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Bug Hunter
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Everything posted by linuxgurugamer

  1. I have absolutely no idea, I do not use Kos. I look forward to hearing your report as to whether it works or not.
  2. You were the victim of either some windows Oddities, or an anti-virus attack. Glad that it's working for you
  3. Would be best to zip it up, copy the zip file over, and then unzip it By not running it from either the Steam folder or Program Files folder. When setting up a new install, I'll either unzip the original release file from the KSP site, or copy the Steam filder somewhere else.
  4. Not disagreeing, but until then, these are some possible solutions
  5. You can always try writing your own autopilot using KoS Try looking at Smart Parts
  6. If the game is on the desktop, or in the Programs folder, you will have problems. Also, it could be your antivirus
  7. @TheRagingIrishman Do you still have this?
  8. I wish it was that simple. Unfortunately, the file generated by spacedock rarely works, so I had to create a new one and put it into ckan.
  9. Ok, so I made my first skybox. but, I see banding once I get it into KSP, see the attached link (not posting as an image because Imgur will mess it up): https://www.dropbox.com/s/f3q3nlepuaba7n6/screenshot0.png?dl=0 This was exported from SE using 4K mode, no alpha. What did I do wrong, or, what do I need to do to fix it? Thanks
  10. New release, 0.0.7: Fixed problem where button was shown even when no patches available
  11. I just fixed the CKAN for this, the submitted file which was automatically generated had a problem. This is WONDERFUL!!!!! Thank you @Snark
  12. The Space X launch went off well this morning. So I'm sure that SpaceX is also battening down the hatches in preparation for the storm.
  13. Find a file sharing site and upload your log file. Do not embed log files in posts ,it makes things very difficult for everybody.
  14. Your correct, and I just fixed it. Now the cost is linear, but the mass is exponential (ie: squared)
  15. @NESD I've fixed the CKAN entry for this, waiting for it to get merged. In the meantime, it would be nice if you could add a .version file so that AVC can keep players updated about new versions Feel free to contact me if you have any questions about it
  16. I've recently been working on my first SSTO. Now, it's not your everyday SSTO. This one is tiny. And, it's an open-cockpit SSTO, not something you see everyday. So this got me to thinking, what's the smallest SSTO that you can make which takes off from the runway, horizontaly, with wings, which can get to orbit, and then return safely. So here is the challenge: Make the smallest winged, wheeled, SSTO that you can, get it to orbit and then return. Rules: Stock engines must be used Tweakscale can be used to make parts SMALLER, not bigger, except for crewed parts. Crewed parts cannot be made smaller Stockalike mods are allowed (ie: the open cockpit is from the MK-1 Stockalike Open Cockpit mod). No parts can be jettisoned. No solid fuel rockets. At least one kerbal MUST be on the vessel. More if you like The craft may not lose any parts in flight, no decoupling allowed. The craft must lift off horizontally, reach orbit (PE > 70,000m) and land intact (on Kerbin) ready for 'refuelling'. All fuel tanks, wings (ie lift generators & aerodynamic environments) and engine parts must be stock, for fairness. Autopilot mods are allowed No cheats, such as increasing the amount of fuel in a part using a MM script, etc. If you have a question as to whether something is a "cheat", then it probably is, but feel free to ask. Scoring Smallest ship (by weight, weight info required). Minimalist record. Largest ship (by weight, weight info required). Maximalist record. Score = PassengerModifier * (cost / (wetMass^2) * ScoreModifier wetMass is the mass of the vessel with a full fuel load in ktons Score Modifiers The landing modifiers are exclusive of each other PassengerModifier = 1 if only one crew, if more than one crew, then the PassengerModifier = (#passengers - 1)*5 ScoreModifier +1 for each minute of full-powered flight after reentry. Note that powered flight does not mean straight and level, the powered flight can be used to extend a glide If you use 1/2 power, then +0.5 for each minute of 1/2 powered flight +10 if you land it back at KSP under power +5 if you land it back at KSP under power, but damage the plane on landing +5 if you land it back at KSP with parachutes So, if you reenter too far from the space center, but still have fuel, turn on the engines and fly for as long as possible. For example, the ship that I show above has the following: Cost: 24082 Mass: 13937 Crew: 1 Flew for 12 minutes under power after reentry Landed at KSP with parachutes So, plugging in the numbers: Final score: 1 * 24082 / (13.937^2) * (12 + 5) = 2107 The entries must have: A craft name (Untitled Space Craft is not allowed) and a brief description. Craft file uploaded to KerbalX (or shared via link) Images of all relevants phases of the flight Calculated score (to 4 decimal places, please)
  17. to warp while under acceleration, you need to hold down the ALT (or modifier) key, are you doing that ?
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