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Bug Hunter
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Everything posted by linuxgurugamer

  1. Wrong Way Burberry gets lost and crashes into the ferry just as it touched down, destroying everything. Amazingly Burberry survived. I send a mission to rescue Burberry
  2. The Blizzy button is known, not fully implemented. Vessel modified logs are, ummm, interesting. I'll see if I can add some text. No idea about the close button, it does the same thing as clicking the toolbar button. Screenshots are being worked on. In the main window, they are editable so you can select and copy them. Fixed the text. Parts explosion/destruction are logged in the PartDied event Other suggestions have been logged, thanks
  3. Pause on flag plant fixed, 2nd one was for Crew EVA Fixed the Save screenshot as jpg Fixed typo Fixed double colon These are the messages which appear on screen during the game, separate from the log files. I'll add a tooltip to make it more obvious Thanks, have some other things to implement, will try to get out a new update later today
  4. In the main window, click the red X to delete, click the pencil to edit. You have some good ideas for future versions. I will add the ability to specify which events to log today Not sure I understand, can you be a bit more specific? Not sure if I can, but I'll look into it Future enhancement, thanks for the suggestion Far future enhancement
  5. Yes, but those fixes are for specific mods, coded directly into the mod. It somewhat inherent in the way the game was designed and developed. That being said, I would love to hear about a simple way to fix this in ALL mods
  6. @DMagic Great minds think alike. I released The Kaptain's Log on Sunday, which includes the same thing as a subset of the entire logging stuf
  7. I DID IT!!!!!! Speed run completed! 99 days, 2 hours, 6 minutes. Pics below. I just noticed the Imgur album is missing a few images at the beginning, I'll fix that tomorrow. I had a mod taking a pic every 2 minutes, I have more than 700 images to go through. Touched Eve's orbit on the way out. Ship Information Rescue 1 Vessel mass: 20144.829t TWR: 2.05 Rescue 2 Vessel Mass: 5843.95t TWR:1.29
  8. These mod do opposite things. Better Crew Assignment keeps the same kerbals in the same ships. R&R send them on vacation. Ideally the two mods should be combined. But thats not going to happen.
  9. Been to space camp. Went to Air & Space museum many times. Went to first shuttle launch. Had telescope years ago, saw mars, venus. Visited Intrepid to see Enterprise. Went to Smithsonian Institution's National Air and Space Museum, Chantilly, Virginia,
  10. To clarify, I wasn't criticizing, I was just trying to give some information based on my experience.
  11. You need a minimum of about 38000 meters per second delta-v to both go out and come back. That is assuming that you doing it in less than one kerbin year. You can obviously save some off by going directly into atmosphere and having good heat shields to slow you down. Burberry is moving at about 10,000 meters per second. Kerbin is moving about approximately 9000 m per second in the opposite direction. So that's 19,000 meters per second which you have to do two times which comes to about 38,000 meters per second. You can do it with 37000 but you have to be spot-on with your interceptions Etc. Good luck, I look forward to seeing your results.
  12. Why are you necroing a 4year old thread? This is a well known problem, there is no easy fix
  13. You are cutting it very tight to do it that way. Good luck I'm now working on a speed run. Did it in about 96 days in a test, I think i can shave somewhere between 5 and 10 days off of that. Running the mission now, with documentation.
  14. I can't EVA them because there are no crew portraits
  15. The OP says to delete MM configs if not running RO. Which MM configs need to be deleted? Also, I see that the launch tower can have quite a number of kerbals, but how are they accessed on the launch pad, other than by doing a crew transfer? Is it possible to see them doing something inside the tower?
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