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Bug Hunter
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Everything posted by linuxgurugamer

  1. What is really needed is a drag value for all three axises. That being said, I guess that when a Mach 2 spaceplane is reentering it gets more drag then a Mark 1 space plane, and therefore can slow down faster.
  2. I am not aware of a game or program with somebody feels could be improved in one form or another. That being said, that doesn't mean that the game or program is broken. The fact that you and a few others do things differently, or want to do things differently, does not mean the game or the interface is broken. The interface has main page and then a second page each page has a very specific function. I'm not disagreeing with you regarding the fact that it could be improved. However, "needing Improvement" is different from "broken". By your definition, anyone who uses mods would consider a game to be broken, because they dislike something in the way the game is working. Let's not get into a discussion about KSP in general, some people would definitely consider that the game is broken as a whole.
  3. Please define “broken”. You may not like it, but it is not broken. It works, and as far as I know has never had a problem in this area.
  4. It does make sense if you were going at right angles to the part, I suppose, but how often does someone fly a fuselage horizontally? Thanks, I just needed to be sure it wasn’t me.
  5. Can someone explain why the mk2 parts have so much more drag? And please don't say it's because of what's in the cfg file
  6. Feel free to submit a PR This mod is stable, and does enough to make things exciting. Adding failures for the sake of failures is not fun.
  7. Not out of line, I also have recommended that mod. Sounds like a better idea
  8. I actually used PP for a while, but became dissatisfied with it. Now I only use it to shrink some parts to fill in for missing parts
  9. Curious, which file are you putting your templates in? I'm wondering if I just found a bug :-) Never mind, it was a typo
  10. So what I'll probably do is add an entry to the PDPN_Settings.cfg file, which points to the folder where the templates are to be found. If it isn't there, it will continue the same as it is now
  11. A simple recompile fixes it, and all other mods which also use the stock settings.
  12. I don't quite follow. Do you mean that if a part fails with DangIt, that it would somehow notify Scrapyard?
  13. I can't remember why, but am pretty sure that template names need to be more than one character Unless you are deleting the entire folder, the configs don't go away. I'll add this as an enhancement request, though
  14. So that would be fine for the volume, up to a point, but doesn't do anything for the surface area
  15. Honesty is always appreciated. Not having it on your resume is acceptable, but you should mention it to them so that they don't get surprised if it came out. Since you have already accepted the job, you should give a call to your boss and ask to go in to talk to him before you start the job. Or, if the job has already started, ask to talk to him as quickly as possible so that they will appreciate your honesty. Be up front and forthright, and emphasize that you've learned from your mistakes. Otherwise, when they hear, and they will hear eventually, they will think you are being deceptive, which you were.
  16. It is going to be lots of fun to install this alongside of some of the simpler life support mods such as USI LS snacks and Interstellar IFI which happens to be a mod on Reviving. Having life support and health issues would go a long way to making the game very realistic and challenging.
  17. Not fully. I can get a rough number but only for things like cylinders squares Etc. What I would really like is for someone to be able to do this for any part, but this involves certain types of knowledge which I don't have. If someone would be able to get me that code, I have a mod in mind which would be able to automatically set volumes of tanks and masses of Tanks to be fully consistent no matter what mod they come from including squads. But in order to do that, I need to know the volume and surface area of the part in question.
  18. New release, Rebuild to fix install dir No code changes, the install directory got changed, this is reverting back to FuseBox
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