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Bug Hunter
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Everything posted by linuxgurugamer

  1. I have absolutely no idea. I would have to spend some time looking to see how KSP tracks light sources. I don't have time right now but I'll put it on the back burner.
  2. Why, when you can explore a ehole setup without knowing what is actually there?
  3. A minor update: 3.2.3: Updated patch for sidetanks with disabling fuel crossfeed
  4. Is it possible to have to connected tanks, but to disable the fuel flow between them? I know that fuel delivery can be fiddled with, but doesn't stop it entirely. For example the ship has a central tank and some outer tanks surface mounted. there are engines on both the central tank and the outer tanks The outer tanks have a built-in decoupler Staging is set up to have the inner engine fire when the outer tanks empty and are ejected What happens is that the outer tanks empty first, and when they are empty, start draining the inner tank. So I know if I put in an extra part it can be done, but would like to incorporate it into the part itself If needed I can write a module, but was wondering if it's been done already. Thanks Gaaah I think what I need is ModuleToggleCrossFeed
  5. New release, 3.2.2: Removed unnecessary directory in Extras folder Added patch to add built-in decouplers to the two side tanks
  6. There's also the mod called champagne bottle which creates random nice sounding names
  7. Here is my patch to bring the masses and volumes of the new tanks into line with stock: Dropbox link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/tzce4i72cjewtb4/VenNewPartsRebalanced.cfg?dl=0
  8. sorry, I don't' do Tweakscale. Try asking in that thread
  9. I'll probably put them up later this evening, after I've had a change to play through and validate my numbers.
  10. Log file, please. Those exceptions shouldn't be there, and are what's causing the issue. Also, are you using the latest version?
  11. Oh, sorry, I didnt know. Since I am also paid to do this sort of stuff Just curious, did the server crash, or was this a planned move?
  12. Depending on the TTL settings, it can sometimes take longer than that.
  13. A Kraken drive by definition is something that happens in a stock, unmodified game. You've modified the craft file, which makes this not-a-kraken-drive. It's very easy to modify a part or a craft file to behave in a nonsensical manner. The trick is to do it in stock.
  14. Scale values from the config files. @allista thanks. Thats pretty much what i ended up doing.
  15. I said what I did based on some evidence; first, that in this thread he merely mentioned it, and in his new thread, he specifically said There was no mention that he had contacted you. So yes, I made a conclusion which.was, based on what you just said, in error.. so, @toric5, please accept my apology for a wrong conclusion. On another note, @Ven, I have some patches which adjust the volumes and masses of the Cryo and Soft tanks to be inline with stock, based on volume calculations. Would you be interested in incorporating them into the next update?
  16. There should already have been something in the vessel modified text. Please check again and be more specific thx
  17. Be aware that Ven did a large update last night, it may already include much of what you are trying to do.
  18. I've noticed that the new tanks are rather OP when compared to stock. I'm working on a set of patches for Ven's which will adjust both the mass and volumes of the 10 new tanks, the Cryo tanks and the Soft tanks. I have it mostly done, just need to test it.
  19. In the Editor, given the PartLoader.LoadedPartsList, I can find a specific part. How can I get the x,y,z dimensions of it, everything I've tried so far still returns 0,0,0 I've tried the following: Part p = PartLoader.LoadedPartsList[desiredPart]; var v = p.partPrefab.GetModuleSize(d); Log.Info("part: " + p.name + ", height x,y,z: " + v.x.ToString() + ", " + v.y.ToString() + ", " + v.z.ToString()); and var v = p.partPrefab.prefabSize; and var v = p.partPrefab.moduleSize; Thanks in advance
  20. New release, 1.4.1: Added button to SpaceCenter screen Added sound selection to window for both descent speed and for each resource Added several sounds to the file Removed old unnecessary code Change resource saves from XML to standard .cfg file Removed options.cfg, the file can be deleted Fixed volume setting Added preview button for sound Added sound for post crash
  21. This is by snark, not by me I'm now supporting this for 1.3: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/162790-13-hanger-extender/
  22. Ok, looking at the docking ports in the editor, I saw problems with the following docking ports, Clamp-O-Tron Clamp-O-Tron Jr This patch should fix it: @PART[dockingPort2]:NEEDS[VenStockRevamp] { @node_stack_top = 0.0, 0.255, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1 } @PART[dockingPort3]:NEEDS[VenStockRevamp] { @node_stack_top = 0.0, 0.14, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1 }
  23. Well, when you can. For now, I'll take a look at the following: Clamp-O-Tron Clamp-O-Tron Docking Port Jr. Clamp-O-Tron Docking Port Sr. Clamp-O-Tron Shielded Docking Port Inline Clamp-O-Tron
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