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Bug Hunter
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Everything posted by linuxgurugamer

  1. @JoePatrick1 is still current,wondering whether he is still modding or not
  2. New release, Updated the SDLs library Updated the SDL2 file Note: The SDL update should fix the issues with the non-us keyboards Added code to dynamically get the vectorField and floatField offsets Rewrote all event code for EVA events to use new methods of calling Repositioned the GUI.DragWindow() calls to allow full windows to be draggable Added a DragWindow to the Choose Action windows, and fixed the call to properly save the location Added OSX build Currently only available on github, I'll be updating Spacedock later today
  3. First, I need a log file. Seconds, it's not working well in 1.4 yet
  4. As listed in the OP: New Dependencies Click Through Blocker ToolbarController
  5. I have a jenkins server which builds all my mods on Linux. Ill find the commands for you, but right now the latest version in thr master branch is broken. Would be best to download the zip from the latest release on github with the source. Otherwise, wait a day or so to let me finish some bug fixes
  6. It is entirely possible that I was wrong
  7. 5m in diameter would mean it has zero gravity in the game
  8. I suggest you use Contract Configurator to do this
  9. Working on the adoption now
  10. Get further away from planetary bodies, both sides
  11. It may have been done as a result of the talks, or it may currently be a T2 issue, but ask him when it stopped, or better yet, look back in this thread to see when t stopped, and then check the take-over date
  12. Update the toolbar controller and the ClickThroughBlocker, both are needed I'll look at the log tomorrow
  13. It should be, let me know if it isn’t. It probably is only listed for 1.4.1, but it will work all the 1.4 versions
  14. Done. But thanks I have Paint Shop Pro 7 for things like that, thanks
  15. This seems to be duplicated, I'm just confirming that all 4 of these mods are required.
  16. I've identified the problems, but it's going to take a little while to fix because of the way it was coded.
  17. 32 bit is not supported. And I need to see the entire log, not just snippits That message from ToolbarController is fine, it's just a left-over debug statement What exactly were you doing with the EVA? I need specifics, please I also need the full log, the "output_log.txt"
  18. New release, Added the YongeTech_RDIconLoader.dll (was missing) Updated Jenkins
  19. 32 bit is not supported. And I need to see the entire log, not just snippits That message from ToolbarController is fine, it's just a left-over debug statement It's not going to happen. This mod is ONLY an interface to the joysticks, it doesn't and won't do anything else That's the way pitch trim works in KSP, nothing can be done about that right now Were you trying to use this EVA? Right now, that's just the way it is.
  20. Posts are tied to accounts. Delete in ng an account will mess up the database and the forums. Best thing to do is erase or put in a null address, request the sccountbame be changed. That would do it.
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