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Bug Hunter
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Everything posted by linuxgurugamer

  1. Your welcome. Sometime in the future, I may be adding a settings page where you will be able to configure the hotkeys for this, as well as a source folder
  2. Minor update, Now loads last image displayed when loading, so it can be displayed immediately when requested
  3. Thanks for adding the link. Looking forward to seeing it as you proceed. Feel free to ask for help.
  4. Not really, there is one, but it is very much a WIP
  5. Read the post right above yours. And be sure to read the whole thing
  6. Remove the dll: Kerbal Space Program\GameData\YongeTech_TechTreesPlugin\YongeTech_RDIconLoader.dll and let me know if that fixes it. but I think your problem is with TweakableEverything. You have lots of errors about being unable to load ToadicusTools,, which is odd because you seem to be running TweakableEverything 0.21.0 I'll check the release this evening, but for now, try removing it and see if it works
  7. Not in this mod, there are others which can do that.
  8. Dropbox, Google Drive, etc. Put the file there, then right-click and get the link, paste that link here.
  9. Minor update: Disabled the saving of the visible flag Changed included SpaceTux image
  10. Fixed. New release, Fixed node direction in Lightning cockpit
  11. I see two MM dlls, please find and delete the one which is called: GameData/ModuleManager.2.8.0.dll And I don't see the Yongetech dll there at all.
  12. Please post a link to the full log, a modlist is useless by itself. Thanks
  13. ETT requires Yongetech. Is it possible you have it in two places? If you installed ETT by hand, and then installed Yongetech via CKAN, you can quite possible have two copies. and yes, please provide logs
  14. I see that AutoAction is throwing errors, I wonder if that's your problem, so is Tweakscale. Try removing those two and see what happens. Other than that, you have a lot of mods installed, so make a full copy, then remove 1/2 of the mods and see if that resolves the problem, if it does, then add back 1/2 of the removed mods and try again. Repeat and rinse If removing the first half doesn't resolve the problem, then remove the other half and put the first half back. Doing this, you will be able to zero in on the bad mod fairly quickly.
  15. It sounds like a bad install, or Amy mod which was removed and not in completely. We would need to see your log file to know what is going on See my signature for a link as to how to get the log file..
  16. New release, 0.1.2: Fixed settings options Changed main window display to be paged, with 35 rows per page, for performance reasons Disabled resize of image viewer window
  17. Epstein drive is essentially a rocket with infinite fuel. then you have the timewarp problem.
  18. What you are thinking of is called the Unlicense Others which are similar are are GPL, or the CC-BY All are valid, and all will do what you want. Regarding a category, no for stock but I would suggest looking at the Community Category Kit, I've written a patch for you below which you can use (untested, but should work). You will need to create a normal (ie: unselected) and a selected icon. Two more things: First, if you can, convert the PNG files to DDS files, they load faster. Second, and this is somewhat of a personal preference. I prefer to have each part in it's own folder, not all bundled together. It makes sense to put them together ff they were all sharing the same textures, but since each seems to have it's own texture file, I'd prefer to put them serarately. @CCKExtraFilterConfig:NEEDS[CommunityCategoryKit&Kube] { Item { name = Kube tag = cck-kube normalIcon = Kube/Icons/kube_N selectedIcon = Kube/Icons/kube_S usedByMod = Kube } } @PART[kube*]:NEEDS[CommunityCategoryKit&kube] { @tags ^= :^: cck-kube : }
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