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Bug Hunter
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Everything posted by linuxgurugamer

  1. @Synthesis I spent a few minutes, try this out, it's compiled for 1.3.1: https://www.dropbox.com/s/xpjmt7hajg10fxb/IFILS.zip?dl=0
  2. Very minor update, Fixed version file
  3. Very nice. Ok, I just looked at your download, you have a couple of small problems Could you remove the space from the path name (ie: change the name to : LCA_Project), makes things easier Please add a .version file, that way CKAN and AVC can know about updates Move the VAB folder out of the GameData folder, it needs to be in Ships/VAB Here is a simple .version file, just save it in the LCA folder in a file called: LCA.version All you will need to do is update the version numbers every time you release an update. { "NAME": "LCA_Project", "VERSION": { "MAJOR": 0, "MINOR": 1, "PATCH": 0, "BUILD": 0 }, "KSP_VERSION": { "MAJOR": 1, "MINOR": 3, "PATCH": 1 } }
  4. No problem, I can do it for you, if you like. I just need your permission
  5. Ok, from what I see in the code, KSP_VERSION is not required for the min or max to work. It's optional from what I can tell, essentially you need at least one of them set. Here is the important code, it's duplicated in both the full AVC and Mini-AVC: public bool IsCompatible { get { return IsCompatibleKspVersion || ((kspVersionMin != null || kspVersionMax != null) && IsCompatibleKspVersionMin && IsCompatibleKspVersionMax); } } public bool IsCompatibleKspVersion { get { return Equals(KspVersion, actualKspVersion); } } public bool IsCompatibleKspVersionMax { get { return KspVersionMax >= actualKspVersion; } } public bool IsCompatibleKspVersionMin { get { return KspVersionMin <= actualKspVersion; } } I found the following: public bool IsUpdateAvailable { get { return this.IsProcessingComplete && this.LocalInfo.Version != null && this.RemoteInfo.Version != null && this.RemoteInfo.Version > this.LocalInfo.Version && this.RemoteInfo.IsCompatibleKspVersion && this.RemoteInfo.IsCompatibleGitHubVersion; } } which seems to indicate that the KSP_VERSION actually IS necessary. But I'm wondering if this is a bug. I'd say for now, put it back, but I'm going to contact @cybutek about it
  6. I know what it says, but I've seen cases where, when KSP_VERSION is specified, the MIN and MAX are ignored. I suppose it's possible that if the KSP_VERSION doesn't equal one of the other two, that it gets ignored. I'll have to take a dive into the code later
  7. New release, 0.0.2: Updated for KSP 1.3.1 I'll add this as an enhancement request. May be a little bit, I'm busy with updates right now Next time, ping me so I see the message
  8. New release, 1.1.2: Updated for KSP 1.3.1 It WAS dead. Now it's alive. I really have no idea, but it does need RPM to work, so probably it is.
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