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Bug Hunter
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Everything posted by linuxgurugamer

  1. That sounds like a KSP bug Regarding the mod, I've tried to contact @Virindi and haven't heard back. So, I'll be putting this onto my list of mods to do a recompile for 1.3.1, and eventually adopt it if he doesn't come back Totally unofficial release for KSP 1.3.1 available here: https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/Through-The-Eyes/releases/tag/
  2. I doubt there is an incompatibility. Don't forget that the ability to manipulate both ends of a strut are new. I'll look into it.
  3. Somehow the crew capacity was set to 0, I'll get it fixed and upload a new release Nothing is wrong. Let me explain This is a part which needs to be inflated in order to be occupied. Inflating in the Editor works, but doesn't allow a Kerbal to be inside. This is as designed. The editor reports the standard CrewCapacity which is 0 when deflated, and there isn't any way to show the crew capacity of a placed part However, put a command pod onto Inflato F.L.A.T and go to the launch pad, then inflate it, you will then be able to transfer the kerbal from the command pod into the Inflato, and it DOES have an IVA Since it's working, I'm not changing it, but if you feel you need a Kerbal inside, you can change the cfg file as follows: Edit the file: TokamakIndustries/parts/inflatoflat/HabitatPack_FLAT_Fix.cfg Find the line which says: CrewCapacity = 0 and change it to 1, this will allow you to put a kerbal inside while it's deflated.
  4. New release, Revert last change The problem was actually in the CKAN file, I just fixed that, give it a little time to update You might have to exit CKAN and restart it, sometimes the refresh doesn't catch these changes
  5. I always aim for a return orbit first and then reentry. generally I am for an orbit of about 70 to 100 kilometers, and then it doesn't take too much to do but into the atmosphere and land about where I want to.
  6. Drag cubes are created by the game gor all parts of the dont have them. It's not a problem, expected behavior. Regarding the non-inflation, sounds like a missing dll
  7. Did you update to 1.3.1 recently? Does it crash just when it finishes loading?
  8. Absolutely correct, thank you New release, Fixed typo in EVAFuel.cfg ( MonoPropellent should have been MonoPropellant) Thanks to @dueb for finding it
  9. Your problem is the output path is the final destination, so VS uses that as a work area. For now, just delete all the unnecessary files before zipping it up. Long term, you can look at what I do: I have a set of scripts that I use which I've uploaded to github here: https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/KSP-Build-Scripts and have a tutorial on mod adoption here: You can use these for any project, and they will produce a final, clean zip when done. If you want to give me push access to your repo, I can add this to the mod commit it for you (or I can do it as a PR if you like), then you would only have to update two lines, the folder for the final zip, and your test KSP folder let me know
  10. @HaArLiNsH You must remove all those extra DLLs from the PlugIns folder. You CANNOT have them for multiple reasons: They are copyrighted They will cause problems in the game because of duplicate dlls While I wasn't thrilled to see this other user just add it because he was "Tired of not having this in CKAN", and I expressed my displeasure on GitHub, it's acceptable, but not until the release is fixed. Let me know when it's fixed and I'll be able to commit the PR to get it into CKAN
  11. I need to see the code you have, not what you forked from
  12. There are a few. Automated Screenshots &Saves, S.A.V.E. Is another which I think can do that.
  13. A dependency is something that is needed or else a mod won't run. A recommendation is something that is very useful, but not absolutely necessary
  14. Curious as to why this is a dependency rather than a recommended mod Anyway, congrats on the release
  15. You can PM me if you want, but I would need to see the code, if its on github, send me the link
  16. TrackIR and 6DOF aren't that difficult compared to VR. They are only different control inputs. VR essentially needs to render the same entire scene two times in order to provide the 3D effect (please correct me if I'm wrong here), each view offset from the other by a certain amount. I really don't know how the VR headsets work, but my feeling is that a good VR will need something akin to a top video board in the system in order to do the rendering properly. From the game itself, it may not be that difficult, we already have the mod Through the Eyes of a Kerbal, and other camera mods which can present the same scene in different views, all thanks to modders and Unity for providing the tools. So, combining Through The Eyes with TrackIR would be a poor man's way to do VR with a cheap vr headset.
  17. Did you update the references in VS to the correct dlls? there were lots of other changes going from 1.1.3 to 1.2.2, you should checkout the notes for that time
  18. What makes you think that “all players” or even a large number of players want this removed? Have you done any surveys? Have you seen a large number of players complaining about this? Please post some links to other threads with people are complaining about this. It would be nice to know what sort of number of people would be interested in getting this removed.
  19. , make what run on a phone? KSP obviously can't, and I don't know how a VR would. You would need a really large patreon number in order to properly fund development of this, assuming it would even be possible.
  20. In general, you really shouldn't bring forward events from previous jobs. But in this case, as you say, they will most certainly find out sooner or later, so it's best to tell them up front. While it wasn't intentional the fact was that you did not have good training. And don't worry about someone showing up with a bill and a lawsuit. If they do you could turn around and counter sue for lack of training, unlawful termination Etc. I'm not saying you should sue them, I'm just saying that if they do come after you and I say they won't, then you have a very good case against them. Disclaimer: I am not a lawyer
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