web for the latest version. Now, if you were maintaining and releasing updates for older versions, then there would be some justification for it. Unfortunately, not just B9, but B9 Animation Modules and the SimpleAdjustableFairings as well
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