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Bug Hunter
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Everything posted by linuxgurugamer

  1. Well, there are bugs, if you aren't planning on fixing them, let me know.
  2. I've asked him if he is going to be providing continuing support and bug fixes, if not, then I'll be adopting this
  3. Are you planning on providing continuing support, including bug fixes?
  4. That's actually what the full KSP-AVC mod does Who would that be?
  5. I am aware of the problem, will be contacting other mod authors about it
  6. Just did NavHUD Kramax will be a while You are using this? Nice
  7. Because I’m not interested, because it has a very limited audience, and because I have a lot of other mods I’m working on. Besides, it appears from that video that you can do it without a mod
  8. New release, Fixed exhaust plume of RCS. This change is now using a new module RCSFX which is not available in 1.3.1 Fixed (somewhat) exhaust plume of the Service Module engine
  9. I see it :-( and it looks really strange. I suspect it's due to the new particle systems I noticed that th stock rcs is now using a different module, will have to loo at that
  10. That's not helpful. It works for me, so I need more info, and a log file For both of you, it sounds like you are missing one or both of the new dependency dependencies. I can't say any more without log files
  11. I just got a linux install working, and it's happening to me as well, including using the test dll I sent you , so no need to do the test :-(
  12. Ok, I kind of figured that, thanks. Will be waiting for the results of the 2nd, thanks
  13. Do a quick test, please, or maybe you already know the answer: Actually, two tests: First, just unlock the positin and size, and then lock it again. What happens to the cursor? Second, you will need two buttons for this. Unlock the button order, reorder them. What happens to the cursor? Then Lock the button order. What happens to the cursor? Thanks
  14. It's draggable on screen, for now, the bind keys are fixed
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