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Bug Hunter
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Everything posted by linuxgurugamer

  1. Really? In that case, hold off the update for a couple of days, because there is another life support mod which I may be taking over. More like a part rather than a full mod, I'm just waiting for the author to be able to update the original thread to change the license from alright restricted to one that I can use.
  2. @JadeOfMaar I've reviving the old IFI mod, could you add compatibility for it? The revival thread is here:
  3. Possible revival of BioMass, originally written by @Roboto Original thread here: I need to fully understand how this works, it's rather complicated. I may just roll the models into the IFI mod I'm working on, which is a lot simpler.
  4. I've created a new thread for this here: There is also a new beta there with some additions Please move all discussion there.
  5. Old life support mod, originally written by @Stavell, original thread is here: https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/83019-releasev32ksp-12-interstellar-flight-inc-kerbal-life-support-mod/& Source code: https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/IFI-Life-Support License: GPLv3 Please go to this thread for the various releases: The mod now includes the models made by @Akinesis The mod also includes two different sets of greenhouses, both are using the public domain model made by @zzz I haven't yet decided on which one to use, they are both based on configs posted in the original thread. GOALS I have for my plug-in: Tracks life support use even when ships are not loaded into scene. Based on Realistic Life Support values on use and weight. based on information from Life Support Systems at wiki.org Low overhead and play-ability with KSP. Life support tracked and used on EVA. Use only one new resource to simulate O2-Food-CO2 Scrubbers and recyclers, and emergency power ( LS resource use figures in Waste recycling based on Tech tree advances) Currently the MOD is working with no game breaking bugs found yet. therealcrow999 - Thank you for contributing the nice Logo and Flag for Interstellar Flight Inc. Universal Storage - Has Created a wedge that holds Interstellar Flight Life Support Resource more info can be found here spiritplumber - Has created a Part cfg for using a greenhouse part for use with the system Can be found here Sandworm - Created Modmanager file for HGR Parts -Thread is here Akinesis - Created more tanks for use with the mod Thread is here maxrsp - Has made a video featuring IFILS, thank you. Video Here Current Working Features: Kerbal going on Eva takes Life Support from pod/vessel. Boarding a pod returns unused Life support to pod/vessel. Running out of Life Support can kill crew All pods have LS Resource and plug-in installed using Module Manager. 2 Custom parts a radial and a inline tank for Life-support resource storage. Universal Storage has created a wedge to hold Life-support giving you 3 options for extra LS storage. Plug-in Operation Info: Currently there are several Status LS system can be in: Pod Standby - No demand for LS and no resources consumed. Life Support tag for days / hours of LS remaining is hidden. Active - Demand for LS and resources consumed. Life Support tag for days / hours of LS remaining will read how long LS will last for whole vessel. Visor - Kerbal on EVA breathing outside air decreased Resource consumption. Life Support tag for days / hours of LS remaining will read how much LS remains once active again (fixing). Intake Air - Pod using air intakes to provide O2 to crew - decreased Resource consumption. Life Support tag for days / hours of LS remaining will read how much LS remains once active again. CAUTION - Less than 2 days pod or 1 hour EVA of LS remaining. Life Support tag for days / hours of LS remaining will read how long LS will last for whole vessel. Warning! - LS at 0. Kerbals will start dying if immediate action not taken. Life Support tag for days / hours of LS remaining will read 0. Each unit of Life-Support should provide 1 Kerbin Day (6 hours) of Life support for 1 Kerbal. In Career and Science game modes this goes up and down based on Tech tree. There is a settings page where this can be adjusted: LS rate per day Breathable Atmo pressure (min allowed) LS Rate adjustment when on homeworld LS Rate adjustment when on another planet with O2 LS Rate adjustment when out of EC Mod uses the time as set in settings menu so it will track 6 or 24 hour days depending on setting in main menu. Days remaining on RT click menu are accurate based on this setting. Only change in mod is that if not using kerbin time each Kerbal requires 4 units of LS per day. Screen Shots Crew Pod Life Support Eva Life Support: Parts for system Resource Life Cycle (updated)
  6. There is still a problem with loading a vessel with tanks in summetry. Easily fixed by redoing the summetry part. Im wirking pn it, but right now an busy with mod updates. I think you could add it via a MM script which targets that part directly. Thanks
  7. You aren't. You could have done it for yourself, but there is a certain base level of knowledge needed to be able to install the compiler & IDE, set up references, etc. Takes me about 5 minutes to do the rebuild and update, but for someone who doesn't know, can take a lot longer
  8. Great. Let me know when it's been updated on spacedock
  9. You should be able to use that to edit the .version file as well
  10. What do you use to edit the .cfg files?
  11. file name is "LCA.version" Here is a file I made for you: https://www.dropbox.com/s/rr4v9pfr5n9uk87/LCA.version?dl=0 How do you edit the cfg files? You can use the same editor to edit this file
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