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Bug Hunter
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Everything posted by linuxgurugamer

  1. FLASH! Read All About It! Burberry Kerman Rescued! Mission Details Duration: About 362 Kerbin days Life Support Included: USI-LS and Deep Freeze Ship Details: Two launches First launch: Propulsion and fuel Part Count: 370 Mass: 20121.62t at launch Craft file: https://kerbalx.com/linuxgurugamer/Rescue-1 Second launch: Crew cabins, Deep Freeze cabin and refueler Part Count: 208 Mass: 5847.47t at launch Craft file: https://kerbalx.com/linuxgurugamer/Rescue-2 Mod list. Keep in mind that most mods arent' needed for the mission, I have a lot in there for the video stuff I'm trying to do and nice visuals Pictures are in 3 albums Launch of Rescue 1, propulsion and fuel Launch of Rescue 2, Crew module and docking Rescue of Burberry Kerman, from orbit to splashdown
  2. It does this automatically I'll take a look at the countdown, but keep in mind, this is more for the experience than an actual countdown in seconds.
  3. Ok, here it is. The lag wasn't too bad. I did notice one thing which may or may not be relevent: I loaded up a save which had two pilots on board. The pilots are in the Mk1-2 command pod and need to go EVA to get to the freezer When I put Val into the freezer and then removed her, and got her back into the command pod, no problem. I had to put both of them in the freezer, freeze them, and then unfreeze them and get them back into the command pod. The extra white-noise pilot portrait only showed up after the 2nd pilot had reentered the command pod. https://www.dropbox.com/s/089yszerdmmln3h/outputLogWithDetailedLogging.zip?dl=0
  4. Kerbalx.com I actually want it for a short video I'm making. No need to include it in a mod, KerbalX is fine for that
  5. New release, 0.4.1: Fixed problem with toolbar button showing up multiple times
  6. Yes but not like this. The lighting Towers are only a single light and they don't move or rotate this solution was brilliant. Can you upload craft file for those lighting Rovers?
  7. Please delete all the text in that log immediately. You should not post huge files in the Forum. put the file on a file sharing site and post a link. Post that big can break the Forum software as well as browsers.
  8. I have absolutely no idea. I would need to see the output log to have any ideas to what's going on.
  9. That is part of the steam Network. There's nothing wrong if it's missing.
  10. A nice little mod which was forgotten until I needed it. Originally by @TaranisElsu, the original thread is here: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/82682-102-tac-sticky-controls-v031-24may/ The new version for KSP 1.4.1 has new dependencies New Dependencies Click Through Blocker ToolbarController CKAN has been updated to install the dependencies, if needed. Thunder Aerospace Corporation presents our latest innovation: Sticky Controls Someone -- Bill? -- got a little too excited during his last flight and spilled his drink on the control panel. Now the control stick won't return to neutral when released! The weird thing is that some pilots started saying the plane was easier to fly, so we hired an intern to spill drinks on every control panel. Through many trials and careful experiments, we have found the ideal amount to spill. Also includes some cleaner for when it is no longer desirable, like after reaching space. Having problems with this mod (or any others)? Read the [Official] How To Get Support. I cannot do much to help without log files. Features NOT ALL FEATURES ARE IMPLEMENTED YET. Each attitude control input (the WASD keys) moves the controls by a small amount and the controls do not return to neutral when released. Works kind of like trim, but more adjustable and easier to work with. May be familiar to players of the Microsoft Flight Simulator series. Fully adjustable: easy to change the amount the controls move per key press. Immediately center the controls by pressing ` (The tilde key in the top-left of US keyboards, next to the 1). Set to the current control positions by pressing Y. Useful for setting the controls to what SAS was using before turning off SAS. The idea was shamelessly stolen from Extended Trim. Toggle on/off whenever desired by pressing Alt+`. Displays a small window showing the current control positions, along with the configurable settings. Not tested with RemoteTech2 nor MechJeb. I suggest that you turn this off if using MechJeb controls, if you have no connection for RT2, or if signal delay is significant. Configurable settings: - Speed: how fast the controls move while pressing the key - Step: the minimum amount the controls are moved per key press. It also snaps the controls to multiples of this value, so larger values cause it to change in large discreet steps. - PrecisionControlsModifier: scales both Speed and Step by this amount when "precision controls" is turned on (the Caps Lock key in KSP's default key bindings). - Minimum Time: the time in seconds a key has to be held down in order for the controls to move more than a single step. - Exponent: larger values make the controls move much faster when holding a key down longer. When set to 1, the controls move the same amount per unit of time regardless of how long the key has been held down. - Position Dead Zone: controls the dead zone around zero where the controls have no effect. - Position Exponent: larger values make it so controls have less effect when near zero and a much larger effect when farther from zero. - ZeroControlsKey: the key bound to zeroing the controls. The default is 'z'. Note that toggling on/off is always Alt plus this key - SetControlsKey: the key bound to using the current control positions. The default is 'y'. License Apache License Version 2.0 Download the latest version. Spacedock: https://spacedock.info/mod/1473/Tac Sticky Controls Source: https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/TacStickyControls
  11. Speaking as a mod author, that would be very painful. And you are correct, you did not say unplayable. I'm just a bit frustrated by people who constantly complain about bugs, both real and imagined
  12. Is it really that unplayable? which would you prefer, several small patches, each only fixiing a single thing, and also inadvertently liquiding off mod authors with a plethora of minor releases, or a single larger patch? if the game was unplayable, I would be able to understand your frustration. But it is playable. You have your choice of playing 1.2.2 or 1.3 I'm actually playing both, and have no significant issues beyond what the mods cause
  13. and for everyone else, it was a version to make it accessible in their native language. English speakers (of which I am one) aren't the entire world. I still see progress (although I did just open a bug report)
  14. I have a config value which goes between 0.025f and 2.0f. Problem is that the CustomFloatParameterUI is still broken from 1.2. @nightingale said it would be fixed in 1.3 in this post: but it hasn't been. The following code in a settings page doesn't work, the value goes in steps from 0 to 1 to 2. I can use the old workaround listed in the above post, but it doesn't look good at all [GameParameters.CustomFloatParameterUI("Speed", minValue = .025f, maxValue = 2f, asPercentage = false, toolTip = "How fast the controls move while pressing the key")] public double Speed = 1f; What I have to do instead is this (again, from the above post): public float Speed = 1f; [GameParameters.CustomFloatParameterUI("Speed", minValue = 25f, maxValue = 200f, toolTip = "How fast the controls move while pressing the key")] public float speed { get { return Speed * 100; } set { Speed = value / 100f; } } but now it looks really bad in the UI, because the speed is shown a a number of 25 to 200, rather than 0.025 to 2 Any comments? I just added this to the bug tracker: http://bugs.kerbalspaceprogram.com/issues/15699 Edit: The "asPercentage" option didn't do anything, I tried it both with and without.I also tried setting the "stepCount", but that didn't seem to do anything either
  15. While it may seem like nothing to you, the localization was a huge project. Yes, to someone who speaks english, it may not seem like much, but believe me, from an internal point of view, it is. Why do you think they are not fixing bugs? Every week I read about more bugs begin fixed, QA testing, etc. Yes, the consoles may have been a letdown, but that is only one thing.
  16. I know that :-) I was wondering if there was anything I could do to help. I know it's not finished, just was offering to help with any coding or debugging if you needed any
  17. Seeing that I would like to use this in my new 1.3 game I am setting up, is there anything I can do to help you get it fully 1.3 ready? Feel free to PM me with any information which would help me help you.
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