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Bug Hunter
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Everything posted by linuxgurugamer

  1. Sure, but it's going to be a few weeks. I've never done a video before, so it's going to take a bit of time. Thanks Unfortunately, that launchpad is not big enough. This is a huge ship, the bridge just isn't long enough (I think, I haven't yet gotten to doing that part of the video yet)
  2. It's not that, it's that if something happens to your local setting (ie: a house fire), remote backups are untouched by local issues like that.
  3. From your log file, I see you are running KSP 1.2.0 Sorry, I can't easily support that, it's too old. Nothing obvious jumps out at me from the log file. If you are willing and able, zip up the entire KSP folder and put it somewhere I can get it. Don't post the link publicly here, send it to me via a PM, and delete it after I've downloaded it. I'm willing to take a look at it that way.
  4. If nothing elsa, use the cloud as a backup. computers do break, sometimes.
  5. Why should I add that functionality to this? As you see, All Y'All does it, so just install that
  6. Not really, I'm just making some suggestions. So, this is what you could do: At game load, scan all parts and store the part name in a dictionary if it isn't a tank. When building a craft, simply look up the part in the dictionary, if it's there, you can use it as a root.
  7. Ok, try this: A tank is something that weighs very little empty, compared to when it's full. You should be able to set up a static list in memory of all parts which aren't tanks, and just reference that.
  8. Why is it complex? Loop through all the parts, finding the heaviest one which isn't a tank.
  9. And if the heaviest part is a fuel tank, you are going to have problems when it empties out.
  10. Because sometimes autostrutting can cause problems, especially with very large parts. also, if the heaviest part is a fuel tank, then whatever is autostrutted to it will change when the tank gets empty. It can cause URDS (Unintended Rapid Disassembly Syndrome). You may want to have an option where it ignores the fuel mass when deciding what is the heaviest part.
  11. According to the OP, he used 50km/sec. Which my ship in orbit has more than that.
  12. Would it be possible to get an Airship hovering above KSC while launching a rocket?
  13. Can it be disabled? If you change the Auto strut manually, will it reset those changes or will it change the stick around?
  14. Did that 60000 meters per second include the launch or only after he gets into space? If it includes the launch, then I probably have him beat in terms of total delta-v available. The timing will be critical but I'll see what I can
  15. I think im going to use the same mission profile to see if I can do the rescue faster. Means the timing will be much tighter, but hey, why not.
  16. Finished up rescuing Burberry Kerman from his Retrograde Solar Orbig:
  17. Not mentioned, but the crew capacity was a total of 7 for this: Mk1-2 Crew Cabin: 3 Deep Freeze: 4 If needed, the Deep Freeze unit was left in orbit, so another mission to retrieve any kerbals still remaining in it could have been mounted
  18. And the tracking station shows everything, which is why you are seeing an issue. Not much can be done, it's inherent in what the mod does
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