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Bug Hunter
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Everything posted by linuxgurugamer

  1. Well, I just looked at this. At least right now, there are no differences between the two, other than the Changelog.txt, the README.txt, and files which are in one and not the other: From @Deimos Rast github: ToDo.txt RLA_Continued.version Only in Reconditioned version: Version/MiniAVC.xml (which should NOT be here) Version/RLA_Recontinued.version Also, this new version is not in the same format as what most mods are now doing; it is not in a GameData directory, rather, the RLA_Stockalike is the top folder in the zip file. Not a big deal, but there was no reason to change it from what the older version was already doing
  2. Link to the original thread should be Added to the OP, please
  3. I am seriously thinking of dropping this mod for several reasons: The mod was never really finished, and I'm not going to be adding anything Lack of interest on anybody's part in using it Lack of time Before I make a final decision, I'll wait to see if anyone is really using this.
  4. You aren't making sense. In your first post, you say that things aren't working. When I asked for logs, you now all of a sudden talk about crashes. I never said anything about crashes. Play a game. When you see a problem which you feel is mod released, save and exit, and then post a full description along with the log from that game.
  5. A rather useless request. This is like taking your car to the mechanic and saying "fix it" without giving any information. if nothing else, you need to provide a log file. See my sig for information on how to get it.
  6. First i've heard of it. What other mods are you using?
  7. There can be very valid reasons to not change the ownership of a thread. I have found that creating a new thread, posting a message here and politely asking the mods to lock this thread works very well.
  8. The Nerva that we all love (and the Nuclear Lightbulb from Porkjet's old mod Atomic Age) are both based on real research done in the late 50's, 60's and 70's. The goal was to replace the Saturn 1b upper stage. It was tabled both because of the change in direction of NASA, overall public fear of nuclear energy and international treaties regarding nuclear energy in space. Well, they are looking at it again. See the following, this is a current article: https://www.nasa.gov/centers/marshall/news/news/releases/2017/nasa-contracts-with-bwxt-nuclear-energy-to-advance-nuclear-thermal-propulsion-technology.html
  9. You can post MM patches if you like. And, I've been trying to get in touch with him/her for a while about these, I'd love to revive them
  10. I'm guessing it's only there once in the log. It can be ignored
  11. I run with it for hours and >200 mods with no problems. You may not see anything in the log, but that doesn't mean there isn't anything there. Please post the output_log Also, I'm wondering if you are having memory issues?
  12. If I had a nickle everytime some said this, I would be rich. It is NOT pretty simple, if it was, then DMP would work well. But there are soo many thing that can go wrong and be corrected for, it turns out to be oretty difficult.
  13. You have my blessing if you want to take it over
  14. Sine it appears that there is a 1.3 version available, could you update the OP with it?
  15. It's not bad if he can be resurrected for the hundred and 60th time
  16. If a MM file is bigger than the original config, then either it is being abused, or it's compensating for a lot of mods. KW Rocketry used to have patches upon patches before I merged them all. The nice thing is that it worked, and different people were able to do little updates for various issues. And I wasn't criticizing, was just commenting. It sounds like you have reasonable reasons to do it that way.
  17. Check to see if it's writing a cfg or xml file, if it is, delete it rather than reinstalling
  18. If everyone who ever complained about Spacedock being down contributes $1/month, the funding problems would be solved.
  19. And then when the original part is updated, for any number of reasons, your copy won't be updated. I don't understand your dislike of MM. It's used by many mods, and works very well in integrating various patches. Why not use something which most people will have anyway? Also, copying the cfg file can violate copyrigh, if you are copying, for example, a stock config. MM eliminates this problem
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